Friday, September 9, 2022

Trump's World of Top Secrets


In the journal article by Haig A. Bosmajian, The Magic Word In Nazi Persuasion, the author wrote, “Although the Nazis resorted to terror, violence, and intimidation to gain and maintain power, they realized early that such tactics alone would not carry them to supremacy over the German nation.” He quotes the National Socialist Eugen Hadamovsky, “Physical violence had its place, but propaganda properly conducted could be more effective than force as a means of persuasion. Since propaganda influences the will of man, it is more secretive, more forceful, and deeper in its effect than the open force of suppression.” To persuade his followers, “Hitler turned to verbal and non-verbal means of persuasion. The verbal means of persuasion, especially oratory, were augmented with such nonverbal means as standards, flags, marching, ritual, sword, fire, uniforms, and insignia.” “Those who have studied the techniques of real propaganda, as this has been developed in the totalitarian countries, will realize that the thrilling promises, the canalizing of hatreds and passions, are built up essentially on the techniques of a magical spell.” “Since the Nazis saw their German audiences as crowds possessed by the crowd mentality persuasion through magic word would naturally supersede any rational approach to the use of language.” “Reason and arguments are incapable of combatting certain words and formulas.” “The Nazis purposely used terminology which appeared concrete by was really in reality ambiguous and meaningless.” For example, “The enemies of Germany had to be destroyed” said Hitler.” Here is more from Hitler’s bag of terminologies, “November criminals,” Marxist-Jew,” “parliamentarians,” “red dragon.” 

Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels created a language formula, which “became the great point of attack, the object against which National Socialist agitation could drive the masses through the simplest and most easily understood formulas.” Creating a popular slogan was necessary in his “battle against the present conditions which could incite and reach, through its brutality, the hate of the unemployed worker as well as the farmer aching under taxation.” The use of their language formula would “unveil a spiritual emptiness of a state which had become, in its outer form as well as inits inner constitution, similar to the mechanism of a machine.” Hitler would blame the Jewish people as “the demon of the disintegration of peoples…” Hitler would try and convince his German followers that if only the Jews were gone, then there would cooperation among nations…” The Nazis would conjure up “fantastical tales of Jewish demonology.” “The anxiety ridden German people turned to the savior-magician who came from the great unknown, chosen by fate to bring miracles and resurrection to the German people, to free them from the dragons and demons which plagued them.” They suffered from “pragmatic impotence” and through the “magic word” and the art of persuasion, Hitler led them away from critical thinking and into the mentality of the crowd overcome by propaganda filled with illusions, and bizarre combinations of fantastical imagery.

This is Trump all the way. His recent rally called Biden “Satan.”  He called the FBI raid an invasion of his home and criminals. He wants these invaders and those behind it prosecuted. He will free his violent Capital attackers if he becomes president again. He chastised Biden for high gas prices, inflation, and more just as Hitler incited anger among the farmers and unemployed workers against taxation. Duh’Fuhrer brought on stage a full-blown Nazi Tim Cusanelli, and Cynthia Hughes who embraced the insurrectionists accused of storming the Capital on J-6. Cusanelli was convicted of acting like a Nazi Stormtrooper by yelling out let’s “advance” before he and the traitors stormed the Capital building. This fascist even sports a Hitler mustache and believes that Hitler should have killed all the Jews. The Fascist from Queens even had Geri Perna, the aunt of Matt Perna who committed suicide while waiting sentencing as a result of his actions on J-6, join him in his circus show. This part of the propaganda persuasion machine was to parade out these “innocent victims” who were engaged in a “peaceful protest.”  ‘Under the Big Top ladies and gentleman we have the circus’ big stars: fascists, Nazis and their sympathizers. Thank you. Just right me a fat check to my “Save America” PAC which I will not use for reelection, but for my legal bills and pay myself a big hefty bonus. SUCKERS!’ 

The DOJ is now investigation tRUMP’s super PAC for fraud because he used the PAC as a grifter scheme claiming that the election was stolen from him, while knowing he flat out lost the election. He falsely claimed to his donors that the election was stolen from him.


