Monday, September 26, 2022

Special Master Judge Dearie Tells Trump To Put Or Shut Up!


                                    The Trump Board Game

The whining simpleton from Queens cried all the way to his room at GriftALago because he wasn’t invited to the Queen’s funeral. He said, “I would have had better seat than Biden if I were president.” “ In Real Estate, like in Politics and in Life, Location is everything!!” “If I were president, they wouldn’t have sat me back there—and our Country would be much different than it is right now!!!” That’s right. It would be in worse shape than it is right now. 

What a total piece of Trump Trailer Trash speak. If GriftALago had been invited, no doubt, his entourage would have been sent to the other side of the country to an empty chapel. This pathetic psychopathic monster always wanted to be the head of the class, and when he had a chance, while he sat on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne, he failed!!! And now, he wants a redo, but a loser like him can never redeem himself. If he gets a second chance, all he will do will be to throw the chairs and desks and tear the place down!!

It looks like Adolf DeSantis and Gregg Gargoyle Abbott are getting a lot of blowback for their brazen stunt to use these vulnerable people in order to gain popularity with the fascist base of freaks when they decided to send a plane to Texas to pick up migrants, load them and then fly them to Democratic states and dumped them off with no support. Now, those migrants are suing him, and an investigation by Texas sheriff Javier Salazar is being pursued if DeSantis violated laws. Human trafficking and forced coercion. The Democratic Florida governor candidate Charlie Crist is also calling for an investigation into DeSantis’ abhorrent treatment of vulnerable human beings wanting a better life in the United States than they had in Venezuela.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which lays out methods for prosecuting traffickers and protecting victims. In cases that involve human trafficking, prosecutors must accordingly prove that victims were “recruited, harbored, transported … obtained … for labor or services” by means or use of “force, fraud or coercion.”

Adolf DeSantis’ rationale was that “We are not a sanctuary state, and it’s better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdiction, and yes, we will help facilitate that transport for you to be able to go to greener pastures.” 

According to Amy Farrell, the Northeastern Director and Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, “To me there’s clearly fraud associated here, and potentially coercion.” “In this case, it is clear to me at least that the 50 or so individuals thought they were going to go to Florida—and that’s the assumption of DeSantis also—then diverted with the promise of good jobs and work and support services in Massachusetts.” 

“Underpinning the federal law, Farrell says, is an “action, means and purpose” model of determining prosecutable violations.”  “The [action], here, was that [the migrants] were transported or diverted from where they were originally traveling, and the [means] was that it was done so fraudulently.” “There could be a financial purpose in it in that Florida could be financially benefiting by not having to provide shelter, legal aid and other assistance to the migrants.” “States like Florida and Texas receive a tremendous amount of federal funding that is set aside to assist migrants, she says. It cost the sunshine state a little over $600,000 to move the migrants as part of a $12 million immigration relocation program. Florida then, would be materially benefiting from the fraudulent movement of migrants.”” This story was reported by Tanner Stening for News at Northeastern.

Adolf DeSantis was just following his Fuhrer’s playbook. Miles Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security official, who had served under Duh’Fuhrer during his time sitting on his Oval Office Golden Potty Chair throne, said that Trailer Trash Trump concocted a scheme to ship immigrants to blue sanctuary cities and states even before DeSantis ran with the plan. Taylor said, “He wanted us to identify the murderers, the rapists and the criminals and in particular, make sure we did not incarcerate them, and we put them in those cities.”  “It doesn’t take a lawyer or genius to recognize that this would likely be illegal to do.” 

The Far-Reich fascists just cannot stay away from showing who they really are. One such freak is Margie Taylor Greene Slime who voted against a religious freedom act passed through the Congress. The Religious Freedom Bill was rejected by four of her fellow members out of the New Congressional Stooges Caucus. What this bill does is to provide funding for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. This commission was founded in 1998. Greene Slime and her pals don’t believe in religious freedom unless it is all about Christian fascism. The other jerks were Louie Gohmert Pile-of-Shit from Texas, Thomas Moron Massie of Kentucky, and Chip da’Chimp Roy of Texas.

Among one of its actions, the Commission frequently recommends the imposition of sanctions on foreign countries, and sanctions generally do not hurt the repressive governments they target. Instead, the burdens of sanctions disproportionately fall on innocent people already suffering under those regimes” and protects and promotes human rights surrounding religious freedom for those worshipping their own specific faiths around the world.

We need to be grateful that Duh’Fuhrer’s fascist fools are going to see themselves investigated for their actions. Those engaged in alleged voting machine breaches and election security failures in the state of Georgia will have to answer for their actions, as well. The charges against those involved in trying to steal the election for tRUMP are unauthorized copying of datas, breach of equipment, as well as other unauthorized access of election data out of Coffee County, Georgia. They engaged in their own form of sedition in order to assist in overturning the election so as to get their Fuhrer reelected.

