Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Trump Administration Continues Its Corrupt Grifting Schemes

(Introduction followed by a line of asterisks will begin the feature story. After each Blogpost, you will find UPDATES, which will bring the Blogpost up-to-date detailing these MAGATS -Make America Great TrumpieS.)


It is about time!!! The old school Republicans are finally, FINALLY, calling out these Trump American Neo-Nazi Party (TANNP) supporters as "FASCISTS!" FASCISTS they are! Trump is a Nazi, as well as those who filled those supporting roles around him. Now we have members of Congress standing in lock step with Da'Fuhrer. It's taken 4-1/2 years to finally stop pretending and call out these Republican Neo-Nazis for who they are.


                        Malcolm Nance speaks about how Putin turns 
                    American citizens into his Idiot Assets, including Trump


                 The real pandemic are people wanting to vote

The Republican Party, as it once was known, has become the Re-Q-Publican Party. It no longer holds any of their long abandoned former values that they once based their political campaigns on, such as, family values, honesty, fiscal responsibility, and honoring the U.S. Constitution. That has disappeared. The Re-Quack-Publican Party has turned into a party of conspiracies, and Russian Idiot Assets who now unwittingly answer to Vladimir Putin, along with waving their flags of hate, violence, and predatory values. Putin had a great deal at stake by having tRUMP in the Oval Office. The Cretin did Putin's bidding. Now, an intelligence report has been released saying that Putin had been involved with a massive 2020 propaganda messaging assault against Biden and used his Russian Idiot Assets who surrounded tRUMP to get his attacks done. These Idiot Assets no longer can pretend to adhere to any sort of Christian values, either. They have bowed down to an evil wannabe fascist dictator, who traffics in lies, and has incited violence, racial division, and hate. They allowed their wannabe fascist dictator to draw from Hitler's playbook for four years, and now, they continue to quake at the very sound of his name, while he rides around on a golf cart day in and day out chasing after his balls. They are so afraid of standing on their own merits and strengths, because they have none. Instead, they kiss his ring and perpetuate his delusional fantasies that he was cheated out of a second term as the nation's Idiot-in-Chief. This Blogspot will give his Re-Quack-Publican followers in Congress the very special Nitwit Award to recognize their foolhardiness; their hate; their racism; their incompetence and their willingness to trade our democracy for a Russian style fascism.

Here it is everyone, Malcolm Nance ("Plot To Destroy America") was right, Trump IS a Russian Idiot Asset and was recruited, without him even realizing it back in the 1980s after marrying Ivana Zelnickova. In the book is about a former KGB operative, Yuri Shvets, "American Kompromat", by Craig Unger. He details Trump's 40 years as an Idiot Asset and his relationships with Russian operatives in the United States and in Russia. 

Here is the link.  And, another link. 

Fordham University School of Law wrote a proposal about how we have experienced our first president who was a national security threat. You can find the link above. It is called "What Should Presidential Candidates Tell Us About themselves?"

Shvets' book is called "Washington Station: My Life as a KBG Spy."

Joe Scarborough from MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program goes after Republicans. He went after the lying hypocrites, such as these likely Russian Idiot Assets, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, and the others who are supporting treasonous support of an insurrection. 

See it here.

Briana Keiler of CNN goes after Cruz for his involvement in domestic terrorism and a failed coup. 

See it here.

Dr. Irene Butter, speaks about being a victim of the Nazis. "I witnessed the rise of Nazism firsthand. We must act now to protect our American democracy." She is a Holocaust survivor. "Now, 75 years later, I see something I never imagined: echoes of the Nazis and their regime. What happened in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, was an attempted coup of our government and an unraveling of the democracy that protects all of our rights. I saw a T-shirt with the words "Camp Auschwitz," as well as other anti-Semitic symbols and slogans used by the rioters."


 Did the Trump Virus originate from a lab in Wuhan China? And, what are the implications of such a lab designed virus?


George Carlin shows us just how stupid Donald Trump really is

Here are Trump's final words to his terrorist thugs which continued to instill anger, lies, along with his delusional reality.