 This all fits into the Hitler Playbook, as described above. This time it is not the Jew he is going after, but the Democrat and RINOs who are standing up against him. He is leaving his hate groups around the country to terrorize various Jewish communities instead. His rallies are filled with empty souls and delusional people who love conspiracies and follow the same evil script that once focused on Hillary and the pizza parlor that operated a child sex ring  in the basement. We hear Taylor Greene Slime and Rudy Ghouliani that spewed their conspiracy theories about voting fraud and the manipulation of the ballots where ballots were tossed in a canal, taken out by suitcase, burned in the heat of the night. We heard from Trump that dead people voted and Israeli satellites were involved in the manipulation of ballots along with Cesar Chavez rising from the dead to manipulate the vote. These gullible pathetics are the very people who attend the rallies. 

We see the MAGA slogans, the red MAGA cap, Trump’s red tie [a message to Putin?], and the constant droll that the nation is in decline because of Democratic socialist programs destroying our freedom and liberty. These are all the “magic words” used in their formula of persuasive propaganda tossed out to his base. He makes them feel impotent and helpless without his leadership. He wants them to see him as their messiah. The J-6 attack against the Capital was filled with Trump related rituals using swords, and uniforms, with insignias of Trump and Nazi patches, along with Trump flags with his image blazed upon them. There was the ritual gallows to hand the Vice President as if he were a Salem Witch. It was the canalizing of passionate hatred using violence, terror and intimidation. Trump prepared his Goose-Steppers with his angry magic words that they must take the country back from their enemy and rightfully return it back to him. His speech was not far removed from Hitler’s speech back in 1924 when he was released from prison because he was convicted of treason for a failed coup d’erat by his newly created Nazi Party, which was called the Beer Hall Putsch. It resulted in four police officers killed. His 2000 Nazi followers marched on the Field Marshals’ Hall in the city center, where they confronted a police barricade. All Nazi tactics. Does this all sound familiar? While in the White House getting fat on free double cheeseburgers, tRUMP and his Goose-Steppers did the same thing when they disrupted a peaceful protest supporting the Black Lives Matter movement following the George Floyd killing when he ordered his own Nazi-style party officials to follow him in parade style. Police used tear gas to break up the protesters settled in at the nearby Lafayette Park so Duh’Fuher and his Goose-Steppers could follow him to St. John’s Episcopal Church for a photo shoot where he would stand in front and hold his upside down Bible for all to see that he was a pathetic wannabe dictator. This wasn’t much different in style to Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch event. 

On the other side, we are finding people who call themselves Republicans coming forth and saying that their party has been hijacked by fascists—Trump’ fascists. One such person is conservative strategist Susan Del Percio, who worked with Rudy “Ghouliani” and other Republican candidates. Sarah K. Burris reporting for Raw Story wrote that Del Percio believes that the Republican Party has moved toward fascism. She sees Lindsey Graham-Cracker moving in that direction after he came out and predicted violence if his crime boss gets indicted. She called it “gentlemanly Brown Shirtism.” Biden calling the once known Republican Party as Neo-Fascists is not strong enough.

She went on to say, "How is it that now you have what used to be mainstream Republicans -- this was John McCain's supposed best friend [LindseyGraham]  is now justifying saying that there will be blood in the streets, basically, if Donald Trump is treated the way every single person on this panel and in this country would be treated if they stole classified documents.” She asked what we all are asking—“What does Trump have on him to make him change so quickly.” I think we all have our suspicions. Del Percio spoke to Joy Reed of MSNBC, 

"Joy, I was on your show a year ago, I said it plain and simple. We are seeing the Republican Party turn into a party of neofascism. I stand by that statement 15 months later. That's what it is, when you see the call for violence in the streets with not believing in the election results, just like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said. This is a dangerous place. If we're wondering, can it happen here? It already has. January 6th happened and we could see something much worse come this Nov. if Donald Trump does, in fact, try to rile up his army [of Nazi and fascist domestic terrorists], because that's what it's becoming and looking like."

