Friday, November 4, 2022

The Hot Diaper Mess Called The MAGAT Party

 The MAGATrumpie Party is a Hot Diaper Mess!!!! We have Dumb-Dumb Donn Junior going into gale force hate mode with an anti-law and order tailwind when he posted on daddy-Donn’s psycho-social media platform making light of Paul Pelosi’s near-death experience at the hands of a dangerous person. Lil’ Dummy Donny is a full blown coward. He has made nothing of himself except drinking from the Trump Org’s money trough and hiding behind his daddy’s baggy suit. He said, “I got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready” as he displayed his personal under panties and a hammer. Boy grifter tried to draw a crooked line to Hunter Biden.

Next up is Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Bumkin, while speaking at a campaign event he decided to make MAGAT points when he made light of the near assassination attempt on Paul Pelosi. He then said about his wife, “…we’re going to send her back to be with him in California. That’s what we’re gonna do.” This was an attack against Nancy Pelosi in order to get cheers. Bumkin Youngkin tried to convince his audience that “there’s no room for violence anywhere, but…” when his intent was all about inducing violent rhetoric. Taylor Greene Slime tried to blame Paul Pelosi for his own attack, and Keri Lake tried to joke about the fact that Nancy has protection but her home wasn’t protected enough. What this proves over and over again that the Trump American Nazi Party members lack compassion, empathy, and kindness. They want everyone to know that they are nasty, evil people.

So much for keeping their mouths shut. Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, Congressman Clay Higgins, Republican of Louisiana, and right-wing commentator Dinesh D’Souza all mocked the attack over the weekend in social media posts, in some cases suggesting without evidence that it was part of an elaborate cover up.” (Reported by Brian Bennett of Time Magazine.)

Now we come to the most despicable one of all Representative Tommie Emmer, who is the chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, or Duh’Biggie MAGAT, posted in a video of himself shooting a rifle with messages “exercising my Second Amendment rights” and “13 days to make history. Let’s #firePelosi.”” 

If Democrats behaved this way after Senator Scalise was shot during a baseball game, the MAGAT Congressional Committee members would be screaming from the roof of the Capital dome. 

As we would suspect from the Coup Klutz Klan MAGATrumpsters leading the party in Washington, the steamiest of the Hot Diaper Messes, Duh’Fuhrer, and his two watery hot diaper messes, Mitch McConnell and KKKevin McCarthy continue their silence on the vile rhetoric spewed by their colleagues.

The shamelessness continues when one of t-RUMP’s super Nazis running for governor of Pennsylvania, Dougie Mastriano’s wife decided to jump into the anti-Semitic cesspool when she said that she and her Doggie Dougie love Israel more than many Jews. How can two Nazis claim they love Israel or Jewish culture? They hang with Nazis, and love to dress up in Confederate soldier outfits. Pennsylvania has two very sick and perverted individuals seeking political office.

Dougie just cannot stay away from proving he hates Jewish people. He has tied himself to anti-Semitic groups on Facebook, which are also xenophobic haters, too. Dougie Doggie, who regularly appears wearing his military uniform [What is he trying to prove? That he is some sort of patriot?], has been linked to a Far-Reich Facebook group called “Mastriano’s Memes”, of which he is the site’s administrator and controls all the content.This group spreads Doggie’s Far-Reich White Nationalist barks and growls, along with Q’Anon conspiracy rant, along with the MAGAT’s Big Drooling Lie that Duh’Fuhrer was denied reentry from his launch back into the White House orbit.

                                            Mastriano pals with Nazis

Journalist Roger Sollenberger writing for the DailyBeast has been tracking Doggie’s connection to “Mastriano’s Memes” site. (Article on Alternate by Alex Henderson documented the connection.) He writes that Mastriano’s Memes has some of the most extreme content mocking trans people, fear mongering about migrants and also traffics in anti-Semitic tropes. Doggie’s page slanders George Soros, posts swastika images, and threatens those who don’t support the Far-Reich fascist agenda.

It seems that when one talks about Doggie, then one has to talk about Ozzie, the moron also known as Mehmet.

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette endorse the Con from Oz for Senate in spite of Oz being nothing but a sociopathic hot diaper mess!!! All normal thinking people need to cancel their subscriptions to this lowlife newspaper. He also has January 6 insurrections working on his campaign. Not only did he kiss the Trump sidewalk star, but he licks his boots, too!! 

Oz was found to have written a shoddy medical research study on heart bypass surgery. His paper was rejected by the sponsors of a thoracic surgery conference because it the study was designed so poorly. Oz was banned from presenting at the conference for two years!!! After he authored this paper the data was called into question. He was also banned from publishing his work in the society’s medical journal. His opinions on food and nutritional supplements have also been called into serious question. He has caused harm to his gullible viewers because of his bad advice. He also has touted “Conversion Therapy” to those who identify as being Gay.

Both candidates running for office in Pennsylvania are quacks and frauds. One wrote a Ph.D. (Ph-ony .D-issertation) that has been called into question by the university that issued it, and the other writes phony research papers and performs bad medical studies. WOW!! What a pair of MAGATs covered in slime.

                                                Where's Golem?

Florida Senator Rickie “Golem” Scott back pedaled on his detailed and written plan to cut Social Security and Medicare. He can only avoid the truth and facts, while trying to say that the Democrats are the ones doing this cutting. He denies the fact that Democrats passed laws that would save Medicare costs by negotiating for lower costs of prescription drugs, which would reduce one’s out-of-pocket costs. Scott really is the doppelgänger of the Lord of Rings’ Gollum character. A slimy, double talking, distrustful, lying creature trying to steal the powerful ring away from Bilbo Baggins.  

