Sunday, November 27, 2022

Mr. Smith Arrives In Washington To Investigate A Former President's Crimes


Mr. Smith has arrived in Washington. Jack Smith is a war crime prosecutor and has arrived straight from The Hague. He is a tough, go-at-it type of guy. For the last several years, he has been a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court investigating war crimes in Kosovo. It appears he doesn’t like dangerous slime balls. t-RUMP fits into that category.

Speaking of degenerate slime balls, one Sammy-boy Alito, our “esteemed” Supreme Court Justice, is the moron who is leaking out the court’s decisions before they made a formal release of the decision. The first one was the Hobby Lobby case. Alito, a member of the Supreme Court Historical Society, met with donors who were part of an influence operation led by a former conservative evangelical leader, Reverend Rob Schenck, which operates his own group called Faith and Action. 

The pressure on Supreme Court Justice John Roberts by Sheldon Whitehouse, and Hank Johnson, both Democrats, are part of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees demanding that the Chief Justice get off his butt and investigate Alito’s apparent violation of the court’s ethics laws, or the Congress will do it for him. Whitehouse is also very concerned over Dark Money finding its way into the pockets of political officials. Money that cannot be traced back to its original donor source.

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe believes that the appointment of a special counsel is Duh’Fuhrer’s worst nightmare. While a guest on Anderson Cooper’s 360 CNN program, he said that there was enough evidence to indict the Moron from Queens. You can watch the interview here.

Mr. Smith is following in the footsteps of Oetje John Rogge, who under the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration prosecuted cases that involved Nazi activity in this country. He was a civil rights lawyer and helped with liberal political causes. He went after the Louisiana governor and then Democratic left-wing populist senator Huey Long and his political machine for mail fraud. Long was later assassinated. He was seen as a fascist demagogue. Rogge was raised poor in 1893 and as a prosecutor went after large corporations, such as Standard Oil. Rogge, in 1939 became the assistant attorney general and led the Justice Department’s criminal division. In that position he prosecuted 29 isolationist and Nazi sympathizers. His trial ended in a mistrial after the death of the judge. He then went to Germany to find links between Hitler’s war criminals who had ties to Americans. Rogge wrote a report that detailed a continuing fascist threat in the United States back in the 1940s. What was seen was how these fascists disguised their fascist allegiances by proclaiming to be anti-Communist. He identified an effort by Nazis to defeat FDR’s re-election bid. He also identified other targets of the Nazis in the U.S.

Rogge’ Wiki page is fascinating.

WOW!! This is what we are seeing within the Trump American Nazi Party and its members today, along with their sympathizers in the media, such as with *ucker Carlson, and those within our Congress today.

Other good news is that the 14th district federal appeals court basically told the t-RUMP appointed judge Aileen Cannon, who has been a suck up to #45 to go sit in the corner and put on the dunce cap for blocking federal prosecutors for using the seized documents in their investigation and using a special master when such an appointment was unnecessary. Her decision making regarding the appointment of a special master, Judge Raymond Dearie, to oversee the distribution of the documents seized at Grift-Alot-Lago was inappropriate. The Appeals Court also pointed out to t-RUMP’s attorney James ‘Crusty’ Trusty [now there’s a name fitting for his lawyer] that when his client’s personal photos, including a treasure trove of photos of Celine Dion scrambled in with magazine covers, and mixed in with the government documents, his client has nothing to complain about. William Pryor, the court’s Chief Justice said,

 “We’ve got to be concerned about the precedent that we would create that would allow any target of a federal criminal investigation to go into a district court and to have a district court entertain this kind of petition [the filing to the 11th circuit court of appeals by #45] ... and interfere with the executive branch’s ongoing investigation.” 

The three judges on the court sided with the justice department and not grifter Donnie. Judge Pryor also said, “I don’t think it’s necessarily the fault of the government if someone has intermingled classified documents and all kinds of other personal property.”

