Friday, July 16, 2021

An Open Letter To Democratic Party Senators

 Here is a letter you could copy and paste to your preferred Congressman. This letter was sent to Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey.

July 15, 2021

Dear Senator Casey,

Please speak with President Biden and suggest that he hit the Republicans even harder. We don’t have anytime to waste. Time is running out. 

He should tell the American people that the high price for the infrastructure bill is a result of the last administration’s failure to fund any meaningful infrastructure projects other than his border wall project. The reason for helping American families is because the last administration failed to take the deadly pandemic seriously.  Had they pushed for testing, tracking, mask wearing, physical distancing and hand washing we would have likely been able to keep the economy open, people employed and businesses from closing as other nations had done; but, they were more afraid of the fear factor optics had they addressed the seriousness of this pandemic. Therefore, it spiraled down into a deadly disaster. The last administration put politics ahead of public health.

The former president publicly spent his time suggesting that injecting disinfectant into the body in order to flush out virus or to use bright lights that would be shined into the body as another potential fake cure; but instead, Donald Trump and his wife secretly got vaccinated. Since then, they have been silent to tell everyone who can get the shot get the shot.

Inflation is occurring as a result of the way the last administration failed to get the pandemic under control resulting in job losses and business closings. In addition, supply chain disruptions are also a component of the inflation factors due to the pandemic being a worldwide issue because of countries unable to vaccinate their populations.

South Korea, for example, had kept their infection rate down because the people followed safety protocols until they got complacent, which resulted in a spike in the infection rate. This is now happening in the United States as the Delta variant infects people in states, such as Arkansas, where vaccination rates are very low for various reasons originating from the previous administration’s Big Lie about the pandemic, such as the vaccine contains microchips to spy on people, or the virus is a hoax, which is an absurd claim by Trump supporting propagandists. Tucker Carlson has said, “Maybe the vaccines don’t work”, or from the mouth of Neo-Nazi Ann Coulter, “vaccinations are not democratic and violate our freedoms.”

We have taken this viral contagion very seriously; we have taken the financial suffering of small businesses and the needs of working people very seriously. We need to bring the economy back even better than it was. And we can do it if only the Republicans would get on board, which would be in YOUR best interests.

The perpetuation of the Big Lie proclaiming that the election was stolen is eroding our nation’s precious democracy and freedoms by suppressing our voting rights and disenfranchising voters without any proof that there was widespread voter fraud and ballot fraud. The claim that Republicans want to preserve the integrity of our voting process intact is part of the Big Lie.

The Reichwing in the Congress dismissed, as did Trump, that Putin worked hard at getting Trump elected, while today, protesters raise their voices on the streets of Moscow. Putin said regarding these protesting voices that he “must protect Russia from foreign influences.” Yet, he decided to interfere in our politics. An article in The Guardian titled “Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in the White House,” dated July 15, 2021, written by Luke Harding, Julian Borger, and Dan Sabbagh uncovered through information leaked to them that Putin organized three spy agencies to do what it takes to influence the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. Putin realized and said that Trump was a “mentally unstable, impulsive and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex.” The article stated there was “apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possessed potentially compromising materials…from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory.”’ The reason for his efforts was to get Trump to loosen the sanctions the United States imposed on his country. He felt he had leverage over Trump because of “compromising materials.”

We do not encourage military coups, as was attempted on January 6. General Mark Milley said, “The Nazis aren’t getting in.” And, he was right. He saw that Trump was not unlike Hitler, as were his allies in the Congress and in state governments. Trump’s America First proclamation going back to 2016 was straight out of the America First Committee dogma dating back to the 1930-1940s, which believed in White Supremacy/Nationalism and did not find Nazism abhorrent or antithetical to democracy. Trump embraced this belief. Even his first book was published by the late William Regnery III’s fascist publishing company. Regnery funded Neo-Nazi groups in the United States and embraced people like Steve Bannon and Breitbart, which were supporters, allies and consultants to Trump. Stephen Miller was a friend of Regnery. We as a nation don’t condone a political uprising to destroy a legitimate election and its results because there are unhappy voters. A make-believe life is acceptable for children, but for adults.

As a result of Trump’s America First embrace, he has created the cult, which could be called the Trump American Neo-Nazi Party. The MAGA-T-rumpsters in Congress and in state governments have joined the cult. Now Congresspersons Greene and Gaetz, along with Gohmert and others hiding in the background have created an America First Caucus to embrace Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy.

Why are these Congressional Nazi cult followers of Trump pretending to love Trump so much? Trump is a washed up two-bit grifting wannabe crime boss who is trying so desperately to hold on to his make-believe, fantastical criminal organization. Aging mythical crime bosses of the 1930s and 40s who reached the end of their stranglehold over their organizations inevitably knew that younger and more aspiring dangerous underbosses were out to topple the kingpin and take over the organization. 

This is where Trump is now. There are ass-kissers, such as Kevin McCarthy, who appears to be a Trump lieutenant wanting stay in his good graces by traveling to the crime boss’s compound to kiss the ring. But then, there are others who appeared at CPAC who are working to depose Trump and take over his criminally political Neo-Nazi organization, which is still called the Republican Party, but is actually called the Trump American Neo-Nazi Party, such as Governors Kristi Noem and Ron DeSantis.

Trump is desperately trying to hold on to his power not realizing that his days as the party’s dictator maybe running out.