Wednesday, April 6, 2022

63 Congresspersons Vote Against NATO

(Introduction followed by a line of asterisks will begin the feature story. After each Blogpost, you will find UPDATES, which will bring the Blogpost up-to-date detailing these MAGATS -Make America Great TrumpieS.)


It is about time!!! The old school Republicans are finally, FINALLY, calling out these Trump American Neo-Nazi Party (TANNP) supporters as "FASCISTS!" FASCISTS they are! Trump is a Nazi, as well as those who filled those supporting roles around him. Now we have members of Congress standing in lock step with Da'Fuhrer. It's taken 4-1/2 years to finally stop pretending and call out these Republican Neo-Nazis for who they are.


                        Malcolm Nance speaks about how Putin turns 
                    American citizens into his Idiot Assets, including Trump


                 The real pandemic are people wanting to vote

The Republican Party, as it once was known, has become the Re-Q-Publican Party. It no longer holds any of their long abandoned former values that they once based their political campaigns on, such as, family values, honesty, fiscal responsibility, and honoring the U.S. Constitution. That has disappeared. The Re-Quack-Publican Party has turned into a party of conspiracies, and Russian Idiot Assets who now unwittingly answer to Vladimir Putin, along with waving their flags of hate, violence, and predatory values. Putin had a great deal at stake by having tRUMP in the Oval Office. The Cretin did Putin's bidding. Now, an intelligence report has been released saying that Putin had been involved with a massive 2020 propaganda messaging assault against Biden and used his Russian Idiot Assets who surrounded tRUMP to get his attacks done. These Idiot Assets no longer can pretend to adhere to any sort of Christian values, either. They have bowed down to an evil wannabe fascist dictator, who traffics in lies, and has incited violence, racial division, and hate. They allowed their wannabe fascist dictator to draw from Hitler's playbook for four years, and now, they continue to quake at the very sound of his name, while he rides around on a golf cart day in and day out chasing after his balls. They are so afraid of standing on their own merits and strengths, because they have none. Instead, they kiss his ring and perpetuate his delusional fantasies that he was cheated out of a second term as the nation's Idiot-in-Chief. This Blogspot will give his Re-Quack-Publican followers in Congress the very special Nitwit Award to recognize their foolhardiness; their hate; their racism; their incompetence and their willingness to trade our democracy for a Russian style fascism.

Here it is everyone, Malcolm Nance ("Plot To Destroy America") was right, Trump IS a Russian Idiot Asset and was recruited, without him even realizing it back in the 1980s after marrying Ivana Zelnickova. In the book is about a former KGB operative, Yuri Shvets, "American Kompromat", by Craig Unger. He details Trump's 40 years as an Idiot Asset and his relationships with Russian operatives in the United States and in Russia. 

Here is the link.  And, another link. 

Fordham University School of Law wrote a proposal about how we have experienced our first president who was a national security threat. You can find the link above. It is called "What Should Presidential Candidates Tell Us About themselves?"

Shvets' book is called "Washington Station: My Life as a KBG Spy."

Joe Scarborough from MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program goes after Republicans. He went after the lying hypocrites, such as these likely Russian Idiot Assets, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy, and the others who are supporting treasonous support of an insurrection. 

See it here.

Briana Keiler of CNN goes after Cruz for his involvement in domestic terrorism and a failed coup. 

See it here.

Dr. Irene Butter, speaks about being a victim of the Nazis. "I witnessed the rise of Nazism firsthand. We must act now to protect our American democracy." She is a Holocaust survivor. "Now, 75 years later, I see something I never imagined: echoes of the Nazis and their regime. What happened in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, was an attempted coup of our government and an unraveling of the democracy that protects all of our rights. I saw a T-shirt with the words "Camp Auschwitz," as well as other anti-Semitic symbols and slogans used by the rioters."


 Did the Trump Virus originate from a lab in Wuhan China? And, what are the implications of such a lab designed virus?


George Carlin shows us just how stupid Donald Trump really is

Here are Trump's final words to his terrorist thugs which continued to instill anger, lies, along with his delusional reality.