"We're going to the Capital and if we fight like hell, if you don't fight like hell, you'll not have a country anymore. We'll never give up, we'll never give in." He kept telling them he had the election stolen from him; that he loves them and they are very special; that he wants peace and they need to go home given several hours after the attempted assault and insurrection against our government, as he watched from the safety of his "command post tent" celebrating with his family and Brownshirts. In other words, he told his mobster thugs that they did their damage, made their point, all in his name, and now he thanks them for their loyalty by following his orders to engage in sedition.

Trump continues to call himself "The 45th President of the United States". He doesn't refer to himself as former President Trump. He believes he still is president. He uses the letterhead stationary he used while in the White House. Yet, he has told his impeachment trial defense attorneys that because he no longer is president, he cannot be convicted through the Senate's trial. MAGATraitor Donnie, you cannot have it both ways!

Here is what Trump said several hours after the assault on our democracy at the Capital building:

"I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. These are the things that happened."

"It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace."

He said, "You see the other ways others are treated that are so bad and so evil." Donald Trump summed up his presidency in just one sentence. And, his crime syndicate: from Congress on down to the brainwashed housewife and husband are all included in the way others have been treated through their bad and evil actions.

Donald Trump has been the crime boss for violent, angry, criminals, such as The Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois, The Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, The Three-Percenters, Russian Idiot Assets (such as the woman who stole Pelosi's laptop in order to sell it to a Russian) White Supremacists, and Q'Anoners, along with the Re-Quack-Publicans in Congress. Those in Congress are those working for those above from the "inside". We can list the Congressional insurrectionists who are bigots, racists, Idiot Russian Assets, anti-Semites, Theo-fascists, anti-Americans, anti-democrats, and Nitwits: Hawley, Cruz, Greene, Cawthorn, Graham, and the list can go on and on.

The Reichwing is so upset and freaked out that Biden and his team are actually accomplishing positive change for EVERYONE IN AMERICA, not just the Neo-Nazis that follow their cult leader-Fuhrer Trump. 

Brianna Keilar, of CNN, calls them out in this video. See it here.

There will updates on some or all of these Nitwit Award winners, since they cannot stop being Nitwits on a daily basis. There are some Nitwits who are continuing to financially support their death cult leader by hosting high cost fundraisers at his Palace of Perversion called Mar-A-Lago. Read more here.


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached. As Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC said, Thomas has become a politician and no longer represents the impartiality that all Supreme Court Justice’s pledge to uphold. Toady Thomas has become a tool for the GOP—Gang of Pathetics by siding with Trump and his crime boss syndicate. Recently, Toady decided to travel to Georgia to have a photo op with GOP candidate for Congress —Hershel Walker. Walker, an accused violent predator who faced legal actions for violently assaulting his ex-wife. He claims he has multiple personalities. So, Walker has a multiple personality disorder, which is a serious mental disorder, and wants to represent his Georgia voters. . He must have had way too many head injuries playing football!!  

From Brian Slodysko, Bill Barrow, and Jake Blieberg of the AP:Walker, now 59, has at times been open about his long struggle with mental illness, writing at length in a 2008 book about being diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, once known as multiple personality disorder. But it’s unclear how he would discuss these events as a candidate.” “Walker describes himself dealing with as many as a dozen personalities — or “alters” — that he had constructed as a defense against bullying he suffered as a stuttering, overweight child.” Walker’s ex-wife Cindy Grossman sought legal action against him because “ she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.” “He told family members that he would kill her and her new boyfriend…” He told Grossman’s sister “that he possessed a gun and planned that day to act on his threats, which he repeated in graphic language…” 

It appears that Walker is engaged in questionable business dealings and may have engaged in misrepresenting his business records. This sounds a lot like Trump! “Last month, a Texas bank sued Walker and another business partner over an unpaid $200,000 debt secured to help finance a pizza restaurant.”

Read more about Walker and his questionable business dealings here and here.

This is the guy who Toady Thomas and Donald Trump have endorsed for a U.S. Senate run. A true blue in the wool GOP—Gang of Perverts.

