Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Con From Oz---His Worship of Trump


The Man from Oz continues to call himself a doctor, when in fact, he no longer operates as a physician and has lost his hospital privileges where he was fired for grifting snake oil and harmful supplements. He has violated he Hippocratic Oath numerous times by selling fake supplements to gullible people, and doing serious harm to animals in his name. He is a fake and a fraud. He is trying to distance himself from Duh’Fuhrer, but he sought out his endorsement and even bowed down and kissed his Walk of Fame Hollywood star. 

During the debate with John Fetterman, the Con from Oz patronized his opponent for having a stroke earlier in the campaign. Fetterman should have countered with ‘You must be making fun of Ronald Reagan, and James Brady, who were both struck by bullets after an assassination could have taken their lives; or Congressman Scalise who suffered a gunshot injury following an attack at a baseball game he was engaged in; or any Congressperson who suffered a heart attack, or stroke, or receiving cancer treatment and returned to do his or her job? Did you do this with all your patients when you once practiced medicine? The fact is Oz you have broken your Hippocratic Oath numerous times.’ ‘And, when was the last time you took courses to maintain your medical license? Columbia University Medical Center fired your ass.’ ‘I want to remind the viewers that Oz has no plan for inflation except to vote with his Rightwing Party to cut you Social Security and Medicare, while giving more tax cuts to the corporate elite, such as Oz and his boss, Donald Trump.’ The actual reason for inflation is corporate greed, and the failure to get control over the Pandemic just after it hit our shores.’ 

It was a big disappoint that Fetterman did not hit Oz back for a knock down punch. He missed his opportunity. He must do it now!!!

Oz isn't the only TANParty con-artist selling fake supplements. Former Governor of Arkansas, and one-time wannabe U.S. president, also loves to sell stuff on television. One product *uckabee is huskering is a sleeping tablet. According to a class action lawsuit the product is called Relaxium Sleep Aid. The lawsuit alleges the product being sold as an "all-natural, clinically proven" supplement." The doctor Eric Ciliberti selling the stuff has claimed without proof that he is a "renowned neurologist. His company claims that Valerest contains a proprietary ingredient and is  "only sleep  solution" with it. But this ingredient is in many other sleep solutions. It contains Valerian root extract and hops. Some people suffer from a side-effect from Valerian. It is not "completely safe" and "can be taken everyday" as *uckabee claims on television. He is just another Oz-like con-man. Read more about it here.

Now we return to the Nitwit From Queens, who while sitting on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne, just didn’t care that Americans were dying from COVID. He only cared about “the optics”, as he called it. Instead, he decided to NOT come forward and warn all of us that COVID was a danger to public health, our in-school educational system, our workplace productivity, and more. He was afraid of what the American people would think of him if he were to take the pandemic seriously and insisted people to wear masks and distance themselves from one another. Two very simple protocols that would have controlled the spread. Since he seriously downplayed the warnings from all the experts in virology and contagious diseases by saying it would be a vanishing virus in only a couple of weeks. He encouraged his followers to go maskless and insisted that wearing a mask was not the American way. He believed if he had, then he would look very stupid by changing course. But if he had, he would likely have beaten Biden.

Bob Woodward, the renowned author and investigator, authored a recent book about t-RUMP following his sit-down interviews with The Guy. He also has an audio book titled “The Trump Tapes.” In this audiobook he says that the Nitwit from Queens is “even worse than you might think.” Woodward asked him about his relationship with Lil’Kim of North Korea. t-RUMP disagreed with the CIA’s assessment that Kim was “ultimately stupid.” The Guy thought he was “cunning; crafty, and very smart.” Woodward then said, “Why does the CIA say that?” Dumbass Donn answered, “Because they don’t know? Because they don’t know. They have no idea. I’m the only one that knows. I’m the only one he deals with. He won’t deal with anybody else…The work chemistry. You meet somebody and you have a good chemistry. You meet a woman. In one second you know whether or not it’s all going to happen…” Woodward was leaning on t-RUMP to explain himself. 

He reverted to a simple-minded reason—instinct. What instincts? Doofus Donn has no instincts other than to grift, and lie and cheat and con. So, was Lil’Kim turning the tables on t-RUMP and conning him into believing they had “chemistry?” More than likely. Da’RUMP said, “I get a sense he likes me. I think he likes. Okay, so, you know he’s got a great piece of land. He’s in between Russia, China, and South Korea. …Great Location.” Woodward pushed him into considering whether he might have “given Kim too much power and what he would do if the North Korean leader shot off one of his ICBMs.” Trump responded, “doesn’t matter…let me tell you, whether I gave it to him or not, if he shoots he shoots.”