"We're going to the Capital and if we fight like hell, if you don't fight like hell, you'll not have a country anymore. We'll never give up, we'll never give in." He kept telling them he had the election stolen from him; that he loves them and they are very special; that he wants peace and they need to go home given several hours after the attempted assault and insurrection against our government, as he watched from the safety of his "command post tent" celebrating with his family and Brownshirts. In other words, he told his mobster thugs that they did their damage, made their point, all in his name, and now he thanks them for their loyalty by following his orders to engage in sedition.

Trump continues to call himself "The 45th President of the United States". He doesn't refer to himself as former President Trump. He believes he still is president. He uses the letterhead stationary he used while in the White House. Yet, he has told his impeachment trial defense attorneys that because he no longer is president, he cannot be convicted through the Senate's trial. MAGATraitor Donnie, you cannot have it both ways!

Here is what Trump said several hours after the assault on our democracy at the Capital building:

"I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. These are the things that happened."

"It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace."

He said, "You see the other ways others are treated that are so bad and so evil." Donald Trump summed up his presidency in just one sentence. And, his crime syndicate: from Congress on down to the brainwashed housewife and husband are all included in the way others have been treated through their bad and evil actions.

Donald Trump has been the crime boss for violent, angry, criminals, such as The Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Bois, The Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis, The Three-Percenters, Russian Idiot Assets (such as the woman who stole Pelosi's laptop in order to sell it to a Russian) White Supremacists, and Q'Anoners, along with the Re-Quack-Publicans in Congress. Those in Congress are those working for those above from the "inside". We can list the Congressional insurrectionists who are bigots, racists, Idiot Russian Assets, anti-Semites, Theo-fascists, anti-Americans, anti-democrats, and Nitwits: Hawley, Cruz, Greene, Cawthorn, Graham, and the list can go on and on.

The Reichwing is so upset and freaked out that Biden and his team are actually accomplishing positive change for EVERYONE IN AMERICA, not just the Neo-Nazis that follow their cult leader-Fuhrer Trump. 

Brianna Keilar, of CNN, calls them out in this video. See it here.

There will updates on some or all of these Nitwit Award winners, since they cannot stop being Nitwits on a daily basis. There are some Nitwits who are continuing to financially support their death cult leader by hosting high cost fundraisers at his Palace of Perversion called Mar-A-Lago. Read more here.


Congressman Maddie Cawthorn is very confused over what constitutes a woman. In his mini-me world of Trump, everything appears to boil down to the simplest of factors just like a toddler playing with Stacking Rings toy. The only way all the rings can fit on the stand is in a particular order. A woman is a person made up of two X chromosomes, and if it’s not he calls anything else a “tallywhacker.” Therefore, he now understands that he is a “tallywhacker” male because he possesses one x and one Y chromosome. In his mind, it is that simple because he is a simple-minded post-adolescent arrested -development male, which makes him identify with dumb dumb Donald. He failed to wrap his small, tiny mind around how science works. He said, “Science is not Burger King.” He functions strictly by what is vibrating between his legs. While in college, he dropped out following his failing grades and after charges were filed against him for gross sexual misconduct, predatory behavior and harassment. He is a real example of the GOP—Gang of Perverts.

Scientists have learned that during embryonic development, we are all one sex until the chromosomes divide. People who call themselves gay feel that way for real biological reasons, as is fully described in this link called The Biology of Sex. It doesn’t follow a simple train-of-thought, i.e., stacking ring process. Only a member of the GOP —Gang of Perverts would think as Maddie does; or as Margie Taylor Greene does; or how Lauren Boebert does; or how Paul Gosar does; or how Donald Trump does. These same people are in a different GOP—Gang of Putin party.

