Sunday, October 23, 2022

Margie Taylor Greene As Trump's Running Mate?



Duh’Fuhrer tRUMP has, once again, taken out his anti-semitic dog whistle and blown it hard. The same screed of propaganda against American Jews has been repeated. He says that American Jews better watch out. Now that is true. The neo-fascism that has been taken over by the once known Republican Party, which is now known as the The Trump American Nazi Party is not holding back their anti-Semitic hate. His claim that Evangelicals are more devoted to Israel than the Jewish people are, is once again, proof of his own hate toward Jews. He rubber stamps it by considering Margie Taylor Greene Slime as his v.p. choice, if he runs again. She is an pure anti-Semite and racist bigot. He also claims that he has done more for Israel than any other president in history. He makes this claim regarding everything he does. He is the ‘be-bestest’ (Melania’s slogan) person in American history. 

The dog whistling he is doing is to his fascist base, who are deeply anti-semitic, racist, and overall bigots. Fascism grows from fear, hate and especially anti-Semitism and racism. The Loser from Queens builds his base with fear, paranoia, hate and more hate. The reason is because he is a small minded fearful, hateful, paranoid petulant sleazy man-child. He has a lot to fear because the walls are beginning to cave in on him. The trial against Alan Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s CFO has decided to spill the beans in order to avoid jail time for fraud and tax evasion. The truth about how the Trump Organization has operated its grifting operation will be come out in the trial. Trump has take lessons from Viktor Orban, who has built his movement around hate of “the other.” The Other being non-white and non-Christian. 

Duh’Fuhrer t-RUMP just cannot keep his anti-Semitic foot out of his mouth. A new documentary illustrates his hate for Jews in spite of the fact that his daughter and son-in-law are Jews, and their children, too. Those two must be self-hating Jews, since they have put themselves in the center of his political life. The camera was rolling when t-RUMP called the filmmaker “is this a good Jewish character right here?” He went on to call Persians “very good salesmen.” And, he proclaimed that “Israeli Jews like him more that do Jews in the United States.” 

Alan Dershowitz once told t-RUMP that for the most part, “American Jews don’t vote for you.” He said “we can’ vote Republican, ‘cause Israel is not the only issue that we deeply care about. We’re Americans.” He went on to try and explain to the Dumbass from Queens that Jews typically are liberals because they care about Gay rights, women’s rights, climate concerns, gun control, separation between church and state, and that ‘Republicans don’t care about these issues.“They’re terrible.” In fact, they argue against such issues and pass legislation against these issues.

It is about time that the broadcast media decided to call out the once known Republican Party as fascist. What took them so long? MSNBC host, Mehdi Hasan, said that Biden calling out the other major party as ‘fascist-lite’ was too soft. Biden called them “semi-fascist.” That image brings up what you might bring to a party—semi-soft cheese. One gets the image of a gooey soft around the middle fascist person, like the Nitwit from Queens and his pal, Taylor Greene Slime. It is like minimizing the effect of fascism as something that isn’t that dangerous.

The fascist attempt to takeover the government, and to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi was just “semi-fascist?” *ucker Carlson’s blatant support of fascism and authoritarianism is only on the “semi” scale, with only one foot on the fascist scale and the other foot on the ground? The group of Congresspeople in support of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is only “semi-fascist?” Their support of Orban-like governors and wannabe governor and Congressional candidates are only “semi-fascist” when they support trafficking immigrants half-way across country as a political stunt? Or, to criminalize women for deciding to have an abortion, and making those who offer support as criminals, as well? Or, to control the ballot box in order to steal an election if it doesn’t align with their preferred outcome? Or, to tell schools and libraries what books should be available to students? Or, to control protests? Or, to order teachers what can be spoken in the classroom?

Here is what Duh’Fuhrer said on his failing TruthSocial network, “Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — Before it is too late!” 

Too late for what? What is he talking about? Is this some kind of threat against the American Jewish communities? Does he not believe that Israel cannot function without him?

Medhi Hasan said this, “Now is not the time to stay silent or to give the GOP a pass on this issue.” He added:

“President Joe Biden recently called out Trump’s MAGA philosophy as a kind of “semi-fascism”. For me, using that “semi” is a little too generous. And look, people can argue over the exact definition of fascism. But the one thing that fascist movements across the West have always had in common is this: They go after Jewish minorities in their midst.” “It’s all part of the same thing: The rising and dangerous fascism on the American right.” “But it shouldn’t be dismissed as “Donald Trump being Donald Trump” ― because the escalating anti-Semitic rhetoric from Trump and others on the right is part of a dangerous pattern.”