The country is being overrun by vigilantes who are intimidating voters by following them, photographing their license plates, shouldering AR-15 rifles at the polling stations and drop boxes, and proving that their lives are meaningless and without any integrity or ambition or real purpose. These vigilantes take their marching orders from Duh’Fuhrer who only uses them for his own ambition, while he sits around his Florida palace eating triple cheeseburgers from the burger bar and ride the golf cart around the place. 

He has also supporting political election vigilantism when he promotes the quacks, fakes, liars and cons who are running for office for the sole purpose as to control their Reichwing decisions. This type of “domestic terrorism” has trickled up to the Supreme Court. He worked Clarence Thomas to act on his behalf and the Trump American Nazi Party’s behalf, as well. John Roberts doesn’t want to be left out either. Linda Greenhouse, a Yale law professor, elaborates in her piece “John Robert’s Long Game—Is this the end of the Voting Rights Act?”

Roberts is working to take race out of the business of counting people throughout the country. “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,” Roberts said out loud. “Roberts wrote in his opinion in Shelby versus Holder where he “essentially killed Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.””

“States across the South and the Southwest have been quick to exploit their new freedom from the federal scrutiny that once would have deterred changes in voting hours, ID requirements, and other seemingly neutral moves with disproportionate effects on minority voters.”

“The end of Section 2 (in the Voting Rights Act) could be even more damaging because, in many respects, it is the most powerful provision. It applies nationwide. If the killing of Section 2, as was done with Section 5, it would be almost impossible to prove that a state has gerrymandered its electoral districts to disempower minority voters, or for a court to order that its map be redrawn.” 

This is the fascist direction being led by John Roberts as he influences the court majority. His court decisions are allowing these fascist-loving state legislatures to basically legally rig any future election that doesn’t support their outcomes. As the candidate running for governor of Wisconsin has essentially said if he wins he will make sure that Wisconsin will have one-party rule forever. 

RawStory’s Sarah K. Burris writes in her piece that “former Homeland Security chief of staff Miles Taylor claimed that American officials are facing a greater threat from radical, right-wing extremism than they faced from terrorists linked to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.” “We are seeing a surge in terror threats against public servants, unlike anything we have seen in a modern era. The terrorist threat is greater now than the post 9/11 period.” 

This threat is spreading and trickling down to the election poll levels. Taylor says that we are seeing the crazies spew “conspiracy theories like we have seen drive other terrorist movements.” “Taylor points out that violent rhetoric is coming from the MAGA Republican Party.” 

                                     Where's Margie Taylor Greene?

Many Americans in the media are not taking these professional assessments seriously enough. They call it the Chicken Little effect. He said that “the other side (GOP MAGATs) has so brainwashed the country that if something like (a domestic terrorist attack) it happen[ed] they would say it’s just one disturbed person.” “These are huge trend lines.” “The MAGA Republican Party is fueling this and creating the biggest threat domestically we have seen in this country. It is the biggest national security threat to the United States and really the only tool voters have right now to keep it in check is to fire these people.”

Whoopi Goldberg has even gotten into the act. She scolded Clarence Thomas for pretending he doesn’t get the meaning of the world diversity, since he has benefited from it in the form of affirmative action. This is what KKKlarence Duh’T said about diversity, “I heard the word diversity quite a few times and I don’t have a clue what it means.” The Supreme Court’s blob doesn’t know what the word diversity means? Is he suffering from memory loss?

Whoopi ripped KKKlarence a new one when she doped slapped him with this response. "You know, being inclusive means that when you look around that Court, you're seeing women that may not have had the ability to go to law school had affirmative action not been there to make sure women were allowed in the school. You are sitting on a court where, and I know you don't like to admit this, but you might have gotten some help because you would not have been allowed in the college of your choice had it not been for affirmative action.” 

RawStory’s Sarah K. Burris wrote in her piece what Whoopi said her response to KKKlarence’s Brain Fart. “Goldberg noted that the largest group of those who have benefited from affirmative action is white women who weren't allowed to be part of higher institutions.” Whoopie went on to explain to the Blob on the court what affirmative action means. "Affirmative action works for all those of us who are not allowed to go to the institutions where we thought we could do our best as students. That's in part what this was for. It's also about not hiring just men. You have to hire some women." Whoopi was pointing out on The View that this affirmative action decision is so much bigger than how Thomas is viewing it.

Whoopi speaking on her television show, The View, added to the discussion when she responded to the Republican on the panel Allyssa Farah Griffin’s comment, which was that “she wants affirmative action to take financials into account, which Goldberg cut in to say that they do. So, poor students from West Virginia are treated the same as wealthy students. Where it changes, Sara Haines noted, is when someone is a "legacy" at an ivy league school or like Jared Kushner, who was admitted to Harvard after a million-dollar donation to the school.”  This example also applies to Donald J. t-RUMP who got into the Wharton School of Business after his daddy made a big donation to the university. It also applies to Lil’BoyBush getting into Yale after his daddy had graduated from there years before.

So true. Kushner even got COVID relief cash called PPP during t-RUMP’s reign of terror in spite of being a super millionaire who spent millions on his private home in Florida. Kushner spent $30M on an estate located on the exclusive Miami Indian Creek Island, which was in desperate need of repair after being empty for years. He took cash away from small businesses that really needed it. That is affirmative action gone awry. 

Sunny Hostin, who also sits on the same panel, said this about suburban women who are backing the Trump American Nazi Party in this midterm election cycle—It is “like roaches voting for Raid.” It is not just suburban women. It also applies to suburban men, too!!

And finally, the despicable Oprah Winfrey just came out and threw her support for Pennsylvania’s Senate Democrat John Fetterman and against Mehmet Oz. Instead of doing this weeks ago before millions of mail in ballots were sent out, she does this only days before Election Day. What a jerk!!!