Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Putin Is A War Criminal--What Does That Say About Many In The GOP?

(Introduction followed by a line of asterisks will begin the feature story. After each Blogpost, you will find UPDATES, which will bring the Blogpost up-to-date detailing these MAGATS -Make America Great TrumpieS.)


It is about time!!! The old school Republicans are finally, FINALLY, calling out these Trump American Neo-Nazi Party (TANNP) supporters as "FASCISTS!" FASCISTS they are! Trump is a Nazi, as well as those who filled those supporting roles around him. Now we have members of Congress standing in lock step with Da'Fuhrer. It's taken 4-1/2 years to finally stop pretending and call out these Republican Neo-Nazis for who they are.


                        Malcolm Nance speaks about how Putin turns 
                    American citizens into his Idiot Assets, including Trump


                 The real pandemic are people wanting to vote

The Republican Party, as it once was known, has become the Re-Q-Publican Party. It no longer holds any of their long abandoned former values that they once based their political campaigns on, such as, family values, honesty, fiscal responsibility, and honoring the U.S. Constitution. That has disappeared. The Re-Quack-Publican Party has turned into a party of conspiracies, and Russian Idiot Assets who now unwittingly answer to Vladimir Putin, along with waving their flags of hate, violence, and predatory values. Putin had a great deal at stake by having tRUMP in the Oval Office. The Cretin did Putin's bidding. Now, an intelligence report has been released saying that Putin had been involved with a massive 2020 propaganda messaging assault against Biden and used his Russian Idiot Assets who surrounded tRUMP to get his attacks done. These Idiot Assets no longer can pretend to adhere to any sort of Christian values, either. They have bowed down to an evil wannabe fascist dictator, who traffics in lies, and has incited violence, racial division, and hate. They allowed their wannabe fascist dictator to draw from Hitler's playbook for four years, and now, they continue to quake at the very sound of his name, while he rides around on a golf cart day in and day out chasing after his balls. They are so afraid of standing on their own merits and strengths, because they have none. Instead, they kiss his ring and perpetuate his delusional fantasies that he was cheated out of a second term as the nation's Idiot-in-Chief. This Blogspot will give his Re-Quack-Publican followers in Congress the very special Nitwit Award to recognize their foolhardiness; their hate; their racism; their incompetence and their willingness to trade our democracy for a Russian style fascism.

Here it is everyone, Malcolm Nance ("Plot To Destroy America") was right, Trump IS a Russian Idiot Asset and was recruited, without him even realizing it back in the 1980s after marrying Ivana Zelnickova. In the book is about a former KGB operative, Yuri Shvets, "American Kompromat", by Craig Unger. He details Trump's 40 years as an Idiot Asset and his relationships with Russian operatives in the United States and in Russia. 

Here is the link.  And, another link. 

Fordham University School of Law wrote a proposal about how we have experienced our first president who was a national security threat. You can find the link above. It is called "What Should Presidential Candidates Tell Us About themselves?"

Shvets' book is called "Washington Station: My Life as a KBG Spy."

Joe Scarborough from MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program goes after Republicans. He went after the lying hypocrites, such as these likely Russian Idiot Assets, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, and the others who are supporting treasonous support of an insurrection. 

See it here.

Briana Keiler of CNN goes after Cruz for his involvement in domestic terrorism and a failed coup. 

See it here.

Dr. Irene Butter, speaks about being a victim of the Nazis. "I witnessed the rise of Nazism firsthand. We must act now to protect our American democracy." She is a Holocaust survivor. "Now, 75 years later, I see something I never imagined: echoes of the Nazis and their regime. What happened in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, was an attempted coup of our government and an unraveling of the democracy that protects all of our rights. I saw a T-shirt with the words "Camp Auschwitz," as well as other anti-Semitic symbols and slogans used by the rioters."


 Did the Trump Virus originate from a lab in Wuhan China? And, what are the implications of such a lab designed virus?


George Carlin shows us just how stupid Donald Trump really is

Here are Trump's final words to his terrorist thugs which continued to instill anger, lies, along with his delusional reality.

