Sunday, December 11, 2022

Donald t-RUMP-Ass-aurus Declares Himself The Christmas Messiah


The once known GOP train, but now known as the Trump American Nazi Party, is getting derailed. We have Eerie Eric t-RUMP wanting us to believe that Fat Daddy is nothing but a savior for religious freedom. He believes that his grifting daddy and super duper liar of a role model saved religious freedom, whatever that actually means. He believes that Barack Obama took it away from us. Fat Daddy said on a Christian propaganda broadcast that America was losing religious liberty under Obama. 

What is he talking about? More babbling from the lips of a crazy psychopath!! Donnie Dumbass believes that until he came along, people became more secure in wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Did his Magic 8 Ball toy tell him this? “Oh Magic 8 Ball, did I bring back religious liberty to the country?” He then shakes the ball and in the magic window the answer “Yes” appears. Then he realized he is the Son of God!! From a Godless person, Donald believes he is the Son of God’s doppelgänger. 

In an interview, Eerie Eric said of his insane daddy, I'm not sure if, you know, organized religion would not be what it is right now, um, if it wasn't for Donald Trump. And he made, you know, a lot of people are, 'well is he a religious guy?' Yeah he's a religious guy. He might not have worn it on his shirt sleeve the way that certain politicians do, often times, unfortunately – and I have to say this sounds terrible – but, for votes.”  The fact is Donald is anti-religious in spite of his stunt where he stood before a boarded up church in Washington after blowing through a park with protesters quietly holding up with his Nazi brigade of stormtroopers in order to hold up someone else’s Bible upside down.

Eric could not stop his insane delusional monologue. He then said, "there's probably no one who's done more for religious freedom than" daddy. Eric’s own mental illness came into play when he forgot that straight jacket Donnie  privately ridiculed Christiansreferred to Muslims as terrorists, and spread stereotypes about Jews as was pointed out by Brandon Gage for Salon.

Since Dumbass Donald loves all the crazies, he hosted a bunch of them at his shuffle board club, Grift-alota-Lago, for a Q’Anon fundraiser. Hunter reported for the Daily Kos that Duh’Fuhrer Donald has been playing social butterfly at the club most of his waking hours. It’s all about the con and being the center of attention as cameras flash photos of him with whomever he is trying to put a grift on. 

Tuesday night is typically reserved for Trump Blowhard Bingo, but on this one particular Tuesday he hosted a Q’ie fundraiser that was raising cash for a fake news documentary about sex trafficking. Lizzie Crokin, or should we say Lizzie’s uh’Croakin’, the star that evening’s who spent her time drooling over the topic of that infamous Pizzagate fiasco of a story, and her make-believe fantasy that in the basement of a Washington D.C pizza shop was a child sex trafficking ring eating strombolis. These insane sociopaths bow at the feet of their Fuhrer.

Croakin’ got all excited when she spoke about her group’s mission to fight against “child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago.” Hosting Nazis and White Supremacists isn’t enough excitement for the club of shuffle boarders? They needed to bring in even more conspiracy theorists to titillate the voting base with “child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago. “

Read the piece here. It is a good one.

There is danger brewing in the nation’s capital. Congress decided to shield judges from transparency. They added a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act called the Judicial Security and Privacy provision. Basically this is a firewall between the American people and themselves. It shields information involving family members from US! It protects their emails, bank accounts, license plates, S.S. numbers, addresses and much more. So what is the impact? Well, people who engage in collusion with public officials to steal elections, and assist in the planning of a coup plot, such as Ginni Thomas, are shielded. The bill does allow for entities “(e)ngaging in reporting, news-gathering, speaking, or other activities intended to inform the public on matters of public interest or public concern.” 

The hits keep on coming from America’s most dysfunctional and mentally ill family and that would be the t-RUMPs. Eerie Eric admitted on the podcast interview discussed in the last Substack entry how screwed up of a father he is. He makes his pre-school aged kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Then he forces them into rigorous daily routines. One can only image psycho dad having his kids spit polish his stormtrooper boots. He follows up with mandatory prayer. This sounds like he has his own personal cult. This all begins at 4:30 in the morning and again at 7:45 in the evening. If he is away, then he does it on FaceTime. He is a very sick and perverted person. He said that “I live a clean and positive life.” Well freaky Eric, you and your family are grifting thieves. You are a crime family and you don’t lead a clean and positive life but a sick and perverted one. And, don’t forget that your so-called charity for kids with cancer is your own personal slush fund. You took the donations and used it for golf back in 2017. He forgot about that one.

"According to IRS filings, the Eric Trump Foundation in 2012 spent $59,085 on its annual Golf Invitational fundraiser held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York -- money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Those expenses ballooned to $230,080 in 2013 and to $242,294 in 2014, according to the filings," ABC News noted at the time.

Here is how AlterNet’s Brandon Gage summed it up:

The more someone publicly declares their piety, the more certain they are not pious.

Is that before or after he steals money from children with cancer?

'Then I go steal from kids cancer charities and rip off the public with my tax scamming family business, The Trump Organization.'

Then…. at 6:45am every morning, Lara and I have a planning session on what charity we can steal from next… Then.. we pray again that nobody finds out.

