Friday, February 10, 2023

The Stupid State of the Union


                                                          The Howling Banshee

The Grifter from Queens has been a coward his entire life in spite of being a total fake and liar. He pretended to be a somebody, when in fact he was a nobody. Apparently George Santos followed suit. While sitting on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne, China taunted him with three spy balloons that they flew into the U.S. air space and came very close to hovering over Mar-A-Lago. The mission was to gather intelligence data. He did nothing about it, while he was faking his scores on the golf course, yet Biden went after the Chinese spy balloon and had it shot down into the Atlantic Ocean. The White Trash in the Congress are whining that he waited for the balloon to fly over the ocean, which was much safer than shooting it down over populated areas. But the Trashies didn’t understand the caution.

RUMPie Stumpie and his band of Congressional White Trashies were vocal that the balloon needed to be shot down but felt he was too afraid to act. To their surprise, he did what RUMPie Stumpie was too afraid to do. Apparently, when RUMPie was in the White House, his administration kept the balloon situation from him for fear of his explosive temper blowing the hair gel off his head. It seems that RUMPie didn’t actually know about the balloons over Mar-A-Lago. Could a Chinese spy who was roaming the grounds of RUMPie’s shuffle board club be sending data from his/her phone up to the balloon, which was close to the club? Very possible!! 

We have to ask what is actually going on with Ronnie DeFascist? He cannot stop himself from going after those he is afraid of. He is so afraid of “the other,” in other words, Black Americans, descendants of slaves, books, and the Gay community that he attacks them. He now is hoping to pull the liquor license of Drag Queen venues. What can we say about Ronnie? Could he be a repressed closeted cross-dresser? Let’s not put it past him. Is he afraid of who he might be? 

The Congressional stooges in the House caucus have a slew of whiners. The queen of the whiners is Taylor Greene Slime who is complaining that she doesn’t make enough money from her job. She left her cross-fit job to beg around to would-be fascist-loving donors for lots of cash. More cash than she has ever seen in her entire life, yet she believes otherwise. Whaa, Whaa. Here is what she said, “Because this job is so demanding, it’s turned into practically year-round.” Too bad crybaby. So demanding?

Greene Slime and the other Reichwingers in the House Stooges Caucus are fans of the new Hitler, Vlad Putin. The Reichwing Congress are fans of fascism and war criminals. Putin is a war criminal. Not only does he bomb civilians, hospitals, schools, homes, but he has kidnapped tens of thousands of Ukrainian children and shipped them off to Russia in order to reprogram them into becoming good little Russians. How can anyone in the House Stooges Caucus refuse to support the war the Ukrainians are fighting against the new Hitler regime which has ordered his murderers to destroy the only democracy in Eastern Europe?

The Congressional Stooges Caucus cult leader Taylor Greene Slime brought a white balloon to the state of the union address. It should have had RUMP scrawled across the balloon. She seems to have ignored that three Chinese spy balloons crossed the skies of the country during the time he was writing letters to his boy toy Lil’Kim who is pals with China’s president Xi. So, what does it mean that Slime is making fun of Biden who actually did something about the latest Spy Balloon? Maybe she wants to wrap up the debris and mail it back to China. She wanted Biden to shoot it down over civilian regions, in spite of her belief that it contained a nuclear weapon.

The Satanic Cult of Lauren Bimbo Boebert is on a national tour. She made her first visit outside the halls of Congress to a church in Texas. At the Storehouse Dallas Church her satanic worshippers cheered her when she proclaimed hope for Biden’s death and another would replace him. During the State of the Union address she was joined by other members of her Satanic White Trash Cult as they booed, heckled and hissed at Biden.

Giving the rebuttal to Biden’s state of the union address was serial pathological liar Arkansas’ Governor Scary *uck-abee Sanders. She lied everyday she worked for Stumpy Rumpy Trump as his press secretary. She offered up a choice between the normal and the crazies. She being a crazy, and those in her party who asked her to rebut the State of the Union address are also crazies. 

From Vanity Fair here is a partial list of her lies as a press secretary:

  • Denying knowledge of Trump’s in-office hush-money payoffs, despite the fact that Trump himself admitted to them;
  • Claiming that Trump had created far more jobs for African Americans than Obama, when, in reality, Obama created four times as many as Trump;
  • Insisting, with a straight face, that her boss had never “promoted or encouraged violence,” seemingly forgetting the time Trump told supporters at a rally, of a protester who’d been ejected, “I’d like to punch him in the face”; or the time he told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, okay. Just knock the hell—I promise you I will pay for the legal fees, I promise”; or the time he openly fantasized about “Second Amendment people” preventing the appointment of liberal judges; or the time he instructed police officers to knock suspects’ heads against the side of their squad cars.
  • Smearing the many, many women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault and claiming they are the liars;
  • And, of course who could forget the time she created an elaborate yarn about how she’d heard from “countless…individuals who work at the FBI who said they were very happy” with Trump’s decision to fire James Comey, in an attempt to make the story that the firing was all about agency morale stick, and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Russia investigation. Which, of course, she admitted was a total lie during her interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. She subsequently doubled down, telling George Stephanopoulos that she only admitted to lying about hearing from “countless” people, before shifting the focus to Comey, who she described as a “disgraced leaker” and a “dirty cop."