Kanye West, or should we say Ye, which is his new name, has joined his Nazi leader, Duh’Fuhrer tRUMP, to attack Jews. Now that he has been banned from Twitter he has decided to buy the Far-Reichwing platform called Parler, so he can spew his anti-Semitic rants. Wee Wee Ye Ye posted this threat against Jews, “to go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” He made the claim that there is a Jewish media cabal mafia in control and blocking his success. Wee Wee Ye Ye said, “I’m calling out  the Jewish community as a whole.” That is like saying ‘All Black people are…..’ He is totally insane.

Chris Cuomo called out  Ye Ye Wee Wee West during their back and forth interview on NewsNation. He decided to call out the sick bastard, who is a full-blown Nazi loving Trumpster, for his anti-Semitic hate. Ye hehe has “blamed Jews for screwing him in business, canceling shows and calling him just a rapper and not a “billionaire,” “tycoon” or “inventor.” WOW! He sounds like he is channeling tRUMP and his rants. Does this moron take responsibility for any of his actions? 

Cuomo pushed back and said “There is no Jewish media cabal mafia. That is a figment of either your imagination or a projection of a prejudice.”

The social media platform started by Duh’Fuhrer is called Truth Social. It is a failing enterprise. It is losing money, yet The Dumb Donn wanted the CEO of the company to give Melania free shares in the company; and his two stupid-ass sons, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb wanted a grifter’s financial stake in platform, as well, without doing a darn thing to earn it. Both instances are how these grifting Trumps operate. Give me something for nothing because ‘I be the bestest business people of all time.’ This social media company is called Trump Media and Technology Group. Both requests were rejected by Will Wilkerson, who was told to resign from his senior V.P of operations position and who also sat on the board. Dumb Donn asked co-founder Andy Litinsky to hand over his stock shares to Melania as a “gift” with nothing gotten in return. It didn’t happen.

Margie Taylor Greene Slime is trying to sliver away from her participation in the plan to “Stop and Steal the Election” for her crime boss. Writer Hunter Walker wrote on his Substack site that Greene Slime became a microphone promoting Duh’Fuhrer’s Big Lie that the election was stolen away from him. She has proven over and over again that she has been a MAGAT. During the debate with her Congressional opponent, Marcus Flowers, she continued to say that she wasn’t involved in the insurrection and that she has become a victim and not a participant. She has created her own Big Lie. It has been proven that she texted Markie Meadows before the terrorist attack against the Capital on 1/6 proving she was aware and engaged in the attempt to overturn the election. Walker wrote a book with Denver Riggleman called “The Breach: The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th.” 

Here is one of her messages to Meadows, “Good morning Mark, I’m here in DC. We have to get organized for the 6th. I would like to meet with Rudy Giuliani again. We didn’t get to speak with him long. Also anyone who can help…. We are getting a lot of members on board. And we need to lay out the best case for each state.” “Last night Sen (Lindsey) Graham told me that if I found 100 names of dead voters in GA that he would object. I have 100 dead voters names!!.... Tell President Trump!”

Here is more slimey drivel from the melting mind of this delusional sociopath, “Mark we don’t think these attackers are our people.” “We think they are Antifa. Dressed like Trump supporters.” “Yesterday was a terrible day. We tried everything we could in our objection to the 6 states. I’m sorry nothing worked. I don’t think that President Trump caused the attack on the Capitol. It’s not his fault. Antifa was mixed in the crowed and instigated it, and sadly people followed. But when people try everything and no one listens and nothing works, I guess they think they have no other choice.” “Absolutely no excuse and I fully denounce all of it, but after shut downs all year and a stolen election, people are saying that they have no other choice. I defended Trump last night on Newsmax. He has been the greatest President. I will continue to defend him.” (From Alternet written by Alex Henderson.)

Greene Slime was willing to hand over the names of dead people claiming they voted for Biden in order to throw out the electoral vote count in Georgia and validate a reason to send in fake Electoral College delegates to be used by Mikey Pence.

Greene Slime decided to head to Tennessee for a photo-op that went stupidly sideways. She went to visit a Union army monument, thinking it was a Confederate monument, to show all her constituents know just how dumb she really is. She has no idea what preparation means. She thought she was honoring Confederate soldiers but was, in fact, honoring the Union soldiers and their Colonel John T. Wilder who led his soldiers, made up of Union citizen soldiers from Illinois and Indiana straight off the farms, to battle against the Confederates on the Chickamauga, Georgia site. Wilder used a more modern assault against the enemy and beat them. His men were called his Lightning Brigade of mounted infantry armed with repeating rifles and “the speed of a cavalry with the power of an infantry.”