"We're going to the Capital and if we fight like hell, if you don't fight like hell, you'll not have a country anymore. We'll never give up, we'll never give in." He kept telling them he had the election stolen from him; that he loves them and they are very special; that he wants peace and they need to go home given several hours after the attempted assault and insurrection against our government, as he watched from the safety of his "command post tent" celebrating with his family and Brownshirts. In other words, he told his mobster thugs that they did their damage, made their point, all in his name, and now he thanks them for their loyalty by following his orders to engage in sedition.

Trump continues to call himself "The 45th President of the United States". He doesn't refer to himself as former President Trump. He believes he still is president. He uses the letterhead stationary he used while in the White House. Yet, he has told his impeachment trial defense attorneys that because he no longer is president, he cannot be convicted through the Senate's trial. MAGATraitor Donnie, you cannot have it both ways!

Here is what Trump said several hours after the assault on our democracy at the Capital building:

"I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. These are the things that happened."

"It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace."

He said, "You see the other ways others are treated that are so bad and so evil." Donald Trump summed up his presidency in just one sentence. And, his crime syndicate: from Congress on down to the brainwashed housewife and husband are all included in the way others have been treated through their bad and evil actions.

Donald Trump has been the crime boss for violent, angry, criminals, such as The Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois, The Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, The Three-Percenters, Russian Idiot Assets (such as the woman who stole Pelosi's laptop in order to sell it to a Russian) White Supremacists, and Q'Anoners, along with the Re-Quack-Publicans in Congress. Those in Congress are those working for those above from the "inside". We can list the Congressional insurrectionists who are bigots, racists, Idiot Russian Assets, anti-Semites, Theo-fascists, anti-Americans, anti-democrats, and Nitwits: Hawley, Cruz, Greene, Cawthorn, Graham, and the list can go on and on.

The Reichwing is so upset and freaked out that Biden and his team are actually accomplishing positive change for EVERYONE IN AMERICA, not just the Neo-Nazis that follow their cult leader-Fuhrer Trump. 

Brianna Keilar, of CNN, calls them out in this video. See it here.

There will updates on some or all of these Nitwit Award winners, since they cannot stop being Nitwits on a daily basis. There are some Nitwits who are continuing to financially support their death cult leader by hosting high cost fundraisers at his Palace of Perversion called Mar-A-Lago. Read more here.


Reasonable Americans have had enough with the CONgressional traitors, including Duh’Fuhrer Trump,  who have been waving the Adolf Putin MRGA-Make Russia Great Again—red hats. One must wonder if Trump passed out these red hats to his Brownshirts in the Congress. These despicable MAGATraitorS have abandoned democracy and their moral code here in the United States, and around the world. Trump cheers. Lauren Bimbo Boebert cheers. Paul Da’Goat Gosar cheers. Ronnie Jonnie’s Johnson cheers. Margie Taylor Greenie Greene cheers. Tucker Carlson cheers.(There are rumors that Tucker Carlson is getting Putin intel directly from those associated with Putin, according to Ann Applebaum author and journalist.) Laura Ingraham cheers, who is a key figure in spreading Russian-Putin propaganda, also according to Ann Applebaum. These and many others are being seen as haters of democracy and have shown us all what side they are on. The side of fascism and authoritarianism. They don’t believe in democracy. They seem to support the crushing of Ukraine’s belief in democracy.

Protesters from around the world are rallying against Putin’s fascist-Nazi style attack against Ukraine. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Lil’Kim Jong Un, and Pol Pot have been known as the most evil murderous dictators of recent past. And now, Vladimir Putin has joined that list. 

Just because you don’t like your next door neighbor, who minds his own business, and bothers no-one, you don’t have to run him over!! 

Senator Ron Jerk-face Johnson has decided to point his dirty finger at Democrats and Nancy Pelosi for the Ukraine invasion. He seems to have forgotten that Duh’Fuhrer Trump held back $400M Congressionally approved money allowing Ukraine to buy weapons and military vehicles in order to build up their army. Trump pouted because he could not bribe President Zelensky into giving the Toddler-in-Chief dirty on Hunter Biden. In fact, Johnson is to blame for this invasion by the Russian military because he is part of Trump’s American Neo-Nazi Party. Johnson said this moronic statement,

 “I don’t think Vladimir Putin would have moved on Ukraine were it not for the weakness displayed ― certainly by the Biden administration, but by the West in general.” 