As mentioned in the last newsletter, the GOP—Gang of Perverts—continues to grift foreign authoritarians for free cash. Following in the Trump footsteps, Jared Kushner has been looking for “investors” in his corrupt business enterprises. This time Kushner has decided to create a grifter-style “wealth fund” using the $2 BILLION from Saudi  Arabia’s Crown Prince who goes by the initials MBS. We should call him Mohammed Bull Shit. This guy is a murderer, and while Trump was sitting on his Oval Office Potty Chair the crime boss’s administration, including Secretary of State Mikey Pompeo, behaved like a crime boss hit squad following the dismemberment of a U.S. employed journalist who criticized the fascist MBS. All they cared about were oil sales, and selling billions of dollars worth of military weapons. All Trump cared about were the jobs and not about the ethics of exploiting the military industrial complex. Republican President Ike Eisenhower, a general who saw the horrors of WWII, warned all Americans of the military industrial complex and their feeding off of the government trough.

Chris Hayes from MSNBC details the corrupt relationship with Saudi Arabia’s MBS. In hopes to continue the Trump-Kushner-MBS corrupt “intimate” relationship, the Saudi’s want more and more weapons, especially long range missiles, and super sonic missiles, as they bet on Trump winning the White House again. Hayes mentioned how Trump sided with MBS when he decided to attack Qatar, in spite of the fact that the U.S has more U.S. military personnel in Qatar than anywhere else in the Middle East. Trump’s support for MBS over Qatar threatened the safety of our U.S. military base.

On Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, she says this $2B is a personal slush fund for Kushner as a reward for covering up MBS’s violent acts against his critics while Jared was the toy boy in the White House, as well as for orchestrating a large amount of weapons sold to Saudi Arabia. Amy Goodman said about the New York Times article about Kushner’s MBS funded Affinity fund being criticized for its inexperienced management skills. The fund is being led by the Crown Prince, MBS. We also cannot disregard MBS giving Steve Mnuchin $1B, as well, for services rendered while a foot soldier for Trump. He has a new wealth fund, too. The Saudi System’s Board believed in a very rare display of challenge to MBS — basically, probably just covering their own butts in terms of their anticipation that this investment will fail, and making clear that they did not want this to happen, that basically this is Jared Kushner’s slush fund that MBS is depositing funds to, in what must be probably the most expensive payoff for covering up the murder of Jamal Khashoggi here in the United States,” stated by Sarah Leah Whitson during her interview with Amy Goodman, and reprinted on

Whitson went on to said, “In terms of our own country, it’s really just appalling that there could be such a massive payoff for a former government official by a foreign government, whose interests MBS — I mean, rather, Kushner was very, very handily representing here when he was in the United States. It speaks to a glaring lack of conflict of interest rules that should prohibit business dealings by former government officials, services or employment by former government officials, to foreign governments after their work. It just creates a massive conflict of interest. And clearly, the fact that this fund has just come into existence, with the fact that there’s no experience on Kushner’s side for running any kind of [inaudible] fund, and yet it gets billions of dollars from one principal investor, Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, it just reeks. And really what it demands is a congressional investigation about everything that transpired before this fund was set up and everything that’s happening now.”

This is the real story of corruption and grifting while pretending to have a role in the Trump White House, which was used for influence peddling. This is the real story and not the Hunter Biden laptop story, which continues to create a buzz on Fochs Snooze and inside the New Congressional Three Stooges Caucus.

The Trump crime family is more concerned with making deals with Russia’s Putin, Russian oligarchs, and now, a sociopath and heir to the Saudi throne. $2B is now the first installment of a large payoff.

In our history, there has never been a S.C.J. who decided to play politics and display their political leanings for all to see. Toady Thomas first did it when he failed to recuse himself when Trump had a case before the court knowing that Ginni Thomas was deeply embedded in Trump’s plan for an insurrection. Toady was the only justice who voted with Trump. That is just fine for Moscow Mitch McConnell and Cancun Ted Cruz who both believe that Thomas should never recuse himself on any case, yet the Cancun Boy questioned Justice Jackson during her hearings whether she would recuse herself when a Harvard University case would come before the court, because of her affiliation with the university. She answered that she would. What hypocritical bullshit!!

