Thursday, January 6, 2022

In Memory of January 6, 2020

(Introduction followed by a line of asterisks will begin the feature story. After each Blogpost, you will find UPDATES, which will bring the Blogpost up-to-date detailing these MAGATS -Make America Great TrumpieS.)


It is about time!!! The old school Republicans are finally, FINALLY, calling out these Trump American Neo-Nazi Party (TANNP) supporters as "FASCISTS!" FASCISTS they are! Trump is a Nazi, as well as those who filled those supporting roles around him. Now we have members of Congress standing in lock step with Da'Fuhrer. It's taken 4-1/2 years to finally stop pretending and call out these Republican Neo-Nazis for who they are.


                        Malcolm Nance speaks about how Putin turns 
                    American citizens into his Idiot Assets, including Trump


                 The real pandemic are people wanting to vote

The Republican Party, as it once was known, has become the Re-Q-Publican Party. It no longer holds any of their long abandoned former values that they once based their political campaigns on, such as, family values, honesty, fiscal responsibility, and honoring the U.S. Constitution. That has disappeared. The Re-Quack-Publican Party has turned into a party of conspiracies, and Russian Idiot Assets who now unwittingly answer to Vladimir Putin, along with waving their flags of hate, violence, and predatory values. Putin had a great deal at stake by having tRUMP in the Oval Office. The Cretin did Putin's bidding. Now, an intelligence report has been released saying that Putin had been involved with a massive 2020 propaganda messaging assault against Biden and used his Russian Idiot Assets who surrounded tRUMP to get his attacks done. These Idiot Assets no longer can pretend to adhere to any sort of Christian values, either. They have bowed down to an evil wannabe fascist dictator, who traffics in lies, and has incited violence, racial division, and hate. They allowed their wannabe fascist dictator to draw from Hitler's playbook for four years, and now, they continue to quake at the very sound of his name, while he rides around on a golf cart day in and day out chasing after his balls. They are so afraid of standing on their own merits and strengths, because they have none. Instead, they kiss his ring and perpetuate his delusional fantasies that he was cheated out of a second term as the nation's Idiot-in-Chief. This Blogspot will give his Re-Quack-Publican followers in Congress the very special Nitwit Award to recognize their foolhardiness; their hate; their racism; their incompetence and their willingness to trade our democracy for a Russian style fascism.

Here it is everyone, Malcolm Nance ("Plot To Destroy America") was right, Trump IS a Russian Idiot Asset and was recruited, without him even realizing it back in the 1980s after marrying Ivana Zelnickova. In the book is about a former KGB operative, Yuri Shvets, "American Kompromat", by Craig Unger. He details Trump's 40 years as an Idiot Asset and his relationships with Russian operatives in the United States and in Russia. 

Here is the link.  And, another link. 

Fordham University School of Law wrote a proposal about how we have experienced our first president who was a national security threat. You can find the link above. It is called "What Should Presidential Candidates Tell Us About themselves?"

Shvets' book is called "Washington Station: My Life as a KBG Spy."

Joe Scarborough from MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program goes after Republicans. He went after the lying hypocrites, such as these likely Russian Idiot Assets, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, and the others who are supporting treasonous support of an insurrection. 

See it here.

Briana Keiler of CNN goes after Cruz for his involvement in domestic terrorism and a failed coup. 

See it here.

Dr. Irene Butter, speaks about being a victim of the Nazis. "I witnessed the rise of Nazism firsthand. We must act now to protect our American democracy." She is a Holocaust survivor. "Now, 75 years later, I see something I never imagined: echoes of the Nazis and their regime. What happened in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, was an attempted coup of our government and an unraveling of the democracy that protects all of our rights. I saw a T-shirt with the words "Camp Auschwitz," as well as other anti-Semitic symbols and slogans used by the rioters."


 Did the Trump Virus originate from a lab in Wuhan China? And, what are the implications of such a lab designed virus?


George Carlin shows us just how stupid Donald Trump really is

Here are Trump's final words to his terrorist thugs which continued to instill anger, lies, along with his delusional reality.

"We're going to the Capital and if we fight like hell, if you don't fight like hell, you'll not have a country anymore. We'll never give up, we'll never give in." He kept telling them he had the election stolen from him; that he loves them and they are very special; that he wants peace and they need to go home given several hours after the attempted assault and insurrection against our government, as he watched from the safety of his "command post tent" celebrating with his family and Brownshirts. In other words, he told his mobster thugs that they did their damage, made their point, all in his name, and now he thanks them for their loyalty by following his orders to engage in sedition.

