Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Nazi Salute Performed At Trump's Rally


                                                                    Trump's Rally

David Corn of Mother Jones magazine wrote an excellent article detailing that our once known Republican Party has been extremist for decades and just didn’t start with tRUMP but goes back to the 1950s. He explains how when Ike Eisenhower was running for president, the fascist leaners had occupied the Senate with the likes of one White Supremacist Joe McCarthy who was pushing Ike to go along with his extremist beliefs that the government was infiltrated with Communists. McKKKarthy was consumed by conspiracy theories as the Trump American Nazi Party members have also embraced. The Maralago Moron has fully embraced the Q’Anon fantasy conspiracy theories as he regularly messages on his Truth Social network. The pressure was on Ike because McKKKarthy was widely popular especially among Catholics. Nixon was Ike’s V.P and he was totally on-board with the Communist hysteria. This period of time was the start of “unhinged paranoia” becoming “baked into the GOP’s DNA.”

The John Bircher Society was going strong into the 1961 political campaign of Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, another founding father of fascist freakism. The founder was Robert Welsh, who was a fanatic over the whole Communist infiltration of American life. Goldwater was aligned with the Birchers. “The fundamental mission of the Birchers was to promote crazy McCarthyistic conspiracy theories. 

Lyndon Johnson was president at the time. He used Goldwater’s support for the crazy Birchers to slam him during his run for president. But by then, in spite of losing his presidential race against Johnson, the Party was already embracing these crazy radicals and their paranoid extremism.

Nixon, who had presidential aspirations in 1968, was worried that White Racist Supremacists in the South would push back against him. George Wallace, and even Ronald Reagan, was worried that Wallace, the former governor of Alabama, would run for president on a third party. In 1966, Reagan was a force that was pushing back against the civil rights movement. So, Nixon signed up as a segregationist to get the white Southern vote. Nixon and tRUMP have a lot in common. Both put their fingers up to the wind, to which way the political winds were blowing.

And then came Reagan, who ran for president in 1980. He pushed for State’s Rights to deal with segregation and racial integration. The Christian Right led by Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority was pushing his agenda of racial hatred and general bigotry. He was on a rampage against the Gay community. Reagan was on board with this fearmongering. Nelson Bunker Hunt, a Bircher, and the Christian Reich leader not unlike Falwell, Pat Robertson and others were all behind Reagan. Pastor James Robison, a supporter of Reagan said, “There is no possible way that you can separate God from government and have a successful government.” “The Christian Right had adopted the inflammatory conspiratorial paranoia of McCarthyism, adding liberals and Gays to the list of subversive internal threats to the nation.” The edict lives inside the current Trump American Nazi Party members, such as Bimbo Boebert and Taylor Greene Slime, among others who are part of the New Congressional Stooges Caucus. 

Then along comes President George H.W. Bush and his alignment with the Christian Coalition, which was led by Pat Robertson. “…Robertson advanced the far-right trope that America was being annihilated from within, claiming “elites” were trying “to destroy the very society from which they drew their nurture.” “There will be Satanic forces…We are not going to be coming up just against human beings to beat them in elections. We’re going to be coming up against spiritual warfare.” It sure sounds like Robertson was predicting the Satanic forces unleashed by the Trump American Nazi Party, Fochs Snooze, and the U.S. Supreme Court majority.

Corn wrote, “Two months earlier, Robertson had published a book, called The New World Order, that merged some of the battiest conspiracy theories of the ages. He claimed that secret societies and schemers—occultists, communists, and elites—had for centuries conspired to lock the world in a godless, collectivist dictatorship. The Federal Reserve, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, Henry Kissinger—they were all in on it. So, too, were “European bankers” and the Rothschild family (long a target of antisemitic conspiracy theories). George H.W. Bush, he asserted, had “unwittingly” carried out “the mission…of a tightly knit cabal whose goal is nothing less than a new order for the human race under the domination of Lucifer and his followers.”

Robertson’s book sounds like the precursor to the current Q’Anon conspiracy movement now embraced by the Sleaze of Queens. Instead of a book, Truth Social’s network and Fochs spread the lies and conspiracies. Robertson could have been speaking about the current Trump American Nazi Party when he wrote his book, “The New World Order.”  The once know GOP are now filled with occultists, communist assets, kooks, crazies, conspiracy theorists, and elitists just as Robertson wrote back in his day.