                                             The Gang Greene Infection

The Gang of Putin perverts—GOP—have two standards. One for them, a fascist leaning regime, and one for those who believe in democracy, freedom and liberty for all. Those in the New Congressional Three Stooges Caucus, formed by Margie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz, have many members, and Cruz and McConnell being two of them. They all believe that their far-Reich Supreme Court Justices should play any political game they wish.

An eye opening story involves the Pandora Papers, which has revealed how Putin and his fellow oligarchs have stuffed billions of dollars into off-shore holdings around the world in order to protect themselves from the sanctions put on their country and financial sectors. In the article written by Scilla Alecci for Pandora Papers, one example of the corruption and money laundering scheme by Russia’s wealthiest people is “Alexei Mordashov, one of Russia’s richest tycoons, transferred most of his ownership stake in tourism conglomerate TUI to a Caribbean shell company controlled by the mother of his children.”  “Alexei Mordashov is one of hundreds of Russian business people or government officials who have been sanctioned by Western powers in response to Russia’s war on Ukraine.” “It is also another example of how Western governments’ inability to put an end to the secrecy provided by the offshore financial system has allowed the ultra-wealthy to find new ways to protect their funds and avoid public scrutiny and legal actions.” “Mordashov, whose fortune is estimated at $29 billion… 

David Babash writing for Alternet detailed Professor of Political Science Dr. Jason Johnson’s view that the MAGATrumpies are a terrorist group and organization with beliefs in violence, which is controlled by the GOP. Johnson made reference to the GOP as a dime store front for a terrorist organization called ‘MAGA.’” “After discussing Alabama’s Republican Governor Kay Ivey’s decision to go all-in on The Big Lie and declare Donald Trump the winner of the “stolen” 2020 presidential election despite all evidence to the contrary, he unleashed his attack on the entire GOP.” “There are Republicans like Kay Ivey, like Ted Cruz, who do know the truth, right? They know, they don’t pretend, but they do know the truth. They know that Joe Biden won the election, they saw the numbers, they made private phone calls, they know what the Secretaries of State – Republicans and Democrats – have said.”

“They’re just liars, right? They’re just doing whatever’s convenient. They’re gonna blame the Big Tech, Big Blue, Big Contract. We’re gonna blame somebody right, but they know that that’s just a performance thing. What frightens me is a lot of people who we’ve seen running now for the midterms are, they believe this stuff. They’re not just doing this for a performance thing. They really do believe that the election was stolen and that is infinitely more dangerous.” “…the people who are true believers… They’re dangerous people who were at the Stop the Steal rally, who now want to be Secretaries of State? That is a danger to our democracy.” 

“I don’t really think there are two parties in this country anymore. One is a semi-governing party called the Democrats, and the other is a dime store front for a terrorist organization called ‘MAGA’. That is the real problem here. It’s no longer about lies and disinformation. It’s about having our sitting government take an active role in controlling dangerous people who do not believe in democracy anymore.”

Leonard Pitts, Jr. from the Miami Herald in his piece Why do I blame the Republican Party? Because the Republican Party is to blame quotes “Political scientists Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein once observed that, “The Republican Party has become an insurgent outlier — ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.” “They wrote that in a 2012 book called “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks.” Ten years later, it’s even worse than that.”

“The Republican Party did it by a campaign of demonizing dissent, shredding norms and boundaries, embracing a politics of white resentment and fear and, perhaps most corrosively, delegitimizing the very idea of knowable fact, so that an ordinary birth certificate becomes an object of suspicion, an ordinary election a seedbed of distrust and the sacking of the U.S. Capitol an innocent visit by tourists.”

This Substack newsletter, and, also, on the Blogspot linked to the Newsletter, have been saying these very things for over 5 years!!! 

As Mr. Pitts wrote in his conclusion, "...James Baldwin [the writer] was right. You cannot fix what you will not face. And what America needs to face is the simple, chilling fact that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger." "Confronting that does not make you a partisan. It makes you a patriot."

Ben Franklin was a true patriot, the MAGATrumpies are not at all.