Grifter Donnie apparently signed a $4B dollar deal to sell or lease his embarrassing name to a Saudi land developer [is this the best he could do?] who wants to use the Trump brand on a hotel and golf course complex just as he announces a run for the White House. He continues to blatantly intertwine his business with foreign financiers and politics, which could be seen a conflict of interest. In the case with the Saudis, such a land development deal doesn’t happen without the support from the ruling Royal family. While sitting on his Oval Office Golden Potty chair, he had a lease on a U.S. government building [the former U.S.Post Office building], which he remodeled into the Trump International Hotel in Washington, which was frequented by government officials and their business people from countries, such as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Turkey and China. This was a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. The hotel was reported to have taken in nearly $4M from foreign governments during his time in the White House. It is not a wonder why he stole government documents and stashed them in the basement of Grift-Alot-Lago, and possibly elsewhere. Those documents could be useful to these foreign governments.

Jared Kushner, another grifter, also made a $2B deal with the Saudi Crown Prince while being a place setting in the t-RUMP White House. Eric t-RUMP made a deal, since he runs the Trump Org. with the country of Oman for a golf course and hotel project. 

Margie Toiletry Greene Slime, the Trump Party Dark Shadows character and mouthpiece of her Reichwing caucus [Kevin McKKKarthy step aside], tweeted on Musk’s Twitter platform about the unvaccinated, who in fact, are mostly Trump Party people. More of them died during the pandemic than blue state Democrats who were vaccinated, now that she has been allowed to return to the site. She proclaimed that she isn’t vaccinated. Hurray, Hurray!!  NO ONE REALLY CARES, SLIMEY SLIME GREENE. She wants to call herself a “Pure Blood”, which is a Nazis metaphor, since the Nazis used that same term in order to purify, or ethnic cleanse, their Arian Race. 

In line with Greene Slime’s agenda, her fascist leader t-RUMP was all about censorship. While sitting at the dining table stuffing his face with triple cheeseburgers full of catsup, he decided to block government websites that focused on helping Americans vote. He couldn’t have all Americans voting now could he? Then he proceeded to block anything the government was doing to stop human trafficking, along with addressing the homelessness problems, and the public’s use of the Report Fraud hotline. That was because he liked fraud. Fraud was what he does. Scamming and grifting was his game. Biden reinstated those websites to be viewed and used by the American public.

RUMP was freaked out that he was the target of suspicion by those inside the government. He called it the Deep State. In fact, he operated his own deep state with the likes of Flynn, Bannon, ‘Ghouliani’, Powell, Stone, and others. He was concerned by those working within government agencies, such as the Departments of Defense, Labor, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CIA, the EPA and others. He was deeply paranoid. He controlled these agencies through his control of the Office of Management and Budget.

Read more in detail about this and the differences between RUMP and Biden here.

Laura Italiano writing for the Business Insider unveiled more fraud committed by Duh’Fuhrer when he was signing the checks at the Trump Org. Donald Bender, an independent accountant who worked on the company’s tax returns for 35 years, was flabbergasted when he learned that his client, #45, was writing fat-cat Christmas bonuses to his executives and not declaring it on the company’s taxes. Bender is a defense witness in the T. Org tax-fraud trial. The way t-RUMP was avoiding declaring the bonuses on his taxes was to basically launder the Trump Org’s bonuses through the company’s satellite businesses, such as the Wollman Rink, Grifter-Alot-Lago, his golf courses, his t.v. production company, and such. These paid employees were to pretend that they were independent contractor consultants or freelancers for these businesses, which were actually writing the checks for these corporate bonuses over a 15 year period. This was done every year. Santa Donnie wrote out his secret good boys and girls list and those good little soldiers were rewarded with fat-cat bonuses. Now, did those people declare the cash on their taxes as income? Or, tips?

“The bonuses should have been reported in their entirety on company W-2s each year, as taxable income. But they were not, prosecutors have charged.” These employees “were able to claim the checks as freelance income, which allowed them to stash some of that money in tax-free savings accounts available only to the self-employed.” More fraud!! When the King of Whininess has to testify in the trial against his organization, what will he say about this?