What has come out since Adolf Putin invaded Ukraine is just how wealthy he has become as a result of his stealing money from his crime syndicate operations. He sold off Russian state assets to those within his crime syndicate operation and ended up with a slice of the pie, as well as a share of the profits from what was produced. This is how he had his monstrous palace built at the Black Sea, which is bigger than Buckingham Palace or Versailles, which is 191,000 square feet, at a cost of $1.4B. He had it built just for himself. It has a tunnel leading right up to the Black Sea, where there is a dock, two helipads, a sculpture garden. It has a no-fly zone over it. It has a guarded water access. It has its own full size indoor and underground hockey arena, 26,000 sq.ft. greenhouse, Vegas style casino, swimming pool, gym staff quarters, private theater, church building, indoor amphitheater, arboretum, tea house, cocktail lounge, and a separate 27,000 sq. foot guest home. The Russian people pay for their military to guard the fortress. It is the most luxurious private residence in the world. He didn’t pay a single red ruble for one brick. It all came out of the crime syndicate’s operations. The land this palace is built on is surrounded by the Russian Federal Security Services, which has its own protection service guarding the land.

We can expect that for over 20 years, any business around the world that has a contract with Putin’s regime has a piece of the profits skimmed off dropping into Putin’s pocket. One such business is a steel plant in Colorado. This company ships off steel that has been used in building Russia’s heavy equipment for the military, such as tanks and such. What CNN’s Casey Tolan and Audrey Ash discovered was that this Pueblo, Colorado manufacturing mill with roots in building the American West has a close oligarch to Vladimir—the butcher—Putin as their largest stakeholder. 

In 2007, this American company was purchased by a Russian steel making manufacturing company called Evraz, whose major shareholder is one of Putin’s crime syndicate oligarchs. His name is Roman Abramovich. He is a Russian Jew and has been allowed to enter Israel by their government. They should have arrested his ass and seized his assets! This guy has been sanctioned by NATO allies and had one of his $600 million dollar yachts seized. What might be next are his hedge fund investment holdings. So here it is. Another one of America’s businesses having a financial connection to the atrocities committed in Ukraine. Another is Koch Industries, which has a subsidiary in Russia and won’t shut it down. Koch has always been a fascist but pretends he is a good American. He is a fake American as are many who voted for Trump-twice.

This steel mill, which uses American workers, has not yet been sanctioned by Biden. He is fearful of the blowback from sanctioning it because it has over 1000 workers who also help keep the city of Pueblo in business. They nearly had to close up shop because they were not able to make their bond payment. Abramovich has gotten even richer as a result of this U.S. steel company. The employees of this steel plant may believe they are separate from the Putin connected parent company because of their own board of directors, and CEO, but that is not true. They are ultimately controlled by their Russian parent company Evraz. Evraz has pushed Colorado for taxpayer funds, as well, to build a $700M new facility. So, a Russian crime syndicate oligarch with close ties to Putin (skimming profits for his palace and war machine) has requested that the city of Pueblo and the state of Colorado for a share of their tax revenues to build a bigger and more modern facility that will produce more steel from scrap metal to fund their ultimate assault against the free world, which would cause a great deal of hardship in the United States, such as rising prices and scarcities! DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE TO YOU? Why do the people in the United States buy into this dangerous psychopathic con game mostly encouraged by the GOP—Gang of Putin, although not excluding many Democrats? Thus far, $84M in taxpayer funds, local and state, were sunken into this project, which could have been used to actually improve the quality of life in the state of Colorado. But instead, their government leaders made deals with the Russian devils. 

Moscow Mitch McConnell remembers when in 2019, a Russian aluminum company called Rusal was hoping to move into Mitch’s voting district with a new facility. Rusal was asking for funding from the government of Kentucky, which would have eventually seen profits flow into the pockets of Putin and his evil agendas.  But Moscow Mitch was fine with that plan. It was all about jobs entering his voting district,  and holding on to his political power, but at a serious price to peace and the well-being of all Americans, as well as the free world. But it fell through. One of Putin’s oligarchs, Oleg Deripaska was pushing for this project to be approved. $15M in taxpayer dollars were sunken into this project, which left behind a brownfield of nothing, which is another of Moscow Mitch’s failed legacies.

When will Americans finally realize that doing business with American adversaries, and enemies may eventually eat them alive!! 