Trump continues to call himself "The 45th President of the United States". He doesn't refer to himself as former President Trump. He believes he still is president. He uses the letterhead stationary he used while in the White House. Yet, he has told his impeachment trial defense attorneys that because he no longer is president, he cannot be convicted through the Senate's trial. MAGATraitor Donnie, you cannot have it both ways!

Here is what Trump said several hours after the assault on our democracy at the Capital building:

"I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. These are the things that happened."

"It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace."

He said, "You see the other ways others are treated that are so bad and so evil." Donald Trump summed up his presidency in just one sentence. And, his crime syndicate: from Congress on down to the brainwashed housewife and husband are all included in the way others have been treated through their bad and evil actions.

Donald Trump has been the crime boss for violent, angry, criminals, such as The Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois, The Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, The Three-Percenters, Russian Idiot Assets (such as the woman who stole Pelosi's laptop in order to sell it to a Russian) White Supremacists, and Q'Anoners, along with the Re-Quack-Publicans in Congress. Those in Congress are those working for those above from the "inside". We can list the Congressional insurrectionists who are bigots, racists, Idiot Russian Assets, anti-Semites, Theo-fascists, anti-Americans, anti-democrats, and Nitwits: Hawley, Cruz, Greene, Cawthorn, Graham, and the list can go on and on.

The Reichwing is so upset and freaked out that Biden and his team are actually accomplishing positive change for EVERYONE IN AMERICA, not just the Neo-Nazis that follow their cult leader-Fuhrer Trump. 

Brianna Keilar, of CNN, calls them out in this video. See it here.

There will updates on some or all of these Nitwit Award winners, since they cannot stop being Nitwits on a daily basis. There are some Nitwits who are continuing to financially support their death cult leader by hosting high cost fundraisers at his Palace of Perversion called Mar-A-Lago. Read more here.


All of us at Trumpaddicts dot Substack and at the original Blogspot, The United States Nitwits, have been documenting all the warning signs that a full-blown takeover of our democracy by the Reichwing fascists from our last executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government were plotting over the past five years. It has only been recently that the mainstream media outlets have shown their concerns of a persistent attack against our democracy, freedoms and liberties and referring to this assault as fascist.

Malcolm Nance, an intelligence and foreign policy analyst and writer, has been on the front lines of firing flares over the coming authoritarian takeover of our way of life. In his new book, “They Want To Kill Americans”, The Militias, Terrorists and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency” he tells us that the January 6, 2021 insurrection is still going on and why. 

"To varying degrees, as many as 74 million Americans have expressed hostility towards American democracy. Their radicalization is increasingly visible in our day to day life: in neighbor’s or family member’s open discussion of bizarre conspiracy theories, reveling in the fantasy of mass murdering the liberals they believe are drinking the blood of children. These are the results of the deranged series of lies stoked by former President Donald Trump, made worse by the global pandemic."

It has been discussed by members of the 1/6 Committee that Trump could be indicted under the statute of “Seditious Conspiracy.” In,Seditious conspiracy is an example of a “political crime,” a category reserved for crimes that threaten the very stability of the republic. The category’s importance is not the severity of the punishment; other charges can usually be marshaled to achieve an identical sentence.”  

Trump was the mastermind arsonist who sent out his mob to light the fires. It was designed to destabilize the country. We now learn that Donald Trump Junior and his fiancĂ© Gargoyle Guilfoyle raised $3M for the Insurrection Rally. What this shows that Trump’s inner-inner circle were very much involved in financing and organizing the Insurrection Rally. 

On the night of Jan. 5, Trump Jr., Guilfoyle and [her attorney] Wren attended an event at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, where Trump donors mingled with prominent figures in the movement to overturn the election, according to interviews and social media posts from attendees.

We now learned that Vice President elect Harris, during the January 6, 2021, was held up in the DNC as the violent insurrection was occurring. The Secret Service eventually learned that there were pipe bombs planted around the building. Harris the others in the DNC did not know of the attack against the building. The bombs did not go off. Why was the Secret Service so slow in protecting the DNC? Did Trump put his sycophants in charge of the S.S. making sure that they were NOT so protective of Democrats?

Around the time of that event, Wren called rally staff and urged them to allow speaking roles for Ali Alexander, a far-right provocateur and leader of the Stop the Steal movement; Roger Stone, a former Trump advisor; and conspiracy theorist and InfoWars leader Alex Jones, according to a former campaign official who was told details of the call by people who listened to it.” “Wren told multiple organizers interviewed by ProPublica that she was carrying out the wishes of the Trump family. Some believed her and feared that defying her would upset the Trumps. Others suspected she was exaggerating. “Caroline kept talking about her connections to Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle,” said Cindy Chafian, a rally organizer who told ProPublica she was put in touch with Wren and Fancelli by Alex Jones. “I thought she was full of crap.” As ProPublica previously reported, Wren told Dustin Stockton, another rally organizer, that she had raised $3 million for Jan. 6 and “parked” funds with three Republican dark money groups supporting the rally.”