In 1990, President George H.W. Bush gave his own New World Order speech before a joint session of Congress on September 11, 1990, in which he ascribed to a remaking of the Persian Gulf crisis into a New World Order. His motivation appeared to be doing away with Saddam Hussein who was at war with Kuwait in order to capture their oil reserves. Was Bush code speaking to his fellow Party crazies, via Pat Robertson’s book of the same name, that the Middle East was filled with occultists, communist assets, kooks, crazies, conspiracy theorists, and Muslim elitists and power brokers? Was bin-Laden’s attack against NYC and the entire nation on 9/11/01 a symbolic date resulting from Bush’s speech also on 9/11/90? Clearly it was.

As the years move forward to 2009, the GOP is filled with far-Reich extremists, who began calling themselves the Tea Party movement. Conspiracy theories was their line of defense focused on Obama. Glenn Beck was still around then and peddled his “Bircher-like apocalyptic paranoia…” There were other crazies, such as Sarah Palin, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, a very unhinged character. The Tea Party broadcasted their insane side of politics, which was in fact, the same tactics used by Nazi propagandists.

It eventually landed with tRUMP riding down the Trump Tower escalator giving us his big top entrance straight into his run for president. The Party that formed around his candidacy abandoned anything and everything that represented the Party of Lincoln and into a fascist/Hitlarian style movement, which has now led the country into witnessing two governors engaging in a form of human trafficking and kidnapping of migrants, transporting them over state lines, and into the hands of more liberal leaning communities. It has come out that the bus drivers had to sign documents forcing them to stay silent on what they might have been told and heard from those officials engaged in these illegal acts. The migrants were lied to when they were forced onto the buses transporting them to their unexpected fate. 

Also filling the airwaves is the new book by Geoffrey Berman, a former prosecutor for the Southern District of New York, called “Holding The Line.” The book goes into detail how tRUMP used BillyBob Barr’s DOJ as his own personal law firm. He intimidated the SDNY to do his bidding by prosecuting anyone who tRUMP thought were his enemies and who had not committed any crimes, as well as to influence pleadings and prosecutions on anyone who he might believe would discredit him in a trial. The Michael Cohen case was one where Cohen named tRUMP as the person he was working for. In the filing tRUMP was referred to as INDIVIDUAL-1. He used the DOJ to help his friends and go after his enemies. He used Barr as his political hammer and sickle to push for investigations against those who would not go along with his fascist agenda. Individual-1 fired Berman from his job at the SDNY because he would not play ball with him.

Here is a YouTube produced by the MeidasTouch. The topic is called “Top Cult Expert DISSECTS the MAGA Cult and how to Break The Spell.” Steven Hassan, Ph.D, a psychologist who analyzes cults and author of “Cult Of Trump.” The host and Hassan calls tRUMP a pathological narcissist and a dangerous autocrat who has corralled the MAGAT-RUMPIES into blind obedience. The followers use prophesies and conspiracy theories to validate their pathological constructs. The zombie followers see the MAGAT movement as a cult anointing Individual-1 as their messiah. 

This has all come to The National Archives’ legal filing with the DOJ to force tRUMP’s lawyers to answer whether there are any other documents still being held by the Maralago Moron, or not. From the Archive’s analysis of the documents returned, they have concluded that there still are missing documents. It is being suspected that the Nitwit from Queens flushed, tore up, or ate certain documents. These could be the Missing Ones. If John Prine were alive, no doubt, he would be writing a song titled “The Missing Ones.” It is also suspected that he moved these missing documents to another location. Or, did he bury them in a strong box on the 18th hole? Or, has he already sold or traded them with a hostile foreign power?

On the humorous side of Congress, Rep. Bimbo Boebert from Colorado was reading from the Bible pretending to be a heartfelt religious Christian. She was reading a passage from Romans and read what should have been the “wanton killing” but instead pronounced it as wonton. WOW. I had no idea that these delicious Chinese dumplings were killers and were being made in Rome during a time when the Bible was being written. She read, “I don’t know what a wonton killing is.” Nor do any of us, Bimbo.  NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! (A Seinfeld reference when The Soup Nazi scolded Elaine when he angrily said to her, “No Soup For You”).