The GOP—Gang of Pathetic Putin Perverts—has one more member shooting off her mouth in public, and that is Q’Anon admirer Michigan Representative Lisa McClain. She is out there saying that the Mar-A-Lago moron was the person who went after Osama bin Laden and took him out. She must have been in a time capsule for a long time. She said all this during a Trump rally. She tried to say that it was Biden’s fault that she didn’t know her history or facts because Joe “misspeaks every single day and the media pays no attention to it. Isn’t it ironic how I’m under attack for an honest mistake.” When, in fact, it wasn’t an honest mistake and Biden is not the dumbass that Trump was as he dished out tens of thousands of lies, and misspeaks over the four years. And, it hasn’t stopped. What it proves is that she is stupid. She must have been comatose during the entire Obama presidency. She is now another proud member of the Congressional New Three Stooges caucus, headed by Margie Taylor Greene, and Maddie Cawthorn, along with Lauren Boebert.

Here is more of what she said:

Under Obama, unemployment was at a 40-year high, when in fact, it was at a near 52-year low. And it continues to fall under Biden’s presidency after it rose as high as 14.7% under her crime boss president.

She believed that under Trump, Americans were not in any wars; in fact, Americans were fighting in Afghanistan, and troops were in Syria and Iraq and in Yemen. He conducted airstrikes in Libya and in Somalia, as well. Also, because he failed to send congressionally authorized military funds to Ukraine, that fight might have been avoided had Ukraine been more adequately armed once the invasion began.

She also believes Trump won the 2020 election just because there are so many people at the rallies.

What were the voters of Michigan-Detroit thinking? The Michigan GOP will no longer support just a conservative candidate. Their candidates must meet a Q’Anon standard of craziness, stupidity, and profess anti-democratic values.  And, apparently the voters go for it.

Another GOP—Gang of Perverts is at it again. This pervert is Mattie Gaetz, who being investigated for sex trafficking teenage girls, taking a minor across state lines for sex, and engaging in drug activity with them. A real sick pervert. He now believes that fat people should not receive insulin cost benefits. Not all overweight people are insulin dependent patients. He believes that fat people who need insulin, especially at a reduced cost, should lose weight. Another NITWIT with no understanding of science. No wonder he is a proud card carrying founding member of the Congressional New Three Stooges caucus. People who have trouble metabolizing their food so it breaks down efficiently and effectively can end up with their carbohydrates turning into fat and sugars. This problem raises their blood sugar levels, which may require medication to lower their blood sugar levels, and if it becomes a greater concern, insulin to combat diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic problem. Of course, one must manage one’s diet as best as possible in order for their blood sugar levels to be controlled without the worst case scenario. Diabetes is not any fun. No one wants to needle stick themselves in order to test their blood sugar and glucose levels multiple times per day. No one wants to inject insulin into themselves everyday. So, Mattie must be very far out of his intelligence league whenever he opens up his mouth except when he has those guest appearances at Trump’s Daddy Needs Love rallies. It is there that he is in his element. Maybe we need to realize that sex perverts should not be able to serve in government and that their backgrounds need to be investigated thoroughly before being allowed on any ballot—anywhere!! And, that includes presidential candidates.

Senator Josh Hawley now wants to distance himself from the the high fliers in the GOP—Gang of Pervert party members. His perseveration over pedophile statements he made during the Senate judicial nomination hearing directed at Judge Jackson. He called her soft on porno. One must believe that Josh, too, gets a little soft inside when he speaks about child porno. In spite of the fact that Judge Jackson’s sentencing rulings were within the parameters of the law when she passed out sentencing convictions against those guilty of possessing child porno and sexual abuse images, Hawley wasn’t pleased. He behaves like an ex-smoker who proselytizes against smoking.  For Hawley and Margie Taylor Greene— green around the edges—believing that Democrats are involved in child sex trafficking rings, they need to look no further than the very members within their own Congressional New Three Stooges caucus. That is where they live. And, don’t forget about GOP member Roy Moore; and, Tennessee lawmaker Rep. David Byrd. There is Wesley Goodman of Ohio. Arizona GOP state Rep. Don Shooter.  Pennsylvania GOP Representative Patrick Meehan. We cannot leave out Democrats. One being Colorado State legislator Paul Rosenthal. Rosenthal claimed the allegations were “baseless and false.” There was California Democrat assemblyman Raul Bocanegra. Michigan Representative John Conyers. Just to name a few.