This cavalier and blase attitude toward a dangerous world dictator can be seen as frightening. This once again shows that The Nitwit-from-Queens doesn’t care about anyone but himself. “Woodward was perhaps most upset by Trump’s attitude toward the pandemic, which sounds even more dreadful than it did in real time.” (Written by Heather Digby Parton, Salon, published on RawStory.)

Parton writes, Woodward asks at one point if Trump thinks the crisis — in which the entire world economy was shut down and thousands were dying every day — was "the leadership test of a lifetime" and Trump barks out "No!”” “It is an exceedingly weird response. He consistently tells Woodward that everything is going great, while clearly failing to grasp the gravity of the situation.” “Woodward says he believes that "the tapes show that Trump's greatest failure was his handling of the coronavirus, which as of October 2022 has killed more than 1 million Americans." There is no doubt of that in my mind either. I continue to be amazed that it seems to be forgotten among Trump's many crimes, scandals and misdeeds.”

Woodward said, “Trump was the wrong man for the job. But I realize now, two years later, all the Jan. 6 insurrection, leads me to the conclusion that he's not just the wrong man for the job, he's dangerous. He is a threat to democracy and he's a threat to the presidency, because he doesn't understand the core obligations that come with that office.” The Doofus from Queens told Woodward that all his recordings and notes were his. “Everything is mine.” This is the same response he gave regarding all the documents he stole and moved to Grift-Alot-Alago. Woodward said that t-RUMP “is drowning in himself.”

It is clear that Donald Trump is a murderer.

The Dumbass from Queens is an empty vessel. He has no feelings. In the Land of Oz, he is the Cowardly Lion. He only has disdain and hate, and a fear of being disempowered. Through his behavior and actions he has brought his hate and anti-Semitism to the foreground by the legions of White Supremacists who follow him. Many love Putin for his love of White Supremacy, as well. 

Professor Jacques Berlinerblau, who teaches Jewish civilization at Georgetown University, “calls out Trump For Creating His Own ‘Volatile’ Brand of Anti-Semitism.” Trumpian antisemitism has become “far more dangerous” because he has emboldened his followers, many of whom are White Supremacists and conspiracy theory sponges to become anti-Semitic, “and raise the risk of violence against the Jewish community.” He calls out the Jewish community by dividing them into “good Jews and bad Jews,” since the “bad Jews” have strictly supported t-RUMP for his stance on Jerusalem, and tax cuts. He says “what separates the good from the bad Jews is worship of Trump—and given the idol in question, that’s what makes this strain of antisemitism so volatile and dangerous.” Trump blames the “good Jews” for not voting for him, therefore his anger toward them spews out.

His example could also apply to Christians, as well. We can separate the good from the bad Christians in the same way for the one group worshipping their fascist idol and his permission of his people to express their hate and bigotry and anti-Semitism and racism in public. When it is allowed by members of Congress to set the example, then their constituents follow suit.

Bob Woodward’s interviews shows that Trump’s brain a ‘hot diaper mess.’ Politico’s Jack Shafer wrote that Woodward’s interview with the Ex-Man “is a hot diaper mess that mainly illustrates Trump’s narcissism and willful ignorance. He doesn’t really know anything, which is forgivable. But he also doesn’t want to know anything, which isn’t.” Shafer points out that the Ex-Man doesn’t “give straight answers to simple questions and will instead turn the question into any opportunity to boast of his personal greatness,” as reported by Brad Reed for RawStory. 

Shafer hits hard by pointing out that the “Trump interviews have been and will always be futile exercises in attempting to nail a blob of mercury because that’s the way he flows. If Doorstop Bob Woodward can’t wring a coherent interrogation out of somebody after 20 interviews of 600 questions, nobody can.

Woodward should be just as concerned over the Reichwing Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas who temporarily bailed out Lindsey Graham-Cracker from having to testify in the Georgia election fraud case where he was directly linked to overturning the Georgia election. We know which side of sedition Clarence Thomas is on. Thomas used his use of a “shadow docket” to make a unilateral legal decision to block and put a stay “pending further order of the undersigned or of the court” on the federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals decision ordering Graham-Cracker to testify. Is Thomas the Kanye West of the Supreme Court?