For 186 minutes, Duh’Fuhrer Trump more than likely sat in the dining room area adjoining his Oval Office Daycare Center, where he played with all his action figures depicting historical dictators. One could imagine him sitting at the table gorging his face with double and triple decker cheeseburgers, washing them all down with liters of Diet Coke as his niece Mary Trump described, “Donald got off” at watching the violence done in his name cheering in glee. He had no intent calling off his feral dog militias but the pressure was not only by his daughter, Ivanka, but others, as well. Finally, he told his zombie insurrectionists to go home and that he loved them. The damage was already done. A death had already occurred. The pursuit to kill or hang Pence and Pelosi was underway. 

Fox Snooze’s talking head Sean “I’m-not-a-journalist” Hannity was concerned with the pending Capital assault and violence days before it actually happened. He called Trump and advised him to stop his terrorist attack on the Capital, since he was one of Trump’s political advisors. He warned Trump that his legacy could be damaged if he didn’t call off the insurrectionists, but it did not work.

Thomas Homer-Dixon believes that the United States’ democracy could be on the verge of collapsing. He says that we could descend into another civil war.

By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence. By 2030, if not sooner, the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship.

We mustn’t dismiss these possibilities just because they seem ludicrous or too horrible to imagine. In 2014, the suggestion that Donald Trump would become president would also have struck nearly everyone as absurd. But today we live in a world where the absurd regularly becomes real and the horrible commonplace.

Leading American academics are now actively addressing the prospect of a fatal weakening of U.S. democracy.”

In his article he discusses all the reasons why we all should be worried that our Founding Father’s political experiment into democracy is very much at risk. Racial, social and cultural tensions, the 400 million guns owned as of today,  economic disparities, Pandemic polarizations, as well as what he calls “pervasive elite selfishness”

The wealthy and powerful in America are broadly unwilling to pay the taxes, invest in the public services, or create the avenues for vertical mobility that would lessen their country’s economic, educational, racial and geographic gaps.” “According to Harvard’s renowned sociologist and political scientist Theda Skocpol, in the early 2000s fringe elements of the Republican party used disciplined tactics and enormous streams of money (from billionaires like the Koch brothers) to turn extreme laissez-faire ideology into orthodox Republican dogma.”

“David Frum argues, Trumpism increasingly resembles European fascism in its contempt for the rule of law and glorification of violence. Evidence is as close as the latest right-wing Twitter meme: widely circulated holiday photos show Republican politicians and their family members, including young children, sitting in front of their Christmas trees, all smiling gleefully while cradling pistols, shotguns and assault rifles.”

Trump’s poisonous Big Lie is like pouring gasoline on an already dangerous fire of anger, delusional reality, fear of losing a White Supremacist Christian nation, and more.

Homer-Dixon wrote in his article,

 “Once Republicans control Congress, Democrats will lose control of the national political agenda, giving Mr. Trump a clear shot at recapturing the presidency in 2024. And once in office, he will have only two objectives: vindication and vengeance. A U.S. civil-military expert and senior federal appointee I consulted noted that a re-elected president Trump could be totally unconstrained, nationally and internationally.” “By replacing the civilian leadership of the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs with lackeys and sycophants, he could so infiltrate the Department with his people that he’ll be able to bend it to his will.” 

What this could mean is that any protests by those who don’t support the political policies of the Reichwing, will see the Iron Heel of the military come down on those engaging in civil disobedience. 

“The experts I consulted described a range of possible outcomes if Mr. Trump returns to power, none benign. They cited particular countries and political regimes to illustrate where he might take the U.S.: Viktor Orban’s Hungary, with its coercive legal apparatus of “illiberal democracy”; Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil, with its chronic social distemper and administrative dysfunction; or Vladimir Putin’s Russia, with its harsh one-man hyper-nationalist autocracy. All agreed that under a second Trump administration, liberalism will be marginalized and right-wing Christian groups super-empowered, while violence by vigilante, paramilitary groups will rise sharply.”