Margie Greenie Green Greene is unable to keep herself from behaving like a 14 year old homophobe who is afraid of anyone who looks gay in her gym class. She is calling her own GOP—Gang of Putin Perverts for being pro-pedophile if any of those members vote in support of Judge Jackson for the U.S.S.C. She has rallied up the perverts in her own party: Hawley, Cruz, Tom 'fetch a bale of cotton' Cotton, Mikey Lee, and of course, ‘Am I A Woman’ Marsha Blackburn. There is no one anymore in the GOP to call out these Trump Neo-Nazis for what they are—disgusting, fascist, racist perverts.

Now we come full circle and back toward Dumbass Trump. He has proven he just start up a business venture on his own without it falling flat. He has tried to launch his “Truth Social” media site over and over again. He kept telling his zombie followers how it would become a game changer in the world of social media for far-Reichwing crazies. But, it continues to stall out over and over again. And now, his so-called mastermind Devin Dufus Nunes was unable to make it all come together and now he has quit the job.

                                                The 63 GOP Naysayers 

Adolf Putin continues to rail that Ukraine is a Nazi state. The fact is extremely clear that Putin is the only Nazi in this fight. But, in fact, there are other Nazis in this fight and they are in the U.S. Congress. There are, at least, 63 of them. These 63 voted against support for NATO. These Nazi traitors who are standing behind Duh’Fuhrer Trump is this rejection of NATO support and in favor of Putin, need to be called out for the anti-democratic and anti-freedom beliefs. From the Daily Kos, here it what it said,

Citing the threat posed by "authoritarian regimes" as well as "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism," the resolution calls on the Biden administration to uphold NATO's "founding democratic principles." It also advocates the creation of a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO's headquarters in Brussels, with the center providing member states assistance to strengthen their own democratic institutions.”

Here are some of the crown turds in the list: Boebert, Cawthorn, Gohmert, Gosar, Greene, Jordan, Roy, and Gaetz. Another question one might ask is how many of these 63 have committed election fraud by voting in a place where they do not live. We know that Markie Meadows and his wife are guilty of this and Trump aide Matthew Mowers who is now running for Congress in New Hampshire. 

Arkansas’ bigot king and fascist fantasizer Tommie Cotton decided to open his anti-Semitic mouth when he said that Judge Jackson would have been on the side of Nazis. He said that she would defend the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials.The last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg and prosecute the case against the Nazis.”  Cotton was talking about the former Justice Robert H Jackson, who was appointed chief counsel in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. What the hell does one judge have to do with another? In his remarks, Senator Cotton claimed without evidence that Judge Jackson “will coddle criminals and terrorists, and she will twist or ignore the law to reach the result that she want.”

Alex Woodward writer at the Independent:

“I see… associating defenders of democracy and the rule of law with Nazis. An interesting propaganda point to push right now, where have I heard that recently?” said New York University professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a scholar of fascism and authoritarian regimes.”

 What is mentally wrong with Tom Cotton? He graduated from Harvard Law School! He should know the role of a public defender. It is not like they can pick and choose who they are assigned to defend. The same applies to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s public defender career. She cannot pick and choose her clients, and Cotton should know that. But his racist, bigoted, neo-Nazi leanings get the better of him. Also, Tom Cotton Mouth Cotton had praise for the evil white supremacist Andrew Jackson. He called him a "GOP hero." That's right--Gang of Putinites hero.

This article is worth reading.

These 63 Congressional traitors know that Putin has a masterplan of genocide. According to Yahoo news’ Alexander Nazaryan, Putin is following in Hitler’s philosophy of ethnic “cleansing” and in this case it is of Ukrainians. Putin’s propaganda is that the “Ukrainian society must be “cleansed of Nazi elements.” Putin believes in a delusional psychopathic way that “A significant number of common people are also guilty of being passive Nazis and Nazi accomplices.” “They supported the Nazi authorities and pandered to them.” This propaganda is being spread by the Kremlin controlled news agency RIA Novosti, and the writer Timofey Sergeytsev. “Sergeytsev argues that “Ukra-nazism poses a much bigger threat to the world and Russia than the Hitler version of German Nazism.””