Johnson blamed the impeachment hearings for exposing America’s political weaknesses to Putin, yet, he wanted to forget that Trump was a YUUGE fan of Putin; and, no doubt in private, gave Vlad those famous shirtless back rubs he so loved. Trump repeatedly said that he didn’t blame Vlad for any issues surrounding foreign interference in the 2016 presidential election and that he believed Vlad when he told him that he had nothing to do with election tampering.

Fiona Hill, the former senior director for Europe and Russia at the United States National Security Council, recalled when Trump met with Putin in 2018 during the Helsinki summit, during what might have been their last in person meeting together, gave Trump a warning that he might use the nuclear option during the next conflict. Putin told the idiot Trump that he has hypersonic missiles and would use them, if necessary. No doubt, as a “peacekeeping mission.” Putin tells his people that he has invaded Ukraine as a peacekeeping mission. Then Trump, in true form as the school yard nitwit, told Vlad, ‘well, if you have them, then I will get some, too.’ Then Putin answered, ‘Well Donald, I now already have them!’ Fioni Hill said that Trump didn’t understand what Putin told him. That must have been above Donald’s level of comprehension and cognitive understanding. Trump, in true nitwit form, didn’t comprehend the meaning of what a nuclear option meant.

Senator Mitt Romney said this in response to Johnson’s stupidity, “There are many people who would like to ignore that…This was Zelensky, now a world hero, asking for weapons. And it was an American president slow-walking the provision of those weapons.”

Lauren Bimbo Boebert continues to show her passion for being stupid. The TANNP—Party of Trump, formerly known as Republicans, are proud to elect the dumbest Americans they can scrap up out of the manure pile to represent them in government. She is supporting a Russian style take over of the U.S and Canadian governments. She believes that COVID restrictions and related rules are the same thing as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. COVID restrictions and rules are equal to the destruction of a neighboring country’s democracy in the mind of “the bimbo.” She called Justin Trudeau a tyrant. She yearns for the return of her very special tyrant Trump instead of Biden, who she sees as weak.

                              Let's add Elise Stefanik to the show

As Trump’s American Neo-Nazi Party hate groups embolden themselves, Governor Ron Mini-Me DeSantis stayed silent when a group of Trump/DeSantis Neo-Nazis rallied in Orlando, Florida. It took Ronnie days before he came out condemning the rally. He said that it was a “Democratic stunt” to embarrass him. These anti-Semitic fascists waved Nazi flags and chanted anti-Jewish slurs, while DeSantis’ spokesperson said, “Do we even know they’re Nazis?”  So Christina (Pushaw), what would it take to convince you that these people were, in fact, Nazis?

On Twitter, the hacking group called “Anonymous” warned Putin in a chilling announcement that hackers around the world will be targeting Russia and its infrastructure as a result of “Putler’s” (Putin +Hitler=Putler) invasion of Ukraine.


The worldwide squeeze on Putin is growing. Financial pressures against Russian banks and those state sponsored oligarch off-shore investments are getting squeezed. Allies of Ukraine are now using their own air forces to keep Russian planes out of their own air spaces. The Russian Ruble is crashing by the hour and the day. It is virtually becoming worthless. 

Delusional Donnie is now saying that he was the glue that held NATO together. Have you stopped laughing yet? Trump repeatedly praised and favored Putin and their personal allegiance over America’s loyalty to NATO allies. Dimwitted Donald said this,

I hope everyone is able to remember that it was me, as President of the United States, that got delinquent NATO members to start paying their dues, which amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars. There would be no NATO if I didn’t act strongly and swiftly. Also, it was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets. Let History so note!” 

Alexander Vindman hit back with this, 

It was trump that undermine U.S. national security & froze military assistance to Ukraine, leaving that lion of a nation, vulnerable to attack. It was Trump’s attacks on NATO that encouraged Putin to believe NATO was fragile.” “It was Trumps actions, even within the past few days that undermined President Biden’s effort to avoid this war. Trump has blood on his hands. Trump dug his own political grave with his corruption, efforts to undermine U.S. national security, & support for petty tyrants.” 