Here is what the Nitwit from Georgia said, "Tonight, I stopped at the Wilder Monument in Chickamauga, GA, which honors the Confederate soldiers of the Wilder Brigade.” "I will always defend our nation’s history!" She posted this on t-RUMP’s TruthSocial platform in order to reach her broad base of Nitwits. Unknowingly, she was in fact honoring Union soldiers and not Confederate, which she so embraces. Does she have a single functioning brain cell in that empty skull of hers? Does she not read, do research, or prepare for anything in her life? Is she nothing but a sack of vileness? 

Here is a funny sidebar. Kushner’s book was a big flop. No-one wanted to read his piece of crap. So his Biggie Daddy Donny bought up $131,000 worth of books out his PAC money, received from his donors, to push the book up on the NYT’s best seller list of books. What a joke!! Dumbass Jared’s ego is so big that he actually thought people would buy his book and want to read his drivel. Donny decided to pass out the book to campaign donors at fundraisers. Kushner is a male version of Sarah Palin.

On a serious note, Dumbass Donn was afraid of COVID, while he was sitting on his Golden Potty Chair throne that he forced the CDC to alter the actual COVID data so it wouldn’t look so bad. It was reported that he pressured Alex Azar, his health secretary, and the CDC director Robert Redfield, to alter the actual numbers of people dying from COVID and those who caught COVID on a weekly basis. Bad figures would make t-RUMP look weak. He never wanted to look weak and ineffective, therefore, he bullied his staff to alter the reports. Nevertheless, those bad COVID outcomes would and actually did have a negative impact on jobs.

Steve Scalise, a Reichwing member of the TANP has come out and said that if the TANP gain control of the Congress, they will reduce Social Security benefits for future recipients, and will reduce the benefits received by new recipients of Medicare (and likely Medicaid.) He claims that his party wants to shore up the two government delivered benefits but, in fact, their double-speak is actually hiding their true motivations to gut those benefits. It is important to them to cut the tax rates for their corporate donor class of American Oligarchs.

As Politico has written, the Republican Study Committee, which Scalise is a member of, has detailed a “plan, among other things, included proposals for “raising the eligibility ages for each program, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain income, and privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes.””

“Bloomberg Government published a striking report last week, sketching out GOP officials’ plans to work around a veto threat and force President Joe Biden to accept cuts to the popular social insurance programs.”

Here is what Bloomberg reported, "Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats. The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.” 

MSNBC writer Steve Benen wrote this, “In other words, Republicans are prepared to crash the economy and trash the full faith and credit of the United States in order to achieve unpopular and regressive cuts that the public doesn’t want. It's intended to create a hostage crisis in which GOP lawmakers threaten to harm Americans on purpose unless Democrats agree to pay their ransom.”

Judge Dearie, the special master appointed by Judge Cannon, has told the t-RUMP team of lawyers to prove why their client needs executive privilege. Show the documents that are so vital that they need privilege. He said, “where’s the beef?” The reality is that there are no reasons for giving tRUMP executive privilege. They are claiming that their client, the Nitwit From Queens had in his pile of stolen government documents stashed at Grift-alot-Alago were papers that were both private and classified all wrapped into a single document and, therefore, could not be used against him in court. Judge Dearie told them that t-RUMP couldn’t have it both ways. Either the document was private or classified it couldn’t be both. And, the DOJ argued that in any court case, private documents can be used in court as evidence. Being a private document means nothing.

Dumbass Donn, when being interviewed by Bob Woodward for his book, shared with Woodward the “love letters” exchanged with North Korea’s Lil’Kim. t-RUMP told Woodward to not share the content of those letters with anyone. He claimed they were “top secret letters.” The “Dotard”, Kim’s nickname for Trump, has no idea what a top secret document actually means. He has no idea what privilege means in this context.  Dotard told Woodward that he needed to “treat them with respect.” “And don’t say I gave them to you, okay?”  “I’ll let you see them” but “I don’t want you to have them all.” The Dotard was going to actually give Woodward some of his precious love letters. The Dotard asked Woodward if he was going to make “a Photostat of them or something?” Photostat? What was t-RUMP talking about? Is he that far out in the ozone layer? Woodward would likely use a photocopier or a computer scanner.  Woodward responded with “No, I dictated them into a tape recorder.” Dotard said, “those are so top secret.”