A forensic computer team was allowed by Coffee County’s Cathy Latham, the county Republican Party chair at the time, to tamper with and extract unauthorized data from the voting machines, which now need to be replaced because they were compromised. In this link, you can see Latham taking a selfie with one of the forensic computer technicians. A very damming photo.

Trump’s trash heap attorneys including Sidney “the Kraken” Powell had their fingers in this seditious action because they were providing support to these election officials. All of this has resulted in Georgia’s touchscreen voting machines to be deemed unsecured and need to be replaced with paper ballots.

Also being investigated is Catherine Engelsbrecht, the nitwit founder of True the Vote, a conspiracy theory group that spreads fake voter fraud misinformation, and propaganda, and who also was involved in the fake propaganda film called “2000 Mules.” She is being sued by the small elections logistics company called Konnech, who “alleges that True the Vote admitted to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by accessing the company's data.”

Dominion Voting Machines company is also suing Rudy “Ghouliani” and others for spreading lies and widespread conspiracies against them, no doubt, under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and liable. Dominion has claimed that their reputation has significantly been damaged.

Such NITIWITs working for Duh’Fuhrer have risen to the top positions in our justice system. Cannon is one of them. Judge Aileen Cannon was once again doped slapped by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals panel of three judges who wrote in their 25 page opinion that she was a total incompetent when she decided to stand in the way of the DOJ’s use of the 100 documents kept from them because she questioned if they were actually classified, or not. Instead, she decided to pretend that she was tRUMP’s private federal court attorney and work against the DOJ.

The 11th circuit judges wrote that it did not matter if the documents were classified or unclassified because the NITWIT from Queens had no reason to have them in his possession. The report stated that Cannon had abused her power and put our national security at risk.

Here is what the opinion says in summary, ’Trump does not have a possessory interest in the documents at issue, so he does not suffer a cognizable harm if the United States reviews documents he neither owns nor has a personal interest in. There in no persuasive insistence that he would be harmed by a criminal investigation. “Bearing the discomfiture and cost of a prosecution for crime even by an innocent person is one of the painful obligations of citizenship.” Because of the nature of the classified materials at issue here and based on the record, the court has no reason to expect that the U.S’s use of the documents imposes the risk of disclosure of any of Trump’s privileged information. Because the scope of the DOJ’s use of the 100 documents, there will be no substantive injury to Trump by our ruling. “The public interest favors the stay” ruling. It is the court’s belief that the documents at issue contain information “the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.”

Cannon fired blanks and needs to be pressured into resigning her position. She’s just another tRUMP toadie and incompetent who floated to the top.

Duh’Fuhrer was dealt another blow by the NYAG Letitia James with her indictment against the principals at the Trump Org., who are Donnie, Donnie Jr, Eric, and Ivanka for fraud. She should also investigate the bank lenders who were enablers of tRUMP’s criminal enterprise—a fraud grift disguised as a real estate business.

The Trump (board) Game is UP!!!

Trump It Up!--The Astonishing Board Game (found on Amazon)

This civil lawsuit indictment could significantly damage 45’s assets to the sum of $250M! Michael Cohen estimates Rump’s real worth is around $1.2B and not the $100B or more that he claims he has stuffed in his mattress.

If the lenders were culpable in the fraud schemes undervaluing or overvaluing his properties depending on the circumstances, then they are part of the scam, too. For example with Deutsche Bank, Donnie was refused a loan, so he then walked around the corner to another door and into their private bank branch to get the loan.

During an interview with Fochs Snooze, Sean Hannity was told by the Scammer from Queens that he could just “think” the classified documents into magically becoming declassified. He said, “From what I understand, all I had to do was to think they were declassified and then they were.”

This moron actually believed this garbage and was so stupid that he was willing to tell the world of this revelation on television. Did his Magic 8 Ball toy tell him he had these telepathic powers? “Magic 8 Ball there doesn’t have to be a process as I understand it.” The toy’s tiny window said, “Yes.”

Trump said, “You’re the president of the United States. You can declassify just by saying, “It’s declassified.” Even by thinking about it.”” 

The Special Master Judge Dearie told tRUMP and his attorneys to either put up or shut up!!! The Nitwit From Queens said that he believes that the FBI planted documents during the raid. Dearie told tRUMP to prove it or shut up. Dufus Donald’s legal team asserts that documents, including top secret files, were not found at GriftALago, but were in fact documents later added to the DOJ’s inventory list.  What is delusional Donnie talking about? He made this suggestion on his failing social media platform Truth Social, or should it be called No Truth Social. He added to his claim that because he and his Klan of Cretins were watching the raid on his own surveillance camera, closed circuit television, the top secret stuff must have been added later in secret.