This Colorado Christian Taliban representative once said, “the church is supposed to direct the government.” I guess she is channeling Pat Robertson who believed that the church should be controlling government.

Then there is the Nazi running to become the next Pennsylvania governor Doug Duh’Dookie Mastriano, a participant in the J6 uprising, who, if elected, would overturn any elections that don’t meet his needs. WOW. That sounds like tRUMP. Matthew Chapman reporting for RawStory wrote that the editorial board of The Philadelphia Inquirer doped slapped Duh’Dookie for “laying out his plans to interfere with elections in the name of former President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories.” 

The Inquirer published, "Mastriano’s relentless efforts to thwart the results of the 2020 presidential election, spread Donald Trump’s election lies, and suppress votes in future elections amounts to a 10-alarm fire for anyone who believes in a functioning democracy," wrote the board. "Days after the 2020 election — with no evidence of fraud — Mastriano said the results should not be certified until an audit was complete. On Nov. 23, 2020, the election results in Pennsylvania were certified and showed Joe Biden won the state by 80,555 votes."

The editorial board went on to describe Duh’Dookie’s anti-democratic efforts as a Pennsylvania state legislator. "In August 2021, he introduced a bill to replace the Pennsylvania secretary of state with a three-person panel appointed by the governor, House speaker, and Senate president. The following month, Mastriano introduced a bill to eliminate mail-in voting.” “In March, Mastriano continued his attacks on Biden’s election. He sponsored a 'voter integrity conference' that required attendees to sign a petition decertifying Pennsylvania’s 2020 election result. Mastriano has promoted plans to suppress the vote in future elections. In November, he proposed legislation to eliminate 'no excuse' mail-in voting. In April, Mastriano proposed a bill to ban drop boxes. In June, he pitched a plan to require voters to reregister — a move scholars say federal law prohibits."

This wannabe gubernatorial fascist sociopath is doing everything but wearing a Swastika. "If elected governor, Mastriano boasted about how he plans to interfere with election outcomes if he doesn’t get the results he wants," the board noted, quoting Mastriano as saying, “I could decertify every machine in the state with the, you know, with the stroke of a pen." "Pennsylvania does not need election-denying conspiracy theorists deciding the outcome of elections with the stroke of a pen."

This guy also contributed several thousand dollars to a Nazi on-line social media platform called GAB. GAB is a site where hate groups and white supremacists, i.e., Nazi groups have a voice. The site is filled with anti-Semitic content. It even says that Ivermectin is a cure for cancer. Robert Bowers, the murderer of Jewish congregants praying at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, often used GAB to spread his anti-Semitic tropes. Mastriano paid GAB thousands of dollars for consulting services. This Nazi running for governor had the support of the founder of GAB when he said this about Mastriano, he is “a strong Christian man to lead PA out of the pit of hell and into the glory of God.”

And now we come to Dr. Munchkin Oz who has lost his way as he skips the night fandango along the Yellow Brick Road. The most highly recognized journal on science, Scientific American, Timothy Caulfield wrote that “Oz should not be a senator—or a doctor.” “His brand of misinformation has already tarnished medicine. In the halls of Congress, he would do much worse.” 

Caulfield is a Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy at the University of Alberta. His credentials speak for themselves. He wrote in the journal, “While holding a medical license, Mehmet Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies such as homeopathy, as well as fad diets, detoxes and cleanses. Some of these things have been potentially harmful, including hydroxychloroquine, which he once touted would be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of COVID. This assertion has been thoroughly debunked.”

He went on to slam the clown.  “His candidacy is a reminder that tolerating and/or enabling celebrity pseudoscience (I’m thinking of you, Oprah Winfrey!) can have serious and enduring consequences. Much of Oz’s advice was bunk before the pandemic, it is bunk now, and there is no reason to assume it won’t be bunk after—even if he becomes Senator Oz. Indeed, as Senator Oz, it’s all but guaranteed he would bring pseudoscience to the table when crafting and voting on legislation that affects the health and welfare of Americans.”

Since this article was published in 2021, Oz’s ties to Columbia University Medical Center have been cut. The medical center wants nothing to do with this charlatan any longer.