This is just creepy. Can you imagine your dad waking you up for kindergarten at 4:30 AM to say the Pledge and Lord’s Prayer? No, please, Daddy, GO AWAY! You’re scaring me!

“Bless us O’Donald, For these thy grifts, Which we are about to receive, From thy bounty, Through daddy our fraud, Amen.” - The Trump Family Prayer

This is what has become of the once known GOP. A party of sick, sanctimonious sociopaths. Kari Lake is just another example. She is proclaiming that she is the rightful winner of the Arizona governor’s race. She is demanding that she be installed as the real governor. What is wrong with Arizona voters, anyway? It must be the heat and the toxic drinking water. 

Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema is now starring in her own remake film. It is called “How To Be An Attention-Seeking Hog.” Now that Senator Warnock has stolen the limelight away from this self-proclaimed fake maverick, she has decided to leave the Democratic Party and go Independent. Her Declaration for Independence speech was nauseating. She actually said that she works for the people, when in fact she does NOT. She works for Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Corp. She ignores the needs of the working people of Arizona. She supported big tax cuts for the richest among us, and ignored giving that socialistic benefit to her real constituents. She is storing a large bank account because she will be getting “primaried” in two years. 

The sickness of fascism is not getting pried away from the hands of Paullie Gosar, also from Arizona. He loves Duh’Fuhrer’s idea of terminating the U.S Constitution so a new one can be made in the image of fascism. One look at the guy and he looks like he has been taken over by a vile demon.

The “Twitter Files” reporting that people within the company were content moderating Team Trump’s propaganda has been reported on my Matt Taibbi and Elon Musk-Ox. These two are trying to make a triple cheeseburger out of thin air. Team Trump had been going after Hunter Biden, who by the way, is just a private sector schmuck and who had stuff hiijacked and published off of his laptop after he took it to another schmuck to get repaired. REALLY—WHO CARES!!! Taibbi seems to have forgotten that Twitter was at the time of the election a private company that made its own policy decisions. 

More importantly, Ginni Thomas, a traitor, along with her creepy Supreme Court Justice traitor husband, were involved in a coup plot to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. And, has Taibbi forgotten about the endless spewing of propaganda, conspiracies, lies and the allegiance to fascism by Fochs Snooze hosts, which is far more relevant to our democracy than Twitter moderating the content based upon their protocols and the deletion of stuff on Hunter Biden’s laptop during the last presidential election. Taibbi, at one time, cared about uncovering real important stories.

“After the first Twitter files dump, Mediaite founder Dan Abrams 

told Colby Hall that “It is stunning that with access to all the internal e-mails at Twitter that they don’t have a single smoking gun that implicates a government leader or even any campaign in wrongdoing. Even before Musk’s characterization of what was there, I expected there would be something more damning. . . from someone relevant.””

One has to ask, ‘So Matt, where’s the beef?’  ‘Have you been scammed by Elon.

Duh’Fuhrer’s legal team seems to be in a heap of trouble because they did not appoint a person to manage their client’s ConfidentialFileGate problem. Because they couldn’t find anyone to lead that problem, they will be seen as the team that couldn’t sign off on whether all the missing files their client had stolen had been returned to the government. None of Trump’s attorneys were able to trust what their client has told them about the location of the missing files or whether they had all been returned. No one on the legal team wants to ruffle Grift-Alota-Lago Big Bird’s feathers when it comes to getting the truth out of him.

Duh’Fuhrer had been too busy hosting parties for Nazis and crazy people. In the wake of the YeeYee-WeeWee West and Nicky Fuentes Nazi fun fair, the t-RUMP-Ass-aurus continues to blame Jewish people for his problems. He came out and said that the Jewish community should be “ashamed for their disloyalty” to him because he has been the only president to ever give so much attention to Israel. He is basically calling himself the Messiah. And the Jews should realize this amazing and YUUGE revelation.

WOW!! Who knew?

To further detail t-RUMP’s insanity, he went all off on Bill Clinton for keeping tapes in his sock drawer, of which he did turn over to the government. Donald felt he had been targeted for stealing thousands of pages of government documents all the while Bill kept recording tapes in his sock drawer, which were later found to be Bill’s personal recordings and not government stuff. This could be compared to Donald having magazine covers and pictures of his favorite wrestlers all mixed in with confidential files. The government didn’t want his magazine clippings, since they were just his own idiotic and childish collection of stupid stuff.

Here is some good news about Rudy ‘Ghouliani’, New York University in Syracuse is strongly considering revoking the honorary doctor of law degree they gave him in 1989. He has already had his law license suspended by the state of New York. This would free Rudy up for other things, such as go into hiding.

The Trump American Nazi Party members and foot soldiers seem to falling off Trumpty Dumpty’s wall.

Here is a list of books focused on Duh’Fuhrer released this year.

Now that we have arrived into Winter, remember to take vitamin D. 

Also green tea and resveratrol, as well as turmeric/cumcumin can help to reduce brain sticky beta amyloid plagues, which is found to cause dementia/Alzheimer’s.

To keep one’s brain healthy, try doing crossword and/or word puzzles.

Here is inspiration to engage in physical fitness. An 86 year old bodybuilder tells the story.

Here is a five minute workout.