One has to wonder how Thomas sees himself. He a member of the American Black community, yet he ignores it time and time again by siding with the Donald da’Pig Trump and White Supremacy. Joe Scarborough pointed out in his discussion with two journalists, Mehdi Hasan and Shadi Hamid, who see t-RUMP as a master of ceremonies of the American authoritarian movement. Joe and Mehdi go even further and call it a fascist movement. They go back to the Ex-Man’s ties to Russia as illustrated in the Mueller report. Over the years, it has been proven in the courts that there was no Russian Hoax as Dumbass Donn pushed over and over again. But was proven that Russia did interfere in our election system in order to get t-RUMP elected. Joe pointed out that during the rallies, t-RUMP told members of Congress who are people of color “to go back to where they came from.” This is his “ultra-nationalist worldview.” Joe points out that t-RUMP had a fantasy plan for a Muslim registry if he got a chance put his Golden Potty Chair throne in the Oval Office. Joe pointed out when Trump was on the campaign trail  “…he did it in December of 2015, I said, my God, this is out of Germany in 1933, is it not?” You can watch the debate here.

If you believe The Ex-Man is a threat to our democracy and freedoms, then Curtis Yarvin wants to take it even further into the danger zone. Yarvin is a software engineer and a Far-Reich blogger who wants to create an app that would allow t-RUMP to run it. Yarvin wants Trump to operate an app that would allow his followers to use to get directions about where to go and what to do. In other words, this app would be Trump’s “nuclear button” allowing his followers to respond to his orders and mobilization directives. “Yarvin believes democracy has failed and wants an authoritarian ruler to exert control over the U.S. (he dislikes the term fascism, only because his model of dictatorship predates the big-F Fascism of Italy in the 1920s.)”

This guy has become an influencer and has connected with Blake Masters, J.D Vance, and Peter Thiel. And then there is *ucker Carlson, who has interviewed him on his show. All of them are fascist lovers. “Yarvin wants to be able to get the new ruler’s supporters to take to the streets” on demand.

Matt Novak writing for Gizmodo writes that the article he references originated from Vox. He continues with “the entire Vox article is definitely worth reading, if only to understand how extremism is being normalized in an era of increased racism and anti-semitism.”

Duh’Fuhrer from Queens has been mobilizing a war against legitimate voting around the country. He has his entire political party behind him—The Trump American Nazi Party, which was once known as the Republican Party. He will have his political Gestapo leading the way in their own states. He wants to challenge any Democratic win for governor and Congress. He has his sights on Pennsylvania. Being that the Fetterman versus The Con from Oz is so close. On election eve if Oz loses, t-RUMP will be ready to sue and claim election fraud.

Bobby Azarian writing for RawStory, is a cognitive neuroscientist and details how this is all going down. 

He writes that “I have come to realize that the war with Trump is a war of worldview. But it is not as simple as the Right versus the Left, and if we make the mistake of thinking it is, then we are missing a massive factor in his continued popularity and will remain clueless about how to combat it. Yes, it’s true that Trump has become the messiah for conservative America, and that Christian fundamentalists make up a big chunk of his support. These people feel like the conservative worldview is dying and that their Christian values and customs will fade into oblivion if something drastic isn’t done to reverse the trend towards secularism. Fox News fuels these fears daily, and Trump saw an opportunity to exploit the existential terror. But make no mistake—Trump is not a religious man and at his core he is no conservative. It is commonly known but ignored that he used to be a Democrat and a good buddy of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention Jeffrey Epstein, whose sleazy values were anything but conservative.” “Many just believe everything that Right-wing media feeds them and are convinced that the Left is the real danger to America. If these conservatives can be persuaded that the reality show star is not a true tribe member, it could hurt Trump’s dominance over the Republican party, and reveal to everyone that he’s not invincible. We should not expect this content to make them switch political sides, but if it can weaken Trump’s grip on America, the effort could be worth it.”  “But conservatives are not the only demographic that has drank the Trump kool-aid. Many of his supporters are not religious fundamentalists but anti-establishment types who are not necessarily socially conservative. His business background and promise to “drain the swamp” created hope that as an outsider he was going to cleanse politics of the corruption and inefficiency that people on both sides can agree is real. Of course, he did nothing of the sort, and instead populated the swamp with some of the most corrupt clowns Washington has ever seen. In addition to these frauds and shysters, like Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, Trump gave positions of power to people who were utterly incompetent—like former education secretary Betsy DeVos—because they were big GOP campaign funders.” 

The author goes on in his article to discuss his solutions. One being the clear establishment of a third party. Read the piece here.

Duh’Fuhrer’s Christian fundamentalist mantle is being led by his former V.P. Mikey the Putz Pence. He actually believes that it is the role of the Supreme Court majority to decide what type of a religion the country needs to establish. To hell with the Constitution and a declaration that no religion should be adopted by the country. There is a real war against freedom and democracy being pushed by Pence!! 