Is he that ridiculous? “And, don’t say I gave them to you, okay?”  Who would have given these letters to Woodward to read other than the Nitwit From Queens? 

Congresswoman Katie Porter doped slapped the Trump American Nazi Party members in the Congress with her latest chart. She showed that corporate profit taking is the real reason for our inflation and high prices. Her chart showed that between the years 1970 to 2010 corporate profits were around 11.5%. But now, corporate profits are at 53%. She was questioning Mike Konczal, the director of Macroeconomic Analysis at the Roosevelt Institute, who agreed with her analysis that the cause of inflation, and an increase in prices, in our post COVID time period are due to corporate profits. Porter tweeted, “Bigger corporate profits account for *over half* of the higher prices people are paying.” Read and hear Katie Porter explain why corporate greed is the reason behind these higher prices.

U.S. District Judge David Carter has called out Dumbass Donn for lying over his bullshit that the election was stolen from him. t-RUMP committed a felony when he signed a legal document that was presented to the court saying that there was election fraud committed in Georgia. By signing this December 1, 2020 filing, a ‘signed verification’ for state court, he actually lied under oath!  He knew the fraudulent figures related to the vote and ballot count were bogus but he didn’t care. He ignored the warnings to not sign by his attorneys. He decided to spew this Big Lie to his fan club, anyway. He signed a “verification swearing under oath” document saying that the election count was fraudulent and that his “numbers were true and correct” when he knowingly knew it was a Big Lie. His crazy man attorney John Eastman told him that the election was not stolen from him; therefore, t-RUMP was aware that the election in Georgia was fair. But Duh’Fuhrer decided to ignore his counsel and sign the document anyway knowing he was lying. He claimed that dead people had voted. t-RUMP’s numbers were that over 10,000 dead people voted, as well as 2560 felons and 2423 unregistered voters. All part of his Big Lie. He then went forward and told the public that election fraud had happened in Fulton Country Georgia and that he was actually the winner. All part of his Big Lie. This angered Judge Carter and has now demanded from Eastman a bunch of emails to review and a couple hundred be sent over to the 1/6 committee. Another question is what role did Taylor Greene Slime play in this election fraud scheme when she communicated with Markie Meadows that she could put together a list of names listing all the dead people who had magically risen from the grave and voted. 

BillyBob Barr, when acting as t-RUMP’s attorney general, and his behind the scenes personal lawyer, assigned one of his clowns, attorney John Durham, to make sure that the Russia, Russia, Russia accusations of involvement in getting t-RUMP elected were nothing but a big hoax. That didn’t turn out as he wished. He went to court three times for Duh’Fuhrer to prove that the FBI lied about it, and that the Steele Dossier was a hoax, too. Well, the last of the three trials failed to  prove that the FBI informant Igor Danchenko lied to federal agents. Igor was acquitted of all charges leaving Durham and his client with their pants on fire, once again. Now there is a call for Barr to be investigated for creating a witch hunt on behalf of his crime boss, which cost the DOJ money, time and assets. Barr went after anyone who was investigating those who were looking into the crimes committed by his crime boss, such as collusion with Russia. Barr’s efforts were a big failure. His witch hunt was nothing but a punt.

Andrew Weissman, a former top DOJ official, said “Durham must be put through a rigorous ethics probe. Having been given his thankless task by Bill Barr is no excuse for pursuing phantoms and shadows to exact partisan revenge.” “ Durham was not candid when he told the Virginia jury that Mueller found no evidence of collusion. And he charged an alleged false statement that the court found was actually true. Based on the govt’ s own witnesses. How is Durham not subject to an ethics probe?” The Durham trial against Igor was held in a federal courtroom in Virginia.

Why does it always have to come back to the most incompetent people running for office on the Trump American Neo-Nazi Party ticket? Here we are back to Dougie Mastriano. This guy is a total fraud. He went to the University of New Brunswick for his Ph.D. He was in the history department. Members of his dissertation committee called his work “dishonest, sloppy and tinged with religious zealotry, and indifferent to facts that contradicted his claims.” “Mastriano could not write basic sentences and his dissertation on World War I military hero Sergeant York was filled with spelling errors.” 

Dougie claimed he had excavated the site where York had fought his battle but a team of archeologists proved that Dougie’s site was wrong and that they had actually located the actual site.