We now come to Duh’Fuhrer again. He just cannot keep from seeking attention. Jose Pagliery of the Daily Beast wrote that the Nitwit from Queens just cannot stop from showing up for depositions with the New York attorney general. He has cited concerns with the Secret Service. He believed that the Secret Service has security concerns fearing for his own safety if he were to give the deposition in person. Dumbass Donnie had his attorneys ask for the interview with the Attorney General to be held at a more comfortable and convenient location for their whining crybaby client. One location was at the  Trump Tower of Doom in New York. 

Duh’Fuhrer’s legal team’s filing with the A.G’s office in Manhattan said that the Secret Service was opposed to transporting Individual-1 to their office, but instead, wanted the interview done at the Trump Tower of Doom, which was across the street from the A.G’s office. The Secret Service claims that tRUMP’s allegations were all a Big Lie. 

The interview was all about the Trump Organization’s alleged business fraud, tax dodging, and lying about the value of his portfolio of properties. Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the agency, said in a statement to The Daily Beast that the Secret Service is “unaware of any security challenges at the Office of the New York State Attorney General.””

“Trump first ignored a subpoena and refused to show up for the deposition, then he was held in contempt and hit with $110,000 in fines for refusing to turn over records, and then he eventually relented after losing an appeal in a New York state court.”  Trump was afraid because “He’d be sitting behind the big desk, where he has the authority. That’s the only thing I can think of. It’s his desk, with chairs all around. It puts him at a very superior position,” said Barbara A. Res, a former Trump Organization construction executive who walked into that very office up to three times a day for more than four years.” ““He commands the room… he feels most comfortable in his space. There’s a feeling of gravitas when you walk into his office… it’s his turf.” ““It’s his comfort space. Trump believes that the second these investigators enter the building, which has his name on it… that he’s the one in charge.” 

“The tactic ultimately failed, and Trump was forced to show up at the New York AG’s office. But the seeming lie, that the Secret Service had reservations about the New York AG’s office that would necessitate investigators coming to Trump’s turf, is just another way Trump has used the presidential seal as a shield.”

For more about the numerous other ongoing legal cases surround tRUMP, read this Daily Beast article HERE.

“William Barr was the “chief architect” of Donald Trump’s politicization of the Department of Justice former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman alleges. Joy Reid and her panel discuss Berman’s allegations that Trump wanted Barr to put his thumb on the scales of justice and go after Trump's political rivals.” 

Joy Reid discusses in this video link how “Trump has attacked the institutions of civil society: expert [Geoffrey Berman] on new Barr DOJ allegations”  


In the September 16, 2022 Newsweek article, there is a photo of the ExMan meeting with his Circle of Jerks at the Trump National Golf Club Washington, D.C in Northern Virginia to hang all together for their secret club gathering and hand shake. They loaded into golf carts without golf clubs to drive over to the outer reaches of one of the fairways to do what they do together. A paparazzi took a photo of their activity. All standing in a half circle facing Duh’Fuhrer, who is wearing his MAGAT cap giving instructions. One can imagine tRUMP saying, “Okay guys, now do as I do.”

Following the meeting of the tackie kakis (check the link for the photo) The ExMan went on Hugh Hewitt’s program to predict that there will be another insurrection if he is indicted because, as he claims, his zombie follower “won’t stand for it.” He believes that another uprising will happen if any charges  are filed against him and such charges will incite “problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before.” 

Such comments is a call to “lock and load” by his Nazi supporters in various groups. His hack judge Cannon has already loaded her barrel by acting as tRUMP’s personal attorney and not as a federal judge serving the country and not her politically motivated crime boss when she granted a special master to sort through a stack of the stolen documents interfering with the DOJ’s criminal investigation. Now we have ‘Pay-me-only-in” Kash Patel, the ExMan’s sidekick during his time when he sat on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne. Patel is the only one who claims he saw his crime boss take out his magic wand and wave it over the stolen documents creating a “standing order” to declassifying them in one fell swoop. FORGETABOUTIT Kash. To declassify documents by a president takes more than a wave of the magic wand while sitting on the potty chair.

John Bolton said the claim to declassify documents is “almost certainly a lie.” “If he were to say something like that, you would have to memorialize that, so that people would know it existed.” At that point, those declassified documents would become part of the public record under the Freedom of Information Act, which could be accessed by any researcher.