More on the Trump Party whiners. The whiny crybabies on the Reich side of politics, such as Doggie Dougie Mastriano and Kari-Let’s-Drain-the- Lake just cannot accept the peaceful transfer of power unless it was to them. In Lake’s case she has basically told the people of Arizona that she will burn the state down if she cannot win the governor’s mansion hook or by crook. Doggie Dougie has now surrounded himself with Kool-Aid drinkers who are pushing for multi-county recounts throughout Pennsylvania. Their requests submitted to the courts have been rejected. But they keep trying. It’s fascism or bust!!

There is more from another: Colorado’s Lauren ‘bimbo’ Boebert has been called out as the evil sociopathic person who happens to be a total hypocrite following the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs. She pretended to have compassion for those killed and injured by saying “I send my thoughts and prayers.”  We know that her thoughts are evil thoughts and her prayers would end in terror. For years she has vilified the Gay community and now she is faking sympathy. Now she is crying crocodile tears because she is being fingered out for inciting such hate that may have been an unconscious contributing factor for the young man to enter the club and open fire on the patrons. The Denver Post tore into this fascist crybaby for being a fake. They wrote, “were looking at you” for the hateful rhetoric against the LGBTQ community which led to this latest attack against innocent people. She is the same person who had her kids pose for a Christmas photo holding military-style weapons standing before the Christmas tree thinking this pose was cute. A total sociopath who is raising her kids to be the same as her. 

For anyone who just cannot get their minds around the fact that Duh’Fuhrer is NOT an anti-Semite for one reason or another. Think again. Just days before the Moron from Grift-Alot-Lago announced his return to the 2024 campaign trail, he invited the mentally deranged crazy man Kanye West, or Ye as he wants to be called now, along with West’s psycho brother-in-arms the Holocaust and election denier Nick Fuentes. t-RUMP came out and said that he had no idea that Fuentes was a Holocaust denier.

He wants us to believe when he implies 'I see nothing; I know nothing; I hear nothing.'

 The Anti-Defamation League has called him a White Nationalist, which is much too kind. He is more like a Nazi.  Fuentes once said that “Israel is the anti-Christ.” For the Idiot from Queens to NOT know that he was hosting two Nazi fascists was no ignorant mistake. It was a signal to his hateful base that ‘I’m back!’ “America First”, which is the phrase used by Hitler’s Nazi Party—Germany First. Hitler had a theme which was to “Make Germany Great Again.” Hitler had posters made with the slogan:

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer! Roughly translated as  One People, one Country, one Leader! This isn’t that far off from America First led by Trump.

And for the final piece of ‘Who’s with Stupid’. Eric t-RUMP the very guy whose daddy assigned him to protect the henhouse called the Trump Organization came out and told us that Daddy is like Tom Brady and “fought for this country”, when in fact, his own Grand-Daddy, Freddie t-RUMP Senior, convince a doctor who he was giving free rent to write a medical deferment to his son saying he had bone spurs in his foot so he could get a medical deferment from being drafted into the Vietnam War’s military. He said, “My father fought for this country. Tom Brady always fought and played for his team.” Did Eric forget that football is a business and Brady is an employee on a team in exchange for a big fat salary? Being in the military is NOT the same thing, Eric.

Eric couldn’t stop so he went on and said that his fat daddy ‘plays for “Team America.”’ What is Team America Eric? Is that the Grift-Alota-Lago shuffle board team?  Dumb-Dumb Daddy compared the war in Vietnam to his own efforts to stay free from catching Sexually Transmittable Diseases as he dragged his “hose” all around Manhattan back in the 1970s and 80s putting out the sexual fires he started about town.

This is what is happening to our society. Delusions are the new reality. Fantasy is the new truth-telling. Hiding behind one’s religion has become a substitute for being a responsible citizen of the world. A scorched Earth agenda seems to be the playbook.