Dougie claimed in his dissertation that Divine Intervention was the reason for York’s survival in the battle. His committee fought this assumption and what he authored was inappropriate for a scholarly paper. The committee went on to say that he continually wrote awful sentences. James Gregory, a graduate student in history at the University of Oklahoma had also written a book on Sergeant York and found that Dougie’s dissertation was “rife with academic fraud” and “outright lies.”

“In rare rebuke, two retired U.S Army War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor.” “He doesn’t deserve our trust or support.” He is an ““existential threat” to American democracy.” James Gregory said that “He’s literally changing history.” “Jeffrey Brown, the University of New Brunswick professor called Dougie “ “a dangerous” religious zealot with a “post-fact” worldview.”

Tami Davis Biddle, who taught at the War College for 20 years, who watched Dougie interfere with the peaceful transfer of power on January 6, 2020 was “the most painful thing I experienced in my professional career.” Dougie, a military officer, violated his sworn oath. Biddle wrote “The officer corps is sworn to defend the Constitution rather than any one person or president.” “None of its members is entitled to toy with insurrection, treat Jan. 6 as legitimate protest, or follow election deniers who would undercut our most important political institutions.” “As they push their personal agendas they are also pushing the nation to abandon the most important principles supporting and upholding our democracy and our representative government.”  “It’s craven and reckless behavior.” ““I didn’t want to look back on this moment in time and regret a decision to stay silent.” 

Rick Coplen, who served in combat in Panama with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and was a professor at the War College said, " Doug Mastriano is part of this whole effort to, quite frankly, undermine and destroy our democracy.” Congressman Scott Perry, a retired brigadier general in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, has been criticized by members at the War College for similar concerns about abandoning their oaths and efforts to erode our democracy in their support of t-RUMP’s “Stop the Steal” campaign on January 6 and weeks leading up to the Act of Sedition. 

These types of fascist authoritarian types are the people being recruited to run as Trump American Nazi Party candidates. Integrity, intelligence and  competence are no longer requirements to be in this party, as we have seen with the likes of Taylor Greene Slime, Bimbo Lauren Boebert, Mattie Gaetz, Ronnie Johnson, Riki Lake, The man from Oz, Hershel Walker, and the list goes on and on. It is only about power and control and not about preserving our democracy and freedoms. It is only about making sure that the TANP holds onto power in order to make sure that the corporate elite are served as they demand and to make the church the official government. 

Here is an interesting article published on Time magazine written by Peter T. Coleman, a professor of psychology and education at Columbia University. His article is “The U.S. is Heading Toward a Second Civil War. Here is How We Avoid It.”

His premise is that we need to have conversations with those Far-Reich extremist types. He has a conversation with an Orthodox Jewish man. The two are neighbors in the same building. The two have walks together. The man is a Trump supporter and he has his reasons. By the end of the article, this man’s mind begins to open up and see the other side. 

But, as a reader of Coleman’s article, the problem one might end up with is that there are far too many people who are Trump supporters, or worse, who are addicts of Q’Anon and love to believe in conspiracy theories and continue to be delusional, where a conversation would be useless and non-productive. The Far-Reich America is trying to a Christian nation, where Gays are evil people, books need to be banned, and trans people and their families need to be killed off. Many believe Trump is their messiah, and wave signs reading ‘Keep Government Out Of Medicare.’ They aren’t afraid to believe Putin is a good guy, and authoritarian leadership in the United States would be just fine. The Far-Reich Party don’t want any separation between church and state. Their efforts are to make sure the Supreme Court majority is partisan toward the Far-Reich. Climate change is a hoax and a country needs to drill baby drill in order to be to energy independence in spite of the fact that the country of Greece has gone 100 percent renewables to power their country in 2022, which was successful. They have no problem with the ultra-rich and mega-corporations to NOT pay their fair share; and the list goes on and on. The more businesses people like Elon Musk spend their money creating, in order to write off on their taxes, they end up making themselves richer without having to pay their far share in taxes. t-RUMP tried this but ended up creating failed businesses: Trump University; Trump Wines; and the others. 

Peter Coleman is an idealist and a progressive thinker, but he may be a little too late to stop the rising tide toward violent change. It just may be too late as of now that the Nitwit From Queens is considering the Nitwit from Georgia, Taylor Greene Slime as his running mate. She uses the metaphor of hunting wild pigs from an aircraft with an automatic weapon as she would to kill democrats who get in her way.

                                              The Loonie Toonie Party