What could be the precursor to what is called “a hardline security doctrine”. The authors writes—

 “…the experts I recently consulted all spoke about how fear of crossing Mr. Trump’s base – including fear for their families’ physical safety – was forcing otherwise sensible Republicans to fall into line.” “The rapid propagation of hardline security doctrines through a society, Dr. Leader Maynard says, typically occurs in times of political and economic crisis. Even in the [pre-WW2 Germany’s government between the 1920-1930s ] Weimar Republic, the vote for the National Socialists was closely correlated with the unemployment rate. The Nazis were in trouble (with their share of the vote falling and the party beset by internal disputes) as late as 1927, before the German economy started to contract. Then, of course, the Depression hit. The United States today is in the midst of crisis – caused by the pandemic, obviously – but it could experience far worse before long: perhaps a war with Russia, Iran or China, or a financial crisis when economic bubbles caused by excessive liquidity burst.”

 The insurrection has not ended. It may be only beginning. There is now a steady assault against voting rights by 19 Reichwing state governments who have supplanted non-partisan election officials with Trump aligned sycophants. These sycophants will nullify legitimate election results if the results don’t support their Reichwing Party outcomes. Democrats be damned! 

As Gil Scott Heron 1971 recording, “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” if Trump regains power and shuts down the media from reporting on his military taking control of the street protests.

You will not be able to stay home, brother

You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out

You will not be able to lose yourself on skag

And skip out for beer during commercials, because

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be brought to you

By Xerox in four parts without commercial interruptions

The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon blowing a bugle

And leading a charge by John Mitchell, General Abrams, and Spiro Agnew

To eat hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be brought to you by the Schaefer Award Theatre

And will not star Natalie Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia

The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal

The revolution will not get rid of the nubs

The revolution will not make you look five pounds thinner, because

The revolution will not be televised, brother

There will be no pictures of you and Willie Mae

Pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run

Or trying to slide that color TV into a stolen ambulance

NBC will not be able predict the winner

At 8:32 on report from twenty-nine districts

The revolution will not be televised

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers on the instant replay

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers on the instant replay

There will be no pictures of Whitney Young

Being run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process

There will be no slow motion or still lifes of Roy Wilkins

Strolling through Watts in a red, black, and green liberation jumpsuit

That he has been saving for just the proper occasion

Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville Junction

Will no longer be so damn relevant

And women will not care if Dick finally got down with Jane

On Search for Tomorrow

Because black people will be in the street looking for a brighter day

The revolution will not be televised

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news

And no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists

And Jackie Onassis blowing her nose

The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb or Francis Scott Keys

Nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash

Engelbert Humperdinck, or The Rare Earth

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be right back

After a message about a white tornado

White lightning, or white people

You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom

The tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl

The revolution will not go better with Coke

The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath

The revolution will put you in the driver's seat

The revolution will not be televised

Will not be televised

Will not be televised

Will not be televised

The revolution will be no re-run, brothers

The revolution will be live”

If the Reichwing Party of Trumpsters, The Trump American Neo-Nazi Party, win in 2022, they will continue to demonstrate their inability to lead or govern. Their well-known style of chaos and ignorance will prevail. The COVID/Omicron/Delta Pandemic will continue to stress out all Americans, and our health care system; and, the supply chain disruptions will also be a problem adding to inflationary prices. The problems with the worldwide supply chain will likely continue for years to come, caused by a lingering pandemic creating disruptions in manufacturing, and the distribution of goods. The country has shifted away from a services oriented consumerism to a goods consumption society. People are buying more stuff now that they feel safer staying close to home. That means the supply chain gets harder to manage. 

Their win will likely not fix a darn thing, but will show that they have no answers, or solutions. They will force President Biden to use executive orders for his remaining two years because a Reichwing Congress will stand in his way of forging solutions. 

On this anniversary of the January 6 terrorist attack on the Capital incited by “the defeated one”, President Biden didn’t call him out by name, but referred to him in the third person—“He”. 

“He didn’t just lose the election, he was defeated.” “Face the truth. Don’t bury it.” He propagated his Big Lie in order to spread those genetically engineered seeds across the country to be planted by his zombie followers, and those cowardly congresspersons who are afraid of their criminal Ex-Man hoping to one day take the throne again. The rioting zombies continue Trump’s narrative that Antifa and BLM were causing the initial violence without any proof.

Here is Terry Gross’s podcast Fresh Air interviewing Evan Osnos about his investigation into the Reichwing propaganda information networks. These sites are building Reichwing style Facebook, and PayPal sites. These followers are willfully brainwashed into thinking that Democrats are the enemy stealing their freedoms, liberties and rights away when, in fact, it’s their own people. 

Today our Congress held a memorial anniversary event with only one in the Reichwing Party being present. The rest were hiding in their bunkers scared to show their faces.