  • She said Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border and locking them in detention facilities was “very biblical.”
  • When Trump retweeted three unverified, Islamophobic videos, Sanders insisted it didn’t matter if the videos were “real” and told reporters that if they’re focusing on “the nature of the video, you’re focusing on the wrong thing.”
  • Weeks after a gunman slaughtered 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, she declared in a speech that “we will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they’re as safe as they are in a classroom.” At that point in 2022, there had already been 27 school shootings that year.
  • She refused to say the press was not the “enemy of the people.”
  • She admitted to lying during a press conference about former FBI director James Comey when she claimed “countless” FBI agents told her they were happy Trump fired him. She confessed under oath during special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that this was not true, but she downplayed it as a mere “slip of the tongue.”
  • She twice used her government Twitter account to slam businesses she took personal issue with: a small restaurant in Virginia that refused to serve her and The New York Times for publishing an anonymous op-ed critical of the Trump administration. Former White House ethics chiefs said these incidents were illegal ethics code violation.
  • She mocked Biden for stuttering ― a speech impediment he’s dealt with throughout his life ― after a Democratic presidential debate in 2019.
  • She posted an Infowars-produced video of CNN’s Jim Acosta that appeared doctored to make him seem aggressive toward a White House intern, and used it to defend the Trump administration taking away Acosta’s White House press credentials.
  • She claimed God “wanted Donald Trump to become president.”
  • She falsely claimed that Trump’s border wall had stopped nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018. In reality, the wall ― for which Trump was demanding $5.7 billion in federal funds to build ― had only stopped six people on the No Fly List.
  • She claimed that the Mueller report findings were “a total and complete exoneration” of Trump even though the report summary explicitly said it “does not exonerate him.”
  • When a journalist used the term “lopping heads off” to refer to the need for a staff shakeup on the White House communications team, she took it very, very literally. “They’ve said I should be choked, they said I should deserve a lifetime of harassment, but certainly never had somebody say that I should be decapitated,” Sanders said in 2019.
  • She defended Trump’s unprecedented refusal to share his tax returns by claiming members of Congress are not “smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume President Trump’s taxes will be.”
  • While running for governor of Arkansas, she vowed not to support any rape or incest exceptions in legislation banning abortion ― an extreme position out of step with the vast majority of Americans, including more than three-quarters of Republicans, studies have found.
  • As Arkansas governor, she banned the term “Latinx” from any official state documents, saying the word ― which came into use in recent years as an inclusive, gender-neutral term to describe someone of Hispanic or Latino origin ― constitutes “ethnically insensitive and pejorative language.”

As David From wrote in the Atlantic, The GOP are just an obnoxious bunch. They are worse, in fact. They are whining, crybaby clowns. That is how they presented themselves during the State of the Union address. Greene Slime came dressed possibly wearing George Santos’ drag show costume pretending to be the cartoon character Cruella de Vil’. She picked up the rudeness mantle from Steve Scalese when she barked out to Biden “Liar”. Her picture looks like she is howling. The problem is when people elect illiterates to represent them in Congress they get dangerously stupid people who are unable to read government documents. They believe that if it can happen to RUMP Uh’Dump then it can happen to them, as well. Stupid elects stupid. Greene Slime is a perfect example. She later pretended to have gotten lots and lots of texts praising her for her obnoxious behavior. Her ignorant reaction was when Joe Biden said that there were people in her Stooges caucus who wanted to gut Medicare and Social Security so the rich could get more. He responded by telling her to read the document. Rick Scott wrote a platform piece that outlined this plan that he wanted his party to adopt. Now he is all pissed off for being exposed for his anti-Social Security and Medicare platform document. He actually hates those Floridians who voted for him. 

The plan for the Stooges Caucus in the House of Representatives is to not finish the job Biden has started. Their plan is to stall the plan. KKKevin McKKKarthy sat on his ass behind Biden the entire time. He even had to wake himself up when he felt himself dozing off. He did shake his head like the Kevin Bobblehead doll that he is. If the Trump America Nazi Party, once known as the GOP, want to represent their voters, then they would get on board the Biden train and work for their voters to help them save more of their money instead of tossing it over to the billionaire corporate sharks that rip them off time and time again. Biden repeatedly said that these corporate sharks need to pay more in taxes and stop ripping off the consumer.

James Carville, a political strategist appeared on MSNBC and described Taylor Greene Slime as “white trash.”  He called most of the Reichwingers who were disrespecting the President during his address as “white trash.” “He went on to say  that when stupid people vote, you know who they nominate—Other stupid people.” More proof of this is represented in Colorado’s Lauren Bimbo Boebert who blamed Biden for the COVID shut downs, when in fact her RUMP uh’Dump president shut the economy down. He told the states to make their own calls regarding additional shut downs of schools and businesses. Bimbo Boebert was a House seat warmer when all of that was happening. Her tiny brain just couldn’t remember much. Twitter lite up to remind her of those times when she witnessed her crime boss leader assist in the national shut down. For her a good time involves guns and booze and tobacco. This is what happens when stupid people vote. They vote for stupid.

                                        Paul Gosar turning into a zombie

The howling banshee Greene Slime apparently had no idea that America’s fentanyl problem was brought about by a leading RUMP supporter, the Sackler family until they got shut down. The Purdue Pharma Sackler family, that made Oxycontin, the first commercial opioid, led Americans to get hooked on fentanyl. They were big RUMP supporters. Johnson and Johnson was another drug company making the drug. Britain and Israel, along with China manufacture this synthetic opioid drug. Walmart was a big pusher of the stuff. They eventually agreed to pay a $3.1B in an opioid lawsuit settlement. China is a big manufacturer of the addictive drug, which is purchased by local drug companies for distribution.

What has Greene Slime done to stop this? NOTHING!!! All she knows how to do is bark and howl and display her ugliness.