 We have seen this scenario play out in television spy thrillers, such as in the series called Covert Affairs. In the last part of the series, a group of domestic terrorists, funded by a foreign adversary, had a Chicago CIA facility blown up killing nearly everyone. The CIA operative Annie Walker finally gets to the bottom of the crime by uncovering the fact that a group of American mercenaries paid for by a Russian official carried out the explosion. Along the way is intrigue, cover-ups, and danger.

We have now seen Judge Eileen Cannon subtly support a domestic fascist terrorist called tRUMP while bending over as she kisses the Trump ring by giving him his special master, and a ruling that he may be granted some sort of executive privilege when such a privilege was not granted to him by the current president, which would put a hold on the use of these documents by the DOJ’s prosecutors. She has subverted the course of justice in order serve her fascist master. Her actions were unprecedented. We are now witnessing the subversion of our justice system by turning toward fascism and serving anti-democratic political figures.

This is how it works in these fictional spy thrillers. There are domestic judges, lawyers, officials, and executives supporting, funding, and allowing traitorous acts by a dangerous and powerful person to attack our democracy and rule of law. This is art imitating reality.

Upon the resignation of President Nixon in 1974, the court decided he was not allowed to seek executive privilege. The United States v. Nixonwas a landmark United States Supreme Court case that resulted in a unanimous decision against President Richard Nixon, ordering him to deliver tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to a federal district court. Issued on July 24, 1974, the decision was important to the late stages of the Watergate scandal, when there was an ongoing impeachment process against Richard Nixon. United States v. Nixon is considered a crucial precedent limiting the power of any U.S. president to claim executive privilege.The Court held that a claim of Presidential privilege as to materials subpoenaed for use in a criminal trial cannot override the needs of the judicial process if that claim is based, not on the ground that military or diplomatic secrets are implicated, but merely on the ground of a generalized interest in confidentiality. Nixon was then ordered to deliver the subpoenaed materials to the District Court.”

So what was Judge Cannon thinking? U.S.C. Justice Kegger Kavanaugh told her that this decision decided in 1974 was not settled law. That decision was ruled unanimous by all the sitting justices, except by one who recused himself. Was he too drunk on his beer when this was taught in law school? Did Eileen Cannon fail to load her cannon and sleep through this class during her law school education?  Now she has shown to ignore settled law and has joined the tRUMP legal team. Is Kegger Kavanaugh just an incompetent justice, or is he part of the more visible cabal?

The DOJ has offered this incompetent Judge Cannon a redo. They filed documents outlining in detail just how dangerous her ruling had been to their investigation and case going forward. The filing said if she decides not to go back and redo her decision, then the DOJ will file an appeal against her incompetent and partisan ruling. The DOJ even offered her a save-face option, which is to allow them to use the seized document while allowing her her special master decision. If she doesn’t take the offer, then we will all know that she is just another “Kraken” [referencing Sidney Powell] judge to add to the list of crazy lawyers tRUMP has in his pocket.

To top it all off, we have now learned that during the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago Roach Motel Swim and Croquet Club, they had collected top secret  strategic foreign military nuclear documents stolen from the government among the other documents found in the Residence. These documents were so top secret that special clearances needed to be issued to the agents in order to read them!! These documents were laying about the “45 Office” and/or in the basement for anyone to secretly enter and use their cellphone to snap a picture of these papers. For the Grifter of Queens to have such documents in his possession proves he is a traitor and a possible spy or agent of Putin. Or, maybe he is just an Idiot Free Asset Agent. He’s the Secret Agent Man!!

Here are the lyrics of Secret Agent Man, by Johnny Rivers but altered a bit:

There’s a moron who leads a life of danger

To everyone he meets he stays a faker wanker

With every move he makes

Another chance he takes

Odds are he will live to see an indictment

Secret agent man, secret agent man

The DOJ’s given you a number—45

And taken away your name—Cockroach of Mar-A-Lago

Ah, be careful what you say

Or, you’ll give yourself away

You are an Idiot Asset Agent Man