Here is what the 11th Circuit Court’s opinion says about this“Executive Order also sets forth how documents can be declassified. In general, information can be declassified or downgraded by the official who authorized the original classification, her successor, her supervisor, or other officials with express declassification authority. Classified records are also subject to automatic declassification if they are more than twenty-five years old and have permanent historical value, unless they fall into certain enumerated categories such that their declassification could harm national security.”

This Moron actually believed that he might not have been the actual target of the FBI raid. He delusionally told Hannity-the-Insanity that “they could have been looking for stuff on Hillary Clinton.” WHAAAT? So, did tRUMP actually admit he took documents that were all about the Clintons?

The opinion said that da’RUMP was—

 “not seeking the return of his property for the time being.” What property are they talking about? His magazine covers? “Movant [Trump] has not yet filed a Rule 41(g) motion, and the standard for relief under the rule is not relevant to the issue of whether the Court should appoint a Special Master. And even if he were, he has not identified any reason that he is entitled to them.” Trump “has not even attempted to show that he has a need to know the information contained in the classified documents.”

The bizarre response by Trump to the 11th circuit was that:

 1) he argued that the 11th lacked jurisdiction over the appointment of a special master; 2) that he has standing in the case; 3) that the government has not proved that the documents marked classified are actually classified; The government fired back, that Trump has no jurisdiction over the merit of case; that the classified documents have no plausible case for being privileged to Trump even he claimed that he declassified them and in spite of his claim the government still has the need to access them; and, without a stay, the government and the public would suffer irreparable harm.

I’ll never understand why Trump supporters aren’t more offended by how stupid Trump obviously thinks they are.

Here is one of his batshit crazy supporters turned politician who is running for a seat in the Michigan House who believes that women should not be able to vote. Only men. He says that the women should stay at home and care for the children. John Gibbs, a Far-Reich Christian, and African American, is a “Great Replacement” conspiracy theorist. He must believe that brown skinned people from another country are about to become the majority population in the United States. WHICH IS ACTUALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!! Therefore, he is anti-immigration. He seems to have missed the chapter in the GOP playbook that says that only White Nationalists are allowed in. He has been sucked into the vortex that believes that Democrats engage in satanic rituals. Did he miss the lesson in school where the teacher explained that the KKK burned Black men at the stake or hung them from a tree limb? Or, that White Nazi Nationalists attacked the Capital on 1/6?

Gibbs said, “…women do not possess the characteristics necessary to govern…they are commanded [by the Bible] not to rule.” “the Bible clearly articulates the idea that women should not teach or maintain positions of power.” 

Gibbs was up Trailer Trash Trump’s butt when he worked at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which was led by the catatonic Ben Carson.

The level of mental maturity and intelligence has devolved in what was once known as the GOP. The most blatant example is Colorado’s choice to elect Lauren Bimbo Boebert to the Congress. She has become the gun toting nitwit in the Congress. Her inability to learn and discover is basically non-existent. She goes around saying in public that the church is the one institution that must control government. And, that government can no way operate without the church overseeing its function. She says that is what the Constitution says, and that is how the Founding Fathers wrote the document.

She said that she is “tired” of the law upholding the separation between church and state.  “The church is supposed to direct the government.”

Boebert is a grifter. She is using her place-setting in the Congress as her own personal gravy train. Since her Shooters bar back home had to shut down because of financial problems, her next move is to open a Shooters Coffee Shop, no doubt, using campaign funds. 

She, and her fellow fascists in Congress, are grifters, too. She has never read the Constitution, otherwise she would know what the first Amendment says. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

“The first amendment to the US Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The two parts, known as the "establishment clause" and the "free exercise clause" respectively, form the textual basis for the Supreme Court's interpretations of the "separation of church and state" doctrine. Three central concepts were derived from the 1st Amendment which became America's doctrine for church-state separation: no coercion in religious matters, no expectation to support a religion against one's will, and religious liberty encompasses all religions. In sum, citizens are free to embrace or reject a faith, and support for religion—financial or physical—must be voluntary, and all religions are equal in the eyes of the law with no special preference or favoritism.”

The voters have devolved. They are the ones selecting dangerous and ignorant NITWITS to Congress. They voted for the Cretin from Mar-A-Lago twice and continue to attend his rallies using a Nazi style salute to honor him as he plays the Q’Anon theme song.

Our early settlers, and those young men who gathered together working to eventually write our Constitution knowing that the reason they left Europe was to escape the overly oppressive control of the state by the church. Yet, today we have 61% of Christians who want this country to become a Christian controlled state. And, by praying to Duh’Fuhrer Trump, they want authoritarianism as their rule of law, as well.