The Party of Trump’s theme song:


           To Russia With Love

Howard Stern said on his radio show regarding the Reichwing supporters of Putin, “Putin is a human stain. He is a worthless human being, and I wish Republicans and Democrats would get together with that message.” “Don’t say what a genius he is. He’s not a genius. He’s a thug. He’s a bully.” “I voted for many Republicans. I don’t see how I’ll ever get back to that,” Stern said. “They’ve just totally disappointed me and their support of Vladimir Putin, the praise they heap on him. Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin. This guy’s a f****** animal. I wish he was dead like I wish Hitler was dead.”

“It’s time for this country to at least have a unified message about democracy and freedom,” he said. “I’m sick and tired of the f****** nightmare that’s going on with people defending Vladimir Putin. I never thought I’d live long enough to see it.” 

Stern has spoken for a great many of us. It is time to call out the once known Republican Party for what they are—fascists and haters of democracy. This observation became very clear during Biden’s State Of The Union address. The bimbo members of the New Congressional Three Stooges Caucus decided to heckle from the Peanut Gallery. They were like the two unlikable, creepy girls on the playground making fun of and heckling the more likable girls.

Bimbo Boebert decided to harass Biden when he began to talk of the pain of war veterans and their families have experienced as he spoke of his own pain. She was then booed by her more respectful and intelligent co-workers. He was focusing on toxic water ponds on military bases seeping into the soils and drinking water making our service personnel sick with chronic and deadly illnesses. Bimbo Greene, along with her soulmate Bimbo Boebert, chanted “Build the Wall,” a remnant from the last failed administration. During that segment of the address, Biden was speaking about his immigration plan and how he is handling the immigration concerns. 

There were missing members of the Trump American Neo-Nazi Party, such as Mini Marco Rubio, who objected to Biden’s program to make America safer from the spreading, although diminishing—for now, COVID variant. Joining him at the bar, as they decided ditch class and spend the time having a smoke in the men’s bathroom just like the good ‘Ole days. Behaving like spoiled playground bullies were Tommie Massie (KY), Chippie Roy (TX), and GOP Reps. Mary Miller (Ill.), Bob Good (Va.), Matt Rosendale (Mont.) and Andrew Clyde (Ga.).

More of Trump Nazi Traitors (TNTs), such as Steve Bannon and *ucker Carlson continue to cheer on Putin as he invades Ukraine. Maybe these two should load up a plane, fly to Moscow and sign up to help destroy Ukraine. They should recruit J.D. Vance, who is running for U.S Senate, and said, “I don’t care about Ukraine, one way or another.” In other words, he doesn’t care about democracy, one way or another. 

Elise Stefanik,  the third-ranking Republican in the House and a Trump sycophant, complained that Biden wasn’t actually monitoring the Russian advances into Ukraine but having a deep sleep on the job. She said, “Well, this is something that should have never happened. …a weak, feckless, and unfit President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief, the world is less safe. Rather than peace through strength, we are witnessing Joe Biden's foreign policy of war through weakness….our adversaries around the world have been assessing and measuring Joe Biden's leadership on the world stage, and he has abysmally failed on every metric.…” 

Stinky Stefanik, a member of the New Congressional Three Stooges, has totally dismissed that Trump was a leading factor in the Russian invasion. He made the world less safe not by strength but by acting like a Putinesque bully and braggart. He alienated our allies all the while cozying up to his Russian handler-Putin. She forgot all the meetings with his NITWIT fascist sympathizers, such as Rudy “Ghouliani”, Jared Kushner, Trump junior, George Papadopoulous, Roger Stone,  Paulie Manafort, Michael Flynn, and others.  Her attack of Biden appeared to be a “projection” of how her dysfunctional unconscious mind saw Trump—weak, an abysmal failure on every metric, a foreign policy disaster and a Putin kiss ass. Sadly, Stinky Stefanik missed how Biden coordinated our NATO allies to mobilize against Putin by squeezing him economically and isolating him from the rest of the world.  

Have the TANNParty NITWITs, such as Stefanik, Greene, and Boebert explained to the American people exactly what they would have done to stop Putin? No! Have they come up with a plan to curtail rising inflationary conditions? NO! The Party of Trump never have answers. All they have are complaints. They lack critical thinking skills and imagination. They get their talking points from Focks Snooze, who get their messaging from Putin’s people. They are a dangerously pitiful political party of fascists and autocratic wannabes. 

Watch Terri Gross of Fresh Air interview Ann Applebaum here.