As we look around the nation, polling sites are being infiltrated by Reichwing poll watchers holding automatic weapons as a form of Reichwing intimidation. This citizen Gestapo has also been appointed into the entire election system at various local levels. *ucker Carlson of Fochs Snooze has been already waving his battle flag by saying that the election has already been stolen and riddle with fraud. The Nitwit From Queens encouraged Blake Masters of Arizona to claim that the midterm election is already suffering from a rigged election. *ucker Carlson has been keeping this new Big Lie alive. 

Duh’Fuhrer is fired up with rage as NY Attorney General Letita James is about to put the Trump Organization on trial for fraud. Here is what the NITWIT said, "The only person who may be worse than weak on violent crime A.G. Letitia 'Peekaboo' James, is the Judge we have on her ridiculous & highly partisan case against me & my family," Trump posted this whining rant on his TruthSocial platform. “His name is Arthur Engoron, & he is a vicious, biased, and mean 'rubber stamp' for the Communist takeover of the great & prosperous American company that I have built over a long period of years. He was appointed by my worst enemies." His rant continued. "The highly partisan Democrat Witch Hunt goes on, this time in New York... right during the important Mid-Term Elections, of course.” 

The Great Communist/Fascist Takeover is what happened when Putin netted t-RUMP and took control of him. That is the Great Communist Takeover!!! t-RUMP, and those in the Trump American Nazi Party are afraid of democracy, freedom and human rights.

We saw this fascist attack upon our democracy and our freedoms when a conspiracy theory Kool-Aid drinker who followed the Reichwing’s assault upon truth and facts. The assault upon truth and facts has been led by Duh’Fuhrer and his Stormtroopers in the Congress. Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, suffered serious injuries by the Reichwing hater David DePape when he broke into their California home and struck Paul with a hammer while repeating the insurrection’s hangman’s chant on January 6th  “where’s Nancy.” He is a sick pervert who sexually abused the children he lived with. He followed the same hateful tropes that Margie Taylor Greene and t-RUMP follow. Duh’Fuhrer’s silence over this assault and attempted murder is more proof that he is the same kind of monster as DePape. 

David Frum writing for The Atlantic titled his piece., “Only the GOP Celebrates Political Violence.” “Both parties suffer partisan bloodshed. One glorifies it.” 

Violence loving Ken Buck, representing Colorado’s 4th District said this in regards to glorifying guns, “I have a message for Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke. If you want to take everyone’s AR-15 in America, why don’t you swing by my office in Washington, D.C., and start with this one.” At this point, Buck reached for a stars-and-stripes-decorated rifle mounted on the wall. He brandished the weapon, smiled what he must have imagined was a tough-guy smile, and said, “Come and take it.”

The Trump American Nazi Party is in a hot war with democracy, freedom, truth and facts. They have made sure that voters are intimidated at their polling stations by having t-RUMP supporting vigilantes carrying AR-15 assault weapons pretending to be poll watchers. This behavior is what we see in Third World fascist regimes. 

This assault against our democracy is being reinforced by the fascist Supreme Court justices, such as KKKlarence Thomas and the other Reichwingers on the court. Laurence Tribe and Dennis Aftergut call out KKKlarence as a partisan justice violating the oath he took when appointed to the court. 

The U.S code states: Title 28, Section 455 of the United States Code is the federal statute that applies to Thomas. It provides: 

“Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned” or his spouse “is known by the judge to have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.” 

KKKarence’s wife Ginni is a direct link to the 1/6 insurrection, yet Thomas has not recused himself over related court decisions. He has violated his oath and should be punished for his actions.

“The statute says “shall” — meaning, this is not discretionary. Congress has imposed on federal judges a mandatory duty to disqualify themselves if their impartiality might be reasonably questioned. It does not matter whether Thomas issued Graham’s desired stay or denied it; he wasn’t supposed to rule at all.”

It cannot be denied. There is a real war against freedom, liberty, individual rights, truth and facts. The Reichwing corporate elite are funding this assault against our democracy. Elon Musk is just the latest, along with his financial backers, such as Peter Thiel, and large equity groups as they buy Twitter in order make it into their image. The corporate elite trickle down their support for those in government who can be their legislative rubber stamps. It has leached into the Supreme Court with Thomas and Alito, and the other crazy Catholics sitting on the bench. This Trickle Down effect has reached the community level as the Far-Reich election deciders allow for armed sickos to intimidate voters. t-RUMP has already declared that there is election fraud even before the process has begun in various states. In order to preserve it we must see a massive Blue Wave of voters cast their support for our country in order to continue with the Democratic Experiment we have had in place since the ratification of our constitution in 1788 in spite of all its flaws.