“Presidents have the power to declassify information but must follow a process. Two years ago, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit flatly stated that “declassification, even by the President, must follow established procedures.” Mary Papenfuss of HuffPo said, “former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti called Trump’s declaration Thursday that he declassified documents a “big error” that could trigger legal trouble for him.” “Staking out the position that he “declassified” everything he brought to Mar-A-Lago may sound like it helps him, but actually it locks him into a story and makes it harder to pivot later if his is charged.”

Duh’Fuhrer’s “Save America” PAC has paid a whopping $3M to his new defense attorney for an advance payment. Mary Papenfuss

Trailer Trash Trump had one of his Nazi rallies in Ohio last weekend. He has now hooked his crazy kooky tractor trailer to the Q’Anon conspiracy road show. Sporting a “Q” pin, wearing his red Putin tie, he spewed he ramblings about conspiracy fantasies to stir up his MAGAT crowd of Nazis. The ExMan is now embracing full-on hate in order to fulfill the empty and hollow souls of his followers.More and more reporters are evoking Nazi Germany when Hitler and his lock steppers were scaring people into hating Jews during Hitler’s heyday in the 1930-40’s. Trump asked his crowd to “Raise your hand, everybody raises their hand. They’re screaming to me to do it:’We want to do it.’ And we’re all having a lot of fun.” 

“Retired four-star U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey compared Donald Trump’s Saturday night rally in Ohio to a rally held by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party in 1936 in Nuremberg, Germany.” “The crowd is similar to a Nuremberg rally 1936. A lawless Trump in office in 2024 election would slide us into autocracy and deny our Constitutional safeguards. This is our greatest danger as a nation since 1860. VOTE.” The Nazi salute the crowd performed for Duh’Fuhrer was suspected to symbolize America First, the name of his rallies and SuperPAC.

The ExMan went on to lie through his teeth when he told his zombies  In this Newsweek article by Fatma Khaled she quoted “We are a nation that allowed Russia to devastate a country, Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people and it will only get worse.” "It would never have happened with me as your commander-in-chief. We are a nation that has weaponized its law enforcement against the opposing political party like never ever before."

"We are a nation that no longer has a free press and has no fair press any longer. Fake news is all you get, and they are truly the enemy of the people. We are a nation where free speech is no longer allowed, where crime is rampant like never before, where the economy has been collapsing."

Does he know that he was talking about what he did during his time on his Golden Potty Chair throne? He weaponized the police; he attacked the free press if they were not favorable to his bullshit; he emboldened the fake news network Fochs Snooze and the others; and had he addressed the pandemic when it was in its infancy, the economy would not have taken the big hit it experienced. HE IS TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF IN THAT SPEECH!

Andrew Weissman, a former federal prosecutor, gave a perfect analogy of tRUMP’s document theft. What he essentially said was what if he worked for a major company and decided to walk away with the company’s most valued documents and secrets and take them all home. Then the company asked for them back but was told that they were already returned; but that never happened.  Then tRUMP decided to sue the company by claiming that those documents he stole were now rightfully his. Then his lawyers claimed those documents were his because they were never very important and were actually just a bunch of news clippings stored in folders.

Judge hackster Cannon actually said that her crime boss, the Grifter from Queens, was a very special person and needed very special treatment just because he was once a president. Because he was a very special person, she was going to consider that the government was too confused and messed up to be able to figure out what was really classified and what was not. 

She actually was questioning if the classified documents, of which her crime boss had stolen, were possibly unclassified. The ExMan’s attorneys were told by their client—Individual-1—that there were only 10 boxes and the contents consisted of just news clippings. This charade had gone on for 18 months before the DOJ decided to take matters into their own hands and have the FBI seize the documents that were rightfully the government’s documents.

A big question being asked by many qualified attorneys is what is going on with Judge Cannon? Is she so far up the Trump Rump Butt that she can smell the spray tan? She has sided with the guy who could be now known as Trailer Trump Trash.

A Georgetown law professor came forth and said if any of his students were to actually write a ruling such as the one she wrote, they would end up failing that assignment. He said that what she wrote was amateurish, sloppy, and an embarrassment to her. 

Cannon was so inadequate as a federal judge, with a lifetime appointment, that she had to pass the review of 100 documents off to a special master, Judge Dearie because the job was over her head. Trailer Trump Trash appointed her just weeks before he was told to move out of the White House in order to stack the court in his favor with more fascist freaks. She is another one who violated her oath.

Here it is: “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States.”

How much more can our democracy endure?