WOW!! This argument sounds exactly like the GOP—Gang of Perverted Putinites in our Congress today. They are all about voter suppression and voter control because they feel that Democrats are a danger to their fascist, and authoritarian agenda. They don’t want to be a part of NATO, as Trump has implied, but to be aligned with other fascist and authoritarian regimes, such as Russia. This is their propaganda methodology. They are following in Putin’s footsteps.

These same fascists are part of CPAC—the Conservative Political Action Conference, or should it be said, Crazy Pathetic Autocrats Conference—decided to hold their fascist event in Hungary, the country where the voters felt that Dictator Orban should continue his authoritarian regime. 

Samuel Ramani, an Oxford expert on Russian affairs, said this, “It’s about suppressing the Ukrainian identity, and it equates any kind of expression of Ukrainian nationalism with Nazism.”

Sorry Vlad, you are the only Nazi in your fight. Unfortunately, the 63 GOPers are standing with Putin. They, along with *ucker Carlson, and his big daddy Donald are giving support to Putin. 

These GOP—Gang of Pathetic Putin Pedophilia Perverts don’t really care about voter integrity. Their only purpose is to create doubt in the minds of their voters, that our election system is dangerously flawed and that Democrats are to be blamed. Therefore, if a Democrat wins an election, the election integrity was violated.  Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark said,Increasingly, the right has also decided to launder its Putinism though their support for Putin’s leading European ally, Viktor Orbán. The newly re-elected Hungarian strongman has made no secret of his position on the war. In his victory speech Sunday night, Orban lashed out at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.” 

“America’s most prominent conservative gathering, founded on ideals of personal liberty and limited government, convenes in Budapest next month to

celebrate a European leader accused of undermining democracy and individual rights.

The May meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is seen by some Republicans as a test of how closely America

conservatives are willing align themselves with a global movement of far-right, Russia-friendly strongmen embraced by former U.S. President Donald


“In the last few nights in Budapest,” mused Tucker Carlson US rightwing media star, “I’ve run into a number of Americans who have 

come here because they want to be around people who agree with them, who agree with you. Do you see Budapest as a kind 

of capital of this kind of thinking?”  “In other words, Orbán gives them that sweet autocratic dopamine hit they so desperately crave, 

without the whole rotting corpse, war crime, genocide thing.

This is who they have become.”

Paul Waldman of The Washington Post wroteIt’s not just that elite Republicans don’t believe their fantastical claims about the ubiquity of voter fraud. That has always been obvious; it’s just one of many areas in which they treat their supporters like gullible fools, knowing that if a claim is repeated often enough on Fox News they’ll believe it no matter what.”

“But they don’t. When the president’s chief of staff is caught committing what appears to be voter fraud (trust me, he knows you’re not allowed to vote from a place you don’t live) and no Republican criticizes him, the truth becomes clear: Republicans don’t want a more secure system in which fraud is impossible for even a tiny number of people to pull off.”

“Republicans always claim to be seeking “election integrity” with their voter suppression laws in states across the country. But for all the rhetoric about “restoring trust” in the system, that’s the last thing Republicans want. The more agitated and suspicious their base is, the easier is to justify more voter suppression, and worse, the greater the chance they can overturn future election results if Democrats should happen to win.”

“The last thing Republicans want is a system their voters believe in. And if a few of them get caught committing voter fraud themselves? That just proves their point.”

And finally, we are witnessing neo-Nazis not only invading our government, but also our police departments. They want to sugar coat what they call themselves by naming it white supremacy. The Springfield, Illinois police officer Aaron Paul Nichols has been ranting on-line about his racist and anti-Semitic beliefs. The publication reprinted his remarks on their site, Anonymous Comrades Collective. This is exactly